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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Frances Sylvia Haynes who was born on October 19, 1927 and passed away on February 12, 2011. We will remember her forever.

June 21
June 21
Hello again nannan , I'm just sat on the bus and thought of you . A memory popped into my head when I was practising hairdressing and cut your hair. You told mum a few days later a mad woman had had hold of it. My mum said 'mother' our steph cut it! we were all laughing our heads off. You always still make me smile.
Love little steph
February 12
February 12
Hello nannan.
I often think about you and how you made me laugh, how you cheered me up and told me all them wonderful memories from when you and grandad first met.
Me and mum have lovely moments where we will chat about days gone by spent with you and my mums happy childhood with you and grandad.
The holidays we went on all over the country and the time you took me to spain are special memories.
I loved to come up every week with mum for a cuppa it was always so relaxed and happy there.
When you left us and I would visit grandad and andy, I always said 'eyup nannan' and imagined you stood there smiling.
My kids carla and ellie can remember you , how loving and caring you were. Your loving hands always placed on ours for comfort is a strong memory of you. it always has been.
I'm so glad I had the chance to write to you and I will keep intouch more often.
Say hello to Grandad and Gordon,if there truly is an heaven then you will all be there. I bet grandad had lots to tell you over a nice cuppa when he arrived.
Always and forever truly in my heart.
Love little steph xxxxx
February 12
February 12
Hi Mum! I really thought it was 12 years today that we lost you and I found it hard to believe even that. I think it feels like yesterday, as a day doesn't go past without some thought or feeling about you. It's been 13 year s.. where did that go Mum!

Me Steph and Carla all went to the cemetery to put you Dad and Gordon some new flowers and to clean the stone up. It doesn't feel like you are all there but it's still nice to have somewhere to go and look at the names and flowers.

I love and miss you. Thankyou for being my Mum. Tell Dad and Gordon as well as I miss you all.

Love Our Chris.xxxxx
October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023
Hi Mum.. thinking of you today and everyday. We visited you today and put some " Christmas" plants down. You and Dad both loved those. Miss you and love ❤️ you.Our Chris.xxxxx
February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023
Well Mum I'm nearly 67 now and only yesterday Steph and Carla were here, not realising it was nearly 12 years ago we had to live without your physical presence they started talking about my hands! Steph said "you have nannans hands" and Carla said " I always remember Nannan holding my hands". I looked down and yes, my hands are just like yours Mum, maybe not as soft though!
Sure you Dad and Gordon are all together now. My memory may faulter now sometimes but as long as my good memories stay then I'll be happy .
Love ❤️ and miss you.
Our Chris xxxx
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
Hi Mum Dad and Gordon. I have got to admit I don't like visiting you in your place of rest, more so in the winter. My thoughts go to a cold place when in my life, you are light, smiling, laughing and beside me in my thoughts,photos and every good memory I have. I want to always keep you in that place, warm , loved and cared for always. Love and miss you. Our Chris. Xxxxx
October 19, 2022
October 19, 2022
Hi Mum. You'd be 95 today. Hope they celebrate birthdays where you are and that Dad hasn't forgot it :).
Everyone here is keeping well.
Love and miss you both, not forgetting Gordon as well.
Love Our Chris..xxxxx
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
Hi Mum
11 years of missing every friendly smile, the touch of your beautiful soft hands holding ours.Always being there.
You still are.A day never passes that I wish I could hear you say " our Chris is here" and you be there with your smile and cup of tea.
Love and miss you always
" our Chris" xxxxx
December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
A Merry Christmas!
Mum Dad and Gordon.
My biggest gift to you is my box of memories, wrapped up in pretty paper with a big bow on.

Only difference is that its not just a special gift for Christmas Day, its a gift that can be opened any day of the year.
Its a gift eternal so it will never end, you can't say that about most presents.

My memories may be all I have but they are forever implanted no matter what I do find hard to remember these days you being in them is never one of them.

Love and Miss you every single day
" Our Chris"
October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Hello Mum, Dad and Gordon!
Think of you and live the memory of something every day.
It can be anything and everything that gives me so many good thoughts and smiles.
Its not just photos, its places and smells.
We went to Clumber Park the other week and I always think of when you were learning to drive the car Mum and we all stood around making silly noises and jumping out of the way :)..Dad and his fishing, the photos we have of fish could fill the walls of any room.. and the memory of each place we all visited.. Gordon, well you were still young and should have had plenty of time to grow to old age but it wasn't to be. You would do anything for anybody.. Id like to see you try and walk about with Steph in your arms now, she a Nannan herself now! 
Always and forever in my memory. Love you and Miss you. Our Chris xxxx
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Hi Mum and Dad.
Its that time of year again! Mum as usual, you love Christmas and all the little Christmas toys and lights and laughter and grand kids.And Dad, you love to see the grandkids but we can hear the sigh of relief when it goes and Gordon if you're there listening in, no new babies recently for you to be pacing the floor with else I'm sure that's what you'd be doing!
You are NEVER far from my mind, a thought, a sound, a place, a photo , always lots of happy memories forever imprinted.
Love  and will miss you forever
" our Chris" xxxxx
February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020
Hi Mum! Looks like much longer has passed since leaving you a message.

Dad has now come to join you.Its been hard going for Dad and he had told us that when his time came he didn't want anyone to try and bring him back.Dad was at home, just having a nap, but he stayed asleep and never woke up.

