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April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016
Hi Weez
Hope everything is well. Everything here is okay. George was working on the bathroom all day. He never takes a break. It was crazy weather it was snowing and hailing but none of it stuck. Thank God. Georgie called me tonight and told me he was coming to visit you today and then the weather got crazy so he didn't. He was at mass today and heard some bad news, Father Denny who was a good influence on him in high school is very sick with liver cancer. He was so upset he wants to go visit him in the hospital if he can. He called Antoinette and Frankie to tell them because they also liked him very much. He's a great guy and he is young only 59. I guess the lord has bigger plan for him just like he had for you and all the others he took back home. Mommy seems okay today I spoke with her twice. She still isn't feeling 100% but she's doing okay. Well i'll talk to you again tomorrow love you and miss you. Diana
April 8, 2016
April 8, 2016
Hi Dad
Well we finally got back to the shore house and what a mess. The bathroom is still torn up and has to be finished. George has been so busy at home that this took a back seat. Summer's coming so we have to get this finished. We don't want the house torn up when everyone comes down to enjoy it. He is still trying to get it all together as to how he wants to do it. We have all the tile it's just getting here to do it. He's been so busy between the house at home and work. Everything else is about the same. Mom got the name of an endocrinologist and we are going to make an appointment after the cardiac cath. Don't worry i'll make sure she goes to her appointments. You put in a good word for everything to be okay. Well i'll let you go for now I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
PS Tell my mother in law Happy Birthday and that we miss her.
April 7, 2016
April 7, 2016
Hi Dad
Mom went to see Dr. Hussein today and I spoke with the office. She has an abnormality going on with the beats of her heart. It skips a beat then beat 5 fast beats, so he want to do a cardiac cath on Wednesday at Jefferson. I am going to go with her to see what's going on. He also changed her medicine and put her back on cardizem CD. I don't think anything major is going on but I will make sure it gets taken care of. She also needs to see an endocrinologist for the problem she's having swallowing. she has a cyst which could be causing it but she also has the nodule that Dr. Kearney biopsied. One or the other is causing her discomfort when she swallows. I just spoke with her and told her to call Kearney tomorrow and get the name of someone to see for it. Please watch over her as I can't deal with anything else right now. Everything here is about the same. Well i bent you ear enough for one day so I will let you go. I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
April 6, 2016
April 6, 2016
Hi Dad
Well Uncle Bobby went to see a lazer specialist today he said he may be able to help him but it cost $6500 dollars. They don't take insurance so he is going to try it. they guarantee they could help or they will give you half your money back. He is so disgusted with not being able to walk that he is going to try it. Mom has to go to Hussein's office tomorrow to see what was wrong with the monitor. I called there today but they never called me back. I'll call again 1st thing tomorrow. Everything else is about the same. I decided the baby looks like you in the eyes. I know you saw her waving at you tonight. She was looking up and waving. They say children and animals can see what we can't. I choose to think she saw you and you were waving at her so she waved back. Well it's getting late so I will talk to you tomorrow. ove you and miss you. Diana
April 5, 2016
April 5, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
I feel a lot better today the hip is feeling pretty good. Mom has to see Dr. Hussein Thursday something on the monitor isn't right. I hope Diane goes with her if not I may go to see what's going on. Everything else is about the same. George worked today and mudset 6 floors. He worked his butt off today then came home and loaded 35 buckets of sand onto the truck. His hands are driving him crazy. Hopefully his insurance will be turned on so we can get all his appointments taken care of. It took forever to get enough hours in so he can be covered. Now I have to get busy getting all his appointments done. Frankie's arm is feeling horrible today after being reset. I hope he's okay after his 12 weeks. Georgie's house showing got cancelled after they ran around like nuts tying to get the house staged properly to make it look more appealing. Everything with Antoinette is about the same. Well I'll let you fo for now I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016
Hi Dad
I went for my needle today. I am a little sore hopefully it will feel better tomorrow. Sometimes it feel worse before it gets better. Frankie's shoulder is worse than we thought it dislocated in two places the pull it back into pace but he's out of work for 12 weeks minimum. Mom didn't go to the doctor today she said she wasn't feeling up to it. I hope she rescheduled. Well if she didn't I'll make sure she does. Everything else is about the same Georgie is still trying to sell his house no luck so far. He has another person coming to see it on wednesday maybe he'll get lucky. I hope so for the kids sake. He works so hard and all he wants to do is sell this house and get the girl's into a better school district and living area. The neighborhood is going down hill. It's no place to raise kids. Well i'm a little tired from the medicine they gave me so i'm going to let you go. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
Good Evening Dad,
