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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ernie Bollinger, 71 years old, born on August 8, 1945, and passed away on February 22, 2017. We will remember him forever.
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
WOW, Kathryn I'm lost for words. I just found out of Ernie's passing. I just spoke to him in early Feb and now I'm totally in shock right now. This has hit me hard and I'm so sorry for your loss. Ernie was a wonderful man and great friend. As you probably know, Ernie and I met in 1988 on the business side and we became very good friends. I remember going to the house on the corner of Cherry ave and him showing me what he was doing to it and what it was going to look like when he/you finished with it. Then when you sold that house and moved to LG for a few years before moving into his mothers house in San Carlos. You know I'm here for you if you need me Kathryn and again, I'm soooooo sorry for your loss!! Ernie....R.I.P. my friend for always!!
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
Thank you to all of our friends and our family for the love, prayers and condolences. Every word, every note, every hug is so appreciated.
My love, my best friend - I'll love you forever.
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Kathryn and the rest of Ernie's family,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Ernie was a kind, gracious, and thoughtful neighbor. He was the kind of man who when our plumbing went out, gave us a key to his house until our plumbing was fixed. He always had a smile for others. And, he was always a wonderful guest at our various celebrations. He will be missed.
March 7, 2017
March 7, 2017
Kathryn, Meghan, Sean,
I’m so sorry for your loss; your husband, your dad was a wonderful man and loved all of you so much, I don’t remember a time that he did not mention you when we got together. I will always cherish the memories I have of him and will miss him much. I know all of his friends will miss those phone calls of him checking in on us as well. Unfortunately only time will help our hearts, stay strong, you are in our prayers. 
John and Lisa
March 1, 2017
March 1, 2017
You were a great neighbor and friend, along with your wife, my good friend Kathryn. Your kids Sean and Meghan, and my kids Derek and Kevin played a lot of Nintendo together, and ran crazy outside too ! Fast forward to Cole and Kayla (the grandkids) hanging out at your house and asking "What's for dinner Poppy?" You fought so hard to keep going ❤ We will all miss you Ernie
March 1, 2017
March 1, 2017
Ernie you will be missed. You were one hell of a guy.
No regrets... SEMPER FI....
February 28, 2017
February 28, 2017
I will miss my dear friend Ernie, so many good times, so many laughs. I will catch up with you in the ever after. Until that time,
your friend Joe Iffla
February 27, 2017
February 27, 2017
Ernie will be forever remembered for his wit, spirit, and generosity. Whenever he spoke, he offered words of support rather than criticism. Friends knew that in a pinch, they could unequivocally count on Ernie. As other writers have noted, though we are proudly sad with Ernie's passing, heaven is surely a happier place. Sincerest condolences to his family and many friends.
February 27, 2017
February 27, 2017
Kathryn and kids - I want you to know that I have lost a significant friend, not just a fellowship partner, but a true friend. There are many connections we shared outside the fellowship. Every December 3rd will be my day to pause and honor your husband and father, and my friend. He will not be forgotten.
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
To the family and friends of Ernie, first i am so sorry for your loss. Ernie was much more then a business associate, he was a good friend. I think for years we talked more than twice a week. He was always checking on me when i was out of work, always looking out for me and always stayed in touch. I will never forget the hockey games we went too and so happy i was able to take him to a Stanley cup game last year and I could tell he was so grateful. We shared many a meals and had some great talks, I will always make sure to have an espresso and some gelato in your memory my friend. Heaven receives a good one, and you are so loved. GodSpeed.
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
Ernie, I will me you and your clear honest participation in the rooms and at the Serineasea Retreat in Santa Cruz. Rest in Peace, my Friend.
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
I met Ernie in the 90's when he came to my place of employment to see if he could get some business, needless to say we hit it off immediately. He got my business but more important I gained a friend. He was such a wonderful man, once he learned I loved going to sporting events he always made sure I had tickets for Baseball, Football and Hockey. I never had to ask he just showed up with them. We had the greatest talks, he shared much about his family and always asked about my family. He was amazing as many customers as he had he always remembered what I shared about my family and made sure I kept him informed. When I was called to relocated to Colorado for my work he was right there to make sure he could transport all my personal items always ensuring the costs were minimal. Ernie was a great Man, always helping others with little consideration for himself. I will miss you my Dear Friend..,
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
My good friend Ernie you surely will be missed by my brother Joe And I along with the family.A lot of great memories which will never be forgotten though in the later years we didn't get to see each other as much basically once a year in Monterey but was always great to see you and those days will be missed.RIP... Will be thinking about you every time a San Jose Sharks game comes on! Love ya,Bro.
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
Ernie was a good man, in and out of "the rooms!"

