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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ethan Cone-Uemura, 14 years old, born on June 1, 1999, and passed away on February 16, 2014. We will remember him forever.
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Ethan, you will always be remembered. Anyone who stands before your gravestone and speaks your name into their smartphone search directory will find this special tribute and rememberance of your life.
(If a ForeverMissed account has been setup)

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Recent Tributes
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Ethan, you will always be remembered. Anyone who stands before your gravestone and speaks your name into their smartphone search directory will find this special tribute and rememberance of your life.
(If a ForeverMissed account has been setup)
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February 27, 2017
Just read your note to Ethan in the 2/26/2017 Salt Lake Tribune and wanted to know more about your most favorite guy in the whole universe.

A Google search lead me to your memories published on telling about the story Ethan co-wrote, co-directed and acted in and screened at The Tower Theater back in 2011.  

Hearing about Ethan's movie making adventures took me back to when I was doing the same thing in Tucson, AZ many, many years ago. Sorry to say all my old 8mm movies were thrown out during my 3 years in the Army.  The only movie saved was from my last year in the service.  You can play what is left of my movie "Impulse" by clicking memories and visiting my story on

I'm now retired and living in Sandy, UT and have been working on to help people better save their memories.  If you would like a brand new way to create a lasting legacy of Ethan's story (even a link from his memorial) email me at:

Ray Zukowski

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