I'm not sad writing this as I now know you have each other again.

Love and miss you every day.
Love Christina.Xxxxx
October 20, 2017
October 20, 2017
Hi Mum!
Yet another year!

I would love nothing more then to see you next to me on the sofa and be saying to you Happy 90th Birthday Mum!!

Wherever you and our Gordon are now I just hope its together with Uncle Albert and Aunty Chris, not forgetting Grandma as well.

Dad still doing well.Hes had a lot of health problems but still manages to go fishing when he can.He stays at Eleanors a lot now and enjoys all the fuss.We all do what we can.So you know Dad is ok.I know you'd like to know that.

Cydney, thats Carlas daughter who is now five and you didnt get to meet seems to know you and says you watch over her. She can see your photo and say you are the person that cares for her at night and she misses you.None of us know really about angels but you are one that visits her and shes insistent about that.Its nice to know that although you're not physically here, you're here in dreams and thoughts and feelings.

Love you always and miss you.
'Our Chris' xxxxx
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Hi Mum.Another year and miss you in so many ways.I know you must wonder about Dad,well his legs don't work to well nowadays but he's still his usual self.We're taking him fishing in May,he still loves that.

I know you are more at peace then the last 4 years we had you with us and that is the only thing that stops me wondering why such a good mother would be taken away from her family.You stayed happy during your illness,nobody could take away your inner goodness.

We all have the most special memories that anyone could wish for.I can still see you as if you were here.

Love you lots Mum...XXXX
October 20, 2016
October 20, 2016
Hi Mum
Now 89! Remembering and missing you always.I know you will be wondering about Dad, well he's 88 now as you know and all in all he's doing well.
We all take care of each other but it will never replace the care you showed every single person in your life.Give our Gordon a hug.
I miss you, your smile,your laugh,your giggle, just everything about you.
Love you Mum.Xxxxx
February 13, 2016
February 13, 2016
Hello Mum.
5 long years but I still see your smile, I still hear you laugh, I still see you in so many things that I sometimes feel like you are just in another room.
You will always be in my past present and future.I love you Mum.xxxx
We still look out for Dad so don't worry!xxxxx
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2014
Hi Mum.
Another year has just gone by!I took you some of those red Christmas flowers you used to buy.I try and keep your resting place nice and tidy so you can see it's cared for.Eleanor's put a lovely plaque in the front of the headstone with a photo of you and our Gordon.I hope your mind is at ease and you can see we look after Dad as best we can.
Love and Miss you every day.
February 12, 2014
February 12, 2014
Hello Mum.
Its strange how people around us chat and go about their business not knowing that your own thoughts are somewhere else.Mine are with you today.
I think of you every day but today hits me more as it means another year has past without seeing you.
I love and miss you always Mum.
October 19, 2013
October 19, 2013
Hi Mum.
Another year!
Another year I've missed seeing you,hearing you and being with you.You are always close by in my Happy Memories though Mum.
Love and miss you.'our Chris' xxxxxxxxx
October 19, 2012
October 19, 2012
Hello Mum and Happy Birthday.
I hope you can see the lovely colourful flowers I took you today,I don't feel like you're in that place I visit you because I know you are in my heart,every minute of every day.
Life goes on everyone says and I hold so many happy memories of you it must be true.Love you and miss you mum.xx
February 12, 2012
February 12, 2012
Hello Mum.
We're popping up today with Dad,taking the flask and going to have a cup of tea with you Mum.
I imagine your voice and smile every day and miss the real you.You left us a lot to keep your memory alive but it still hurts not seeing you
Love and miss you

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June 21
June 21
Hello again nannan , I'm just sat on the bus and thought of you . A memory popped into my head when I was practising hairdressing and cut your hair. You told mum a few days later a mad woman had had hold of it. My mum said 'mother' our steph cut it! we were all laughing our heads off. You always still make me smile.
Love little steph
February 12
February 12
Hello nannan.
I often think about you and how you made me laugh, how you cheered me up and told me all them wonderful memories from when you and grandad first met.
Me and mum have lovely moments where we will chat about days gone by spent with you and my mums happy childhood with you and grandad.
The holidays we went on all over the country and the time you took me to spain are special memories.
I loved to come up every week with mum for a cuppa it was always so relaxed and happy there.
When you left us and I would visit grandad and andy, I always said 'eyup nannan' and imagined you stood there smiling.
My kids carla and ellie can remember you , how loving and caring you were. Your loving hands always placed on ours for comfort is a strong memory of you. it always has been.
I'm so glad I had the chance to write to you and I will keep intouch more often.
Say hello to Grandad and Gordon,if there truly is an heaven then you will all be there. I bet grandad had lots to tell you over a nice cuppa when he arrived.
Always and forever truly in my heart.
Love little steph xxxxx
February 12
February 12
Hi Mum! I really thought it was 12 years today that we lost you and I found it hard to believe even that. I think it feels like yesterday, as a day doesn't go past without some thought or feeling about you. It's been 13 year s.. where did that go Mum!

Me Steph and Carla all went to the cemetery to put you Dad and Gordon some new flowers and to clean the stone up. It doesn't feel like you are all there but it's still nice to have somewhere to go and look at the names and flowers.

I love and miss you. Thankyou for being my Mum. Tell Dad and Gordon as well as I miss you all.

Love Our Chris.xxxxx
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