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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Erica Espinosa, 27 years old, born on May 24, 1990, and passed away on August 8, 2017. We will remember her forever.
August 20, 2017
August 20, 2017
You will always be in our hearts, we will all miss you and we'll see you again when it's our time to go and be home.

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August 20, 2017
August 20, 2017
You will always be in our hearts, we will all miss you and we'll see you again when it's our time to go and be home.
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August 20, 2017

I may not have been close to Erica, but I'm happy I got to know her, she was always nice to me and told me hi with a smile when she seen me. I'll definitely remember her quirkiness and laugh, she was one of a kind and will be greatly missed. Thank you for allowing me to know you.

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