I'll miss the "Hibernator" at our poker games!
February 26, 2017
February 26, 2017
Ernie within every Elementary School class I had a Brittan Acres and the to homeroom classes I had a 2-year Linda Middle School. He was always so full of fun and he just seemed to enjoy life when we were in school and I always thought he was very funny I like Ernies.
As we all grew up and graduated from high school I always wondered what some the people I went to elementary school and middle school were doing and Ernie happened be one of those that I was wondering what he was doing and I did see him at the 20-year reunion and he was looking good and I was very happy he was being a successful man. I haven't kept in touch with her any over the last 20 30 years that I do know that he will he missed by his friends and family. When there is someone in our life that we love so much like they love her knee and Ernie love them there will become a void in each one's life and he will be  missed very much by everyone he knew loved.
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
Ernie, you were my best friend in and out of our membership in our most valuable recovery program for 30 years and I miss you a bunch. You were the supportive and fun guy I needed during the good and bad times, both a good listener and a sage opinion guy. Your sense of humor plus candor in all things in life will be missed in my world. RIP my friend.....
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
As a single friend of Kathryn's for the past 14 years, Ernie always watched out for me. Ernie provided me with boxes for my numerous moves over the years and helped out in important ways - providing bagels! - when I moved! I got "stuck" in Hawaii once and had to change my flight home but didn't have the money to do so. Ernie gave me the money and wouldn't allow me to pay him back. A few years ago Ernie, Cole, Kathryn and l spent a fun week vacationing together in Maui. Ernie took us all out to Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Wailea to celebrate my birthday. When I had a fire in the home I was renting and needed a place to stay for a few weeks, Ernie made me feel welcome in their home, never asking how much longer I'd be staying with them or how much longer all my "stuff" would be in their garage. Ernie had a generous spirit and kind heart and I will miss him more than he would have ever expected.

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May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
WOW, Kathryn I'm lost for words. I just found out of Ernie's passing. I just spoke to him in early Feb and now I'm totally in shock right now. This has hit me hard and I'm so sorry for your loss. Ernie was a wonderful man and great friend. As you probably know, Ernie and I met in 1988 on the business side and we became very good friends. I remember going to the house on the corner of Cherry ave and him showing me what he was doing to it and what it was going to look like when he/you finished with it. Then when you sold that house and moved to LG for a few years before moving into his mothers house in San Carlos. You know I'm here for you if you need me Kathryn and again, I'm soooooo sorry for your loss!! Ernie....R.I.P. my friend for always!!
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
Thank you to all of our friends and our family for the love, prayers and condolences. Every word, every note, every hug is so appreciated.
My love, my best friend - I'll love you forever.
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Kathryn and the rest of Ernie's family,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Ernie was a kind, gracious, and thoughtful neighbor. He was the kind of man who when our plumbing went out, gave us a key to his house until our plumbing was fixed. He always had a smile for others. And, he was always a wonderful guest at our various celebrations. He will be missed.
Recent stories

The smirk

March 10, 2017

That picture of ernie is very close to THE SMIRK that I was refereing to in my talk about  Adco Signs. It told a story all on it's own.

One more short story:

On a cold and rainy day in 1966, Ernie, Bob Holm, and Barry Venditti help me dig out an old redwood root from Bear Gulch Creek. I made a beatiful table out of the root, that Bella and I still have on our patio. The root weighed about 500 lbs, and Ernie never let me forget about how much I owed him for his effort. As it turned out, I did owe him (for his loyal frienship).

Joe Iffla 

A Friend Since 1975

March 5, 2017

  I met Ernie at P.A.D. in 1975. Mr Super Salesman! He was always moving and smiling. Getting close to Ernie was easy. Always someting nice to say and concerned about what's going on in your life. 
  I took a lot of 'Christmas Card Pictures' back then for him and a wedding or two if I remember right! The two pictures I posted with Shawn was in 1977 and the other one was a '50s dance at PAD's dock.
  The passing of Ernie has hit me hard. I talked to him not too long ago and it was the same old Ernie - voice, mannerisms and warmth. You will be missed by ALL,   my friend.  My heart goes out to the family. 

The Hutmobile

February 28, 2017

1961 Ernie asked me to go with him to pick up an old car from his uncle who lived in South San Fransisco. When we got there to my surprise the old car was like a 1908 Hutmobile (wooden Wheels and all). Didn't run, and didn't look like it would ever run. Ernie thought we could just push it or tow it back to his house in San Carlos. Push and tow we did. It took all day and a lot of luck to get it to Ernies house. I remember Ernie's dad Stanley, was not very happy to see the Hutmobile pushed into their driveway. Years went by and not much ever happened to the Hutmobile, and I'm not sure what ever became of it.Our group of friends would always ask Ernie about the Hutmobile with plenty of sarcasm in the tone. 
I look back now and get great joy out of things like that. It seemed like there was always something like that happening with us.

1964, Ernie and I moved into a one bedroom apartment in Redwood City (Blemhiem St). We were joined by Al Sturdy shortly after we moved in, very cosy were the three of us. The stories are too plentiful and colorfull to cover here, but I would be glad share some of them at a later time.

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