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March 22, 2019
March 22, 2019
Happy 21st Ethan, still can’t believe you’ve gone .you and dad are loved and missed so much
March 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
It's not right you not here to party away for your 17th Saturday words can't begin to describe the amounts I miss you on a daily basis love you bills goodnight sweet dreams happy birthday for Saturday party hard up there with your pops X
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
Still hurts to say your gone and that your not here to celebrate your birthday with us but anyway Happy 15th bday beautiful, hope you have a good day and night up there with the rest of the angels seems like its been forever since I last seen you3wish I could just rewind back time atleast so anything could of been done to save you3 and your dad of course:( love u rip beautiful Xxxxx
September 11, 2012
September 11, 2012
how you doing up there eth? you were such a lovely lad, you had so much ahead off you, you had alot to live for and alot of people who love you. You was and always will be my beautiful angel, took abbie your river a few times recently makes me so happy to make her smile. you and derek sleep tight up there. see you soon riparadise gorgeous, iloveyou Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
June 5, 2012
June 5, 2012
eth... you are sadly missed and no one will ever forget you RIP gbnf 
April 26, 2012
April 26, 2012
got your own little board up now aint you! still cant believe your gone, brings a tear to my every day mate, love you alot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
April 22, 2012
April 22, 2012
Ethan, its so hard to believe your gone When I heard you had died I had a pain in my heart, I was hoping someone was going to say it wasn't true you didn't deserve this niether did your dad your always with us where ever you are we lost a friend god gained another beautiful angel maybe gone in person but forever in our hearts, you&your smile will remain with us forever gbnf Rest in peace<3
April 17, 2012
April 17, 2012
R.I.P babe im going to miss you and that beautiful smile everyone is missing you like anything and me by the way my heart is heartbroken because you are not you rest in peace see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
Didn't really used to speak to u often but u were in ma english and maths class u were a really bright guy and really smart

R.I.P ethan sarkar! Xxxxxx u'll be missed a lot!!!!!!
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
Just finished school&it was horrible,
It feels so weird without you being with us,its not right
I miss you so much,
Me&Charley don't have you to sit next to us anymore&make us smile:(
My brother always; love you lots angel X xx x x xx
April 16, 2012
April 16, 2012
ethan your an amazing lad im still getting over it now cant belivie your gonee :( only 3weeks ago that i saw you man your always genna have a place in my heart i will never ever forget you ethan,a lot of people are gonna miss you and you was a bright lad goneee toooo son love you mate ps,your laugh wasss legendery x x x x x
April 15, 2012
April 15, 2012
Ethan Sarkar can't believe your gone, such a lovely boy and always had a smile on your face its so sad knowing that ill never see you again you always made everyone and anyone smile gonna miss you Rip eth your in a better place now xxxxxxxxxxxx o:)
April 15, 2012
April 15, 2012
Cant believe you are both gone, it is so tragic. If has hit everyone so hard knowing we are never going to see you both again. It is lovely thou to see all the tributes for you both. You were both so special to lots of people.  RIP you beautiful angels, look after each other. 
Get well soon, Karen and Abbie, thoughts are with you
April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
This is a lovely memorial site and I pray that both Ethan and his Dad are in peaceful paradise and that his Mum and Sister make a full recovery and can one day come to terms. Prayers also for the many friends of Ethan and his Dad who are supporting each other at this time and proves what real friendship is.......R.I.P.
April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
ethan i've never really known you that well mate but you're always going to be remembered and never forgotton, R.I.P , and god bless to all his family :)
April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
Good news,,, your Mum and Sister doing well in hospital but use your heavenly powers to get them through the darkness that lies ahead and same request to your loving Dad....R.I.P. both of you....
April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012
Eth, i can't beleive your gone mate, i know we didnt speak much and we only met a few times, it kills me inside to know i'm never gonna see you again, this world is cruel and it's times like these when that is proved. R.I.P Mate and your dad, loveyou<3
April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012
eth, im still finding it hard to get my head around it all, ive only seen you a few times but them times hold memories ill never forget; you were always smiling and laughing&never said a bad word about anyone, God needed beautiful angels i suppose look after your mom&sister i know you will,rip to you&your dad, sleep tight both of you. MissYou!
