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Erica, my sweet neice so loved and so missed

April 25, 2018

Found this article when going through Mom’s photos after she passed. Soooooo Erica

April 9, 2018

I have one photo of you, and I cherish it and the dinner we had even more now! It was the one beautiful moment when our worlds finally came together in Seattle across this huge nation, and we got to meet in person for the first time! We worked together remotely during your year at Booz, but I respected you immediately and followed you in your amazing leadership and management skills. I am honored to now work in the position you held on this work contract; I dedicate all my best practices to you. How a person can make such an impact on the firm in only one year will never cease to amaze me. You had such a hypnotic personality, which made everyone have no choice but to like (LOVE!) you. LOL I’ve been with Booz Allen for almost 10 years now, and I can say that I have never met another person to have impacted the firm/colleagues as much as you were able to in your short time there. You are an unforgettable human being, and I cannot even believe you're gone. My son loved scrolling through all the bird videos on your Instagram; he was even infatuated with you. This world needs more people like you, Erica. I am forever grateful to have had you grace my life with your presence. I will deeply miss you forever. Please rest in peace. Thank you for all the good that you did in this life.


April 9, 2018

Erica, the world will miss your spirit. I remember you sharing your love of horse racing during the 2015 race for the Triple Crown. When American Pharoah won at Belmont, I sent you a one-line message "How you feeling about that outcome?!"

You replied: "There are no words. I was literally crying. It was incredible. I never thought that I would see a triple crown winner in my life."

Just a joyous memory. Here's to you, and to joy for all of eternity.   

April 8, 2018

See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil. A picture of myself, our father, and Erica❤

April 8, 2018
This picture was taken when Erica took me to National Harbor one summer (almost 4 years ago now) when our dad, my kids and I visited her and Ted at their home in VA. We had a blast spending time together and talking about anything and everything. We even rode on the ferris wheel we took this pic in front of, which was amazing since it was right over the harbor. It was definitely one of the most memorable nights, spent with my beloved sister.
April 8, 2018
This was a beautiful Lia Sophia necklace that Erica & Ted gave me for Christmas about 3-4 years ago. I still have it and cherish it more than ever, especially now.❤
April 8, 2018

It was at this event that Erica and I really connected. Amy Cuddy speaks of presence (the name of her book) and she speaks of the need to believe in yourself. I felt that, on that day, Erica could have gone up on that stage and spoken as gracefully as Amy herself. She exuded so much strength and confidence. It was after that event that Erica gave me so much great advice, partly on behalf of Ted, motivating me to stay firm on my career path and to believe in myself. I sooo wish you were still here Erica! 

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