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July 12, 2017

These are super cute. Her hair is much darker and there's more of it (Erin's) but I do see some of Joanna in her Aunt Erin. 

My daughter

July 8, 2017

Erin Marie was my youngest, a beautiful baby who grew into more beauty, with intellect. But, there was a dark side that I never knew until it was far too late. Erin was a naturaly curious and to some extent serious youngerster.

My Erin was date raped by an older man when she was 15 years old, and kept this from us. I do not know why she felt she couldn't come to us with this. Yes, I would have gone after this person. I imagine Erin was ashamed. From that point on the acting out began, and her creative writing took on a very dark and bleak view of life. Her writing culminated with a national silver level award her senior year in high school. After that, she abandoned her creative side and took on life, wanting to make it on her own.

Erin was an early acceptance student at Virginia Tech, where she became the poster child for the anit-Hokie. Erin's freshman essay about why being a 'Hokie' was not all it was purported to be was the subject of a Washington Post article. Erin was courageous in this way. Erin took to modeling which then took on a lifesyle of its own. Erin moved to California as soon as she graduated from Tech. We didn't hear from Erin too often, almost never asking for assistance of any kind. As parents, we wanted our girls to be independent so we assumed all was well in her world. Sadly, this was not the case.

I will always remember Erin as the beautiful energetic child she was. I will never get over her pain, self-doubt and sheer misery caused by undiagnosed mental health issues. When these issues came to a head in early 2016, I did all I knew to do to try and be a part of Erin's life and guide her back to the light. I failed. I love you Erin. I am so sorry I couldn't do more for you my beautiful child.


June 16, 2017

Erin was obsessed with Hanson when she was in fifth grade. She used an M&M bank to collect coins for her "Oklahoma fund." She wanted to go out there to try to meet them. Zac was her favorite. 

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