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First Lunch

April 1, 2020
I known Mas Ferry, i mean in close one when i bumped him at warteg Pangestu, both of us queued up then i realized he was a quite guy, but not for long he told me many things, like for how long he worked at pss and how many building that PSS has been moving around till end up in Menara Astra, he told me that he lost his first child if I'm not mistaken for cancer. 
I told him that he must happy working at PSS. because he worked for long period in PSS, he answered work everywhere are just the same, , i like the employees in pss even though some have left but still maintain friendships.
Mas Ferry that I know is a polite person who is, soft person, kind-hearted and friendly, also attentive to every works need.

Goodbye Mas Ferry

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