April 11, 2012
April 11, 2012
Rip ethan sarkar
you where a nice lad, always smiling and never failed to make someone laugh. you where always there for anyone who needed you. You have always been a true friend I have known you all my life.
You will be missed by all your friends, everyone that knew you. At least your with your dad up there.
Rest in peace Gone But Never Forgotten ♥♥
April 11, 2012
April 11, 2012
Eth n Derek . Can't believe you have gone n we will never see ur smiling faces again . Eth I held u as a tiny baby n never would of thought u would leave this world so young . Words can't describe the loss we are feeling of not only our neighbours but good friends . Your safe forever in ur dads arms now . Love always Lou and family xxxx
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Bless you at peace in heaven  . make the angels smile along with your Dad xx
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Ethan you little soldier<3,you were such an amazing boy, always had that cute,special smile on your face,never had a bad thing to say about any-one, had loads of friends, always knew how to cheer people up. our memories will be with me forever, school will never be the same without you, can't believe you've left us so soon. we will never stop loving you. Rest In Peace you angel, Love you<3
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Well Ethan Wat Do I Say? U Were A Funny Lad Even Back In Nursery, I Remember In The Playground, Me U And Sam, Jokin About And Generally Having A Laff, Sorry Never Got To See A Lot Of You, Since Moving To Secondary School, Ill Miss You Loads + That Cheeky Grin Of Yours, My Heart Is With You And Your Family, RIP <3 xx
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Ethan, im gonna miss you soooo much, you was a lovely lad, and you always made me smile/laugh. i cant think of anyfink els to say other than you was just amazing, your in a better place now with your dad, you were always smiling. you was always there for you mates through thik n thin and always put smiles on there faces, gonna miss you sooo much RIPmylovely luv yah <3 <3 xxxxxxx
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
"Never really spoke to you much but i will always miss those funi jokes and the way your friends with absolutely everyone even if they hated you.Iff onllii yeww cudd cumm bak n wee cudd c da cheessyyy grin, Gonee fromm diss worldd buhh alwayzz remainn in ourr heartsss<3 R.I.P Ethan Sarkar n Derek Sarkar<3
April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Ethan, the lad that no-one can say a bad word about. I didn't really know you much but I've spoke to you a few times and played with you on Xbox. Why were you taken away from us so soon? Everyone is going to miss your smile and warm personality. We've all layed flowers down in your garden for you and your dad so when your around, pop down and have a look. But for now, sleep tight soldier X
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
ethan my best friend for 8 years u was always there for me and with out u life isnt wearth living ill miss u forever and never forget our memories u were like a brother to me and i promise i will look after abbie as best i can for u i love u forever and always thinking of u
Sam mckeown <3
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan i didn't really know you but you will will be missed deeply you would of had a great life a head just a shame you was one of the people that had to leave.Heaven has gained 2 angels.Prayers for you mom and sister to recover.R.I.P Ethan gone but never forgotten xxxxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Rest in paradise ethan , you was sucha lovely caring lad , your going to be missed loads - sleep tight angel X x x
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
didnt really know you but i still care are seems as everyones talking about it,you didnt deserve this at all,but your in a better place now ethan, r.i.p angel gone but never forgotten:Xxxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan, whenever i seen you you would always be smiling. You will never be forgotten.People do and always will love and miss you. You didnt deserve to get put through that pain and taken away at such a young age.God only takes the best and thats exactly what he has done now. i hope your getting treated like a god up there because it what u deserve. R.I.P Beautiful We'll meet again someday x
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
R.I.P Ethan and Derek. Although I never spoke to you, I never failed to see your smile peeking through the mass Crowds of People rushing down the school corridors. I hope you can see how much Connor and everybody else....your family , friends and teachers admired and loved you and thought the world of you X You'll be forever missed <3
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
I didn't kno ethan that well, but he was the most caring lad anyone could ever known! Its a sad shock that a young boy being taken of this earth, only spoke to him a couple of times, we will see him one more day again!, rip beauty<3xxxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan you was on of my top boys, the go to guy, was that one kid who could always be there for you, the most lively kid ive ever met, his dad was just like ethan going to miss them so much<3xxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
