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Uncle Fenny

October 30, 2018

Besides my grandfather, uncle Fenny was always the most interested in our soccer stories. He always had tips and tricks to share with us and stories of all his sports days back in the day. He would often try to sneak us money for treats and always had a good joke to share with us.

He will be truly missed and loved always.

My sincerest condolences to the entire family.

October 27, 2018

i remember many things about Fenelon. First and foremost was his love of family. I liked his by turns devilish and delicious sense of irony. He knew how to get a laugh. And didn't mind when the joke was on him. He was devoted to the horses and for reasons that always alluded me, the Toronto Star. He was always a natty (dapper or jaunty, if you prefer) dresser. Even in photos from his youth that you can see on this website he always seemed to be wearing a smart peaked cap. He looked great in white pants and a smart shirt. We did not agree much about politics but he always kept up with the news and was always true to his own principles and point-of view. He was a proud Canadian. More than once he told me it was the best place, bar none. Fenny's life seemed to be divided into three very full parts and we only got to share one of them with us. There was Tanzania, of course. His Bombay/Goa years and connections. And then Canada which took a lot of guts on his part and Adelaide's part as they were already middle aged and had three kids in tow when they came over. I first got to know Fenny at the wedding reception for Kamla and Luke that he co-hosted in Ottawa with my mother. It was a big day for him and for all of us. Barbara - Luke's mother and mine - really liked and respected Fenny a lot. I know the feeling was mutual and that bomd counts for a lot with us. Barbara was especialy fond of Fenny's singalongs with a playlist that included a few imperial ones that were still sung in my youth but not so much today. There are some lovely photos of the Fenelon and Barbara together and of my father and Fenny having a chinwag. Those pics are funny because they were very different physically but both wielded canes. I miss Fenny for his songs, his humour and his strong world views. But our family will not miss him but nearly as much as his 'Dela' and their kids. His sainted name, Fenelon, lives on in his great-grandson, FFF. Or Felix Fenelon Fisher. Given his youth, I am not sure Felix or his brother, Leo, will be able to recall Fenny except in pictures where they are with him. But thrir great-grandfather will surely remember them from his perch in heaven. He got a big kick out of those little guy. He got a big kick out of life. We remember him.

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