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April 3, 2014
April 3, 2014
My dear Grandfather, Esteban Aguilera, may you Rest In Peace, gone but never forgotten
April 3, 2014
April 3, 2014
Lo poko k me toko conoserlo, me vasto para darme cuenta lo noble y sencillo k era usted. La manera amabre en la k me saluda por las mañanas. Alegraba mucho mi dia, Sele va estrañar papatevan, k dios lo tenga en su Gloria..
April 3, 2014
April 3, 2014
My grandfather, PapaEsteban, was a great man. He was dearly loved by his wife, 14 children, and countless grandchildren. Although he came from simple beginnings, PapaEsteban worked his way to Tijuana from Zacatecas and had a long, successful life. Hard work, determination and pride characterized this strong and loving father, grandfather, and husband. In Tijuana One of my earliest memories was PapaEsteban giving me pesos for candies and soda in the store almost every time I saw him. While many other memories passed one of my fondest will be when I introduced him to Priscilla and he met Angle Sylvias son for the 1st time. Both Priscilla and I will never forgot what he said while we were there at Chata's house and he held Angel for the first time. I loved my grandfather very much and will miss him dearly. His lifetime of dedication and self-sacrifice serve as a monument to the exemplary man he was. His humility, integrity, and hard work continue to inspire those who knew him.

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