It still hasn't sunk in that your gone:( when I seen it all over fb&bbm my heart stopped, I just cried&cried&cried I was hoping someone was going to say it was a big joke but no ur really gone:( u was the lovliest kinded genuine lad god ever put breath into; miss ya mate xxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan. So glad I meet you. You changed my life around. So much. One of the funniest boy I ever meet so beauitful you had a heart of gold never had a bad word about anyone you always made people fell special.Lovely Boy. Never meet anyone like you. Going To miss you soo much. Your such a big part of my life. Going to be so hard to say goodbye to you but hope you know I miss you loads and iloveyou
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan;we didn't speak that much but wen we did u always made me smile never sed a bad word about any1, I will always remember u as a crazy,lovley,funny and goodlookin lad,Rest In Peace nuff love and respect you'Xxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan, brought tears to my eyes when I heard that you are no longer with us! Which is not true because you will always be here in our hearts! You was a beautiful little boy and you will be sadly missed :( we are all heart broken and will miss you and remember you forever! Rest in peace little man <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
well Ethan where to start aye? you was such a nice loving careing boy with such a warm heart and when you saw people down you would make them smile, your the reason i became more friendly with people if im honest xxx you will be badly missed by EVERYONE!i wish your mom and sister the best and all my love to your family <3 we will meet againg someday xxxxx loveyouMILLIONS<3 xxxxx R.I.P<3xxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan where ever you are right now you'll be playing up, you were funny,annoying and just so full of life bab. Your mom dad n abbs were a big part of my Sams life, you were a good friend to him. He remembers sittin with your Dad watchin Celeb Juice n dancin with your mom at her birthday. Abby taught my Jess to skip You will live on in our Hearts forever xxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Never really spoke to you much but i will always miss those stupid jokes and the way your friends with absolutely everyone even if they hated you. i really want to cry but i cant cause i know that you'd hate it if anyone cryed over the happiest lad i ever knew if you could read this which i know you can I am gonna say school is gonna die with out you no one is funnier than you RIP :'( XXXX
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
ive never spoke to you Ethan, but whenever i used to see you round school you were always smiling&laughing like you didnt have a care in the world, you made people laugh, and im sure you were funny ey! when i read what happened, i was shocked and it brought a tear to my eye! you will be missed but you will NEVER be forgotten! x x x
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
R.I.P Ethan and Your dad! Hardly knew him well, but you did still make me laugh in class here and there, No one deserves to die so young. and no one deserves to loose you so young. Gone but not forgotten.xx xx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
ethan hope you sleept@ you will be miss derly xxxxxxxxxxx only 14 but your somewhere spesial and we will never forget yu .xx
only you could see what people r doing for you xxxxxxxx + your dad hope you and him stay together in paradise  xxxxxx let pray for ur mom+sis tocome threw r.i.p never forgottom
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
didnt know you, but you sounded like a really kind nice guy. i hope your mom and sister have a good recovery soon, and people always say its always the good ones that suffer first. rest in peace.
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Rest in peace Eth,one of the kindest boys ive ever met! And such a little charmer only afew days ago you were saying how we needed to go iceskatin when i get back, your in a better place now skating on cloud9 with the angels without me eh?♥ we've got memories to last a life time gbnf, i know you'll be missed by so many! sleep tight mate, see you soon love you♥
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Rest in Peace Ethan carnt believe I won't see you again:( gonna miss your cheeky little smile at skating you were a lovely lad sleep tight beautiful xoxo
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
R.I.P. Ethan you wil be missede by all you was a nice young lad by what i hear of you. All of you friends will be very sad that you have left them and you will be missed by all of us at kesh even if they did not know you they will hear about you. from Kayleigh Suter from Kesh Academy
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Never Really Talked But RIP, You Are Going To Be Dearly Missed. You Would Always Make Someone Smile And Laugh. Gone But Never Forgotten xxxxx
April 9, 2012
April 9, 2012
Ethan, you were taken away from your family and friends far too soon, with everything to live for. Godbless you and your dad, Heaven has gained a beautiful angel,Mike and brad will mis you around school. Our prayers and thoughts go to you and also your mum and sister, sleeptight sunshine xxxxxx
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