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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Evelyn McGuigan, 90 years old, born on February 24, 1927, and passed away on June 21, 2017. We will remember her forever.
June 21
June 21
Mom I miss you so much. I miss home. I miss everything about you. Nobody could ever ask for a better Mom then you. My lifes a challenge to say the least but keep watching. Im gonna make it great. I love you so much. RIP.
February 24
February 24
How often I think of you is something I dont share. I had the best Mom in this world and miss you so bad sometimes it hurts. I have such great memories of a time so much simpler and you truely made my life amazing. I can never thank you enough. Youre devotion and commitment to us kids was never ending. I feel very lucky to have been your daughter. Thanks Mom. I hope you can see me and all the ways I have changed. I love you .Happy Birthday. Rest in Peace.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Thinking about you today. Remembering trips to Silverton with Gavin. Bringing berries, baked goods from berry farm and flowers. Having tea like most visits. Gone too soon is not much of an original message, but it applies. Miss you.
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
Looks like I forgot to wish you happy birthday this year. Maybe it is on Facebook somewhere. Donna’s nice message triggered a reminder to me. Thanks Donna.
Happy Belated Birthday ….I am making coffee today, out of tea.
The tulips in Woodburn are beautiful. If I would have posted about your birthday in February, there would be no tulips
Thinking of you.
April 30, 2022
April 30, 2022
I know I'm really late for your birthday Mom. I almost forgot about the website. This seems like the only place I feel I can leave a message in memory of you. Happy late birthday. I miss you so much. Im going to leave you a message every year. It's been 5 years. Time is flying by it seems. I love you. Tell Dad I love him too. I'm sure you are both in heaven. Thanks for being the best Mom anyone could ever ask for. Wish I could get a do-over. Bye for now. Love Donna.
February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
Happy Birthday Mom. I miss you more than you can imagine. I wish I could be having cake and aa cup of tea with you and Diane. I hope when its time for me to leave this world you are there to greet me. I love you Mom. And Thank you Diane for remembering me too. RIP Mom..
February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
Miss you. I am glad you missed Covid 19 year! And glad you missed the worst winter storm. Cold and no electricity! For many days. We would be having birthday cake later this year.
Love you.
June 21, 2019
June 21, 2019
Hard to believe it has been 2 years.
Making us a cup of tea.
Love you,
February 24, 2018
February 24, 2018
Happy Birthday mom. I will make us a cup of tea. You are missed.
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
This is my way of saying thank you for being the best mother in the world. Always there for me, always helped me, I will miss you dearly and never forget the great things in my life that I owe thanks to you for. I love you Mom. RIP
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
I owe my life to Grandma. She took me in despite burdens and difficulties without complaint. When I was struggling with depression and finding my place in life, she was always there for me, a kind face and open, pure love. I was never pressured by her, never told she was disappointed, never threatened to be kicked out. All she wanted from me was to see me smile in the morning, and her happiness came from helping others. She sacrificed her own future and financial stability for her children time and again with her only regrets being how they turned out. Near the end of her life, I tried to devote myself to letting her live the way she wanted, even when Alzheimer's began to worsen. When I left her four and a half years ago, she was still the person I knew and loved, and I could never bring myself to face what she became. But being with her in Silverton for a couple years before Alzheimers began taking her, so lonely and yet still so brave, keeping her sadness and regrets between herself and me, it made me realize how terrible our family truly is. You lost the kindest, most selfless person I have ever known in my life, and my only hope is her children realize in retrospect how unhappy she truly was in her final years and how woefully easy it would have been to change that. I do not know if it was petty infighting, meaningless politics, or busy lives, but she deserved better from her family in her last decade. I moved to California to make a real life for myself for her, to be happy and secure like she always wanted and provided. I succeeded, and I will push myself even harder in her memory. I miss you more than you'll ever know, Grandma, and can only hope you are proud of what I've done for myself. I'm sorry it took so long that you never got to see it.

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June 21
June 21
Mom I miss you so much. I miss home. I miss everything about you. Nobody could ever ask for a better Mom then you. My lifes a challenge to say the least but keep watching. Im gonna make it great. I love you so much. RIP.
February 24
February 24
How often I think of you is something I dont share. I had the best Mom in this world and miss you so bad sometimes it hurts. I have such great memories of a time so much simpler and you truely made my life amazing. I can never thank you enough. Youre devotion and commitment to us kids was never ending. I feel very lucky to have been your daughter. Thanks Mom. I hope you can see me and all the ways I have changed. I love you .Happy Birthday. Rest in Peace.
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022
Thinking about you today. Remembering trips to Silverton with Gavin. Bringing berries, baked goods from berry farm and flowers. Having tea like most visits. Gone too soon is not much of an original message, but it applies. Miss you.
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