Cei care doresc sa ii aduca un ultim omagiu o pot face joi 13 aprilie, incepand cu ora 8:00 la capela Sfanta Vineri, din strada str. Grivitei 202, unde va fi depus trupul neinsufletit. Tot acolo va avea loc si slujba de inmormantare in data de joi, 13 aprilie, orele 13.00, urmata de inhumare la cimitirul Bucurestii Noi str Laminorului 158.
Florin este la capela Sfanta Vineri de la ora 6:00, 13.04.2011.
Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace!
Cei care doresc sa participe la parastasul de 40 de zile de la Biserica Mavrogheni, Strada Monetăriei 4, București 011216, sunt asteptati la ora 9:30, 13.05.2017
This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Florin Balasa, 60, born on July 19, 1956 and passed away on April 3, 2017. We will remember him forever.
Leave a tributeAlways remembered never forgotten.
Shahira El Sawy
For many years, together we have celebrated your birthday. It’s been three years since I’ve been without you, and although I can’t wish you ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ any longer, you are always on my mind. And when I miss you. I come bearing flowers, light candles, and have a conversation with you, where you are now resting.
We miss you and our dinners!!!!
Hugs to Heaven!
Dumnezeu te are in pazå.
Stiu cå te-a asezat intre Dreptii lui, alåturi de pårintii tåi.
Vå cinstim memoria si ne amintim de clipele, zilele, petrecute impreunå.
Pioaså amintire tuturor.
Rest in eternal peace.
May God rest you in peace...
Odihneste-te in pace!
Happy Heaven Birthday Friend!
Odihneste-te in pace, Florinel, prima mea iubire!... :'(
Må gindesc des la tine si mai des la tatål tåu care a råmas atit de indurerat si de pustiit sufleteste si inteleg cå respirå si inspirå un aer al durerii.
Må copleseste si må induioseazå durerea lui cind il aud la telefon.
Il våd uneori cind sint in Bucuresti,este o umbrå vie care tråieste prin dorul de tine..
Pe tine nu te mai putem intilni din påcate..
Regret enorm disparitia ta prieten drag,
Odihneste-te in pace!
I saw you a couple of times but your pure heart was reflected on your very kind face
God bless your family and all your beloved ones
You gave me my first academic taste of computer science. And what an introductory course it has been!
You will always be remembered whenever I touch a keyboard and write a line of code. Our last meeting was very brief, but I remember your smile very, very well.
Rest in Peace, professor.
Sinout D. Shenouda
Cum vestile rele te gasesc oriunde te-ai afla, admiram acum cateva zile explozia primaverii cu flori și gradini, și ma intrebam cum se poate ca natura aceasta, care creaza viata cu atiâta forta și virulenta, sa fie in acelasi timp atât de necrutatoare și paradoxala sa te ia dintre noi atit de fulgerator și tocmai de Florii, cand urma sa iti uram La Multi Ani.
Mi se deruleaza in minte, invalmasindu-se, tot felul de amintiri din vremea studentiei, și mult mai recent de la Montréal și ochii mi se umplu de lacrimi. Calitati și cunostinte posedai din belsug și cu prisosinta, de obicei greu de intruchipat intr-o singura persoana, ce sper ca vor retrai prin generatiile de studenti de care cu atita grija te-ai ocupat. Nici nu stiu care ar trebui sa o mentionez mai intai?: nobil, integru, gentil, manierat, extrem de intelligent și multidisciplinar, discret, foarte modest, lista ar fi lunga....DAR mai presus de toate aceste calitati și realizari ale tale, TU erai AL NOSTRU! Iar noi te iubeam. Și acum te- am pierdut....
Voi pastra in suflet cu pretiozitate amintirea prieteniei noastre, a conversatiilor noastre spumoase in care puneam tara la cale și in care ma faceai tot timpul sa rad ...
Ne vei lipsi Florin!
Leave a Tribute
Good bye my friend
I am shocked! No words can explain our sadness, loss and pain ...
I had known Florin since 1996 when he was a Ph.D. student at Leuven. As his mentor (Prof. Hugo de Man) once mentioned, “the breakthrough in automated design of multi-dimensional signal processing systems, they achieved at IMEC, was mainly attributed to “profound knowledge in mathematics of Florin Balasa”. Knowing the huge impact IMEC made to design automation worldwide, this is the highest evaluation of Ph.D. work I ever heard. Dr. Florin Balasa was well recognized among researchers involved in design automation of digital systems, memory optimization and high-level synthesis. He had achieved excellent results in multi-dimensional system modeling, background memory allocation, memory optimization, formal verification, and therefore is referred almost by any work published recently on design automation of signal processing systems, memory management, modeling, system design and verification. Just to name a few.
While working in this field I had frequently witnessed Dr. Balasa reporting his results at a number of conferences like DAC, ICCAD, ICASSP, DATE, ASPDAC, etc. He also visited Fukuoka University in 2003 and gave a talk for our faculty members. His presentation attracted a large audience with live interest from industry and academia. Additionally to his amazing work and impressive knowledge, Florin had an ability to clearly present his ideas, to be understandable by both experts and beginners. He was also very intelligent and modest person with a good and charming sense of humor. We eventually became good friends meeting almost every year (the last one was in Montreal, Canada, at ISCAS 2016). We had plans meeting again in Baltimore this May but ...
Me and my wife will always remember you Florin! Good Bye Friend! We will miss you forever. Rest In Peace.
We lost a kind heart
It is with great sadness that I reveived the news of the passing away of Dr. Balasa. I served with him on a committee and we clicked from the first talk. I noticed how kind hearted and amicable he was and enjoyed every moment I spent with him. His kindness could never be missed. I hereby extend my sincerest condolences to his family, friends and the whole of AUC community.
Ashraf Nassef