Everything is fine here. We had some crazy winds and rain last night, it sounded like a freight train was coming through the house. The winds were like 60 miles per hour. The rain only lasted a short time but they were very heavy. Today its was windy still but not as bad as last night. Angel tested for Master over the weekend she will probably get her masters belt in october. The kids were here for desert tonight. They are so sweet and they are growing up so fast. Mommy had a bad night last night they lost power so they were awake most of the night. She slept in a little today though. She seems okay she has to go back to Dr. Kearney tomorrow. I have to go for my shots tomorrow so I can't go with her. I stopped by to visit the grave today. Every time I go there the reality of you not being here hits me. It;s still like a nightmare to me. I miss you every day and I think about you and talk about you all the time. I love you Dad I never said it enought when you were here but I know you knew I adored you. Well I'll talk to you again tomorrow. until then Love you and miss you as always. Diana
April 2, 2016
April 2, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
I went to visit Mom today to bring her the Easter pies. She looks good. She looks like she is settling in okay. I know she misses you being there but I think the strangeness she felt when she first went home is going away. I know Uncle Bob and Diane are glad to have her home. We miss her here and she misses us especially Georgianna she got really attached to her when she was here. The kids all miss her and she misses them. George is still trying to figure out how he can close up the wall now that the new doors are in. I guess he'll figure it out he just overthinks things sometimes and makes himself crazy. Everything else is about the same. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016
Hi Dad,
All is well here. The girls went home tonight with Georgie. Julia has competition tomorrow for Dance. She did a great job at her mass today. She reads really well. She is just like her dad. Everyone is fine I hope you are too. Lucas was talking about you again today. He really misses you. Please watch over all the kids and us. Watch over mommy especially. Tammy is doing really well with everything. Well nothing more to report today so I will let you go. Love you and miss you Diana
March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016
Hi Dad,
George had to buy new doors the old ones weren't any good they were messed up. So he bought new ones today and put them in. They look very nice and work very well, you would be proud of him. Thanks for being there guiding him. The girls are staying again tonight. They are really good. Julia's class is hosting mass tomorrow and she has a large part in it. We are going to see her at church since George and Angel can't be there. I know you will be able to see her and you will be proud. Well I'll be short tonight because I am a little tired. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
March 30, 2016
March 30, 2016
Good evening Dad
Sorry its soo late but it was a busy day. George is still trying to get doors in correctly. He fixed the frame but we are not sure if the doors are going to be able to be used. They are pretty messed up. Then we went with Frank and Dana to look at a new car and didn't get back until after 7pm then we ate dinner. I have the girls spending the next 2 nights here to help out George and Angel so time got away from me and I just thought I better write now before I fell asleep. Antoinette took Lucas and Lydia and Georgianna to see mommy. Lucas made her cry because he told her he missed her. She misses the kids too. I told George she probably felt needed when she was here with the kids. She misses you like crazy she's lost without you. I miss you like crazy also and I love you. I'll say Good Night now and talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016
Hi Dad
Well George did it. He put the header in at the back door. He was very nervous about it and I know you heard him ask for your guidance. Thanks for the help. Now he has to take the doors out to see if they could still be used or if we need to get a whole new set of doors. I hope not. Everything else is about the same except Frankie got hurt on the job today he reinjured his shoulder. I hope it's okay I don't want to see him having to get surgery on his shoulder. Put some heavy duty prayer in for him. Lydia is feeling better. I am going back to the cemetery tomorrow to pick up your marker so I can plant a tree and put the marker with it. Well I'll talk to you again tomorrow until then I love you and miss you Diana
March 28, 2016
March 28, 2016
Good Evening Dad,
Hope everything is well. Everything here is okay. George started on the back doors today. He is a little baffled as to how you guys put the doors in. It seems there is no header just pieces of wood and it looks like the weight of the upper floor is resting on the doors and that might be why the doors aren't right. He is thinking it out thoroughly before doing anything which is good. I hope everything works out the way it needs to. Put in a good word and guide his hands and mind to get it right. Other than that everything is okay I had all the kids today and Lydia is not feeling well. This little one gets fever a lot and it worries me. She is just so fragile. Keep an eye on her and make her well. Julia got another report card and she is just like her Dad. She got all outstandings. Lucas is still talking about you and Georgianna is still making faces that look just like you. It makes me smile when I see it because she does look like you. I talked to mommy twice today she seems okay she had a nice time at Donald's. It was crazy not having her here with us even the kids said it. Well i'll let you go love you and miss you as always. Diana
March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
Hello Weez
Happy Easter again. I Hope yours was the best you every had. Ours was okay and Mom said Donald's was very nice. Ours was not as hectic as always it was just George, Antoinette, Paul ,Angel, the kids
Tony , Sue George and I. Frank and Dana stayed home Frankie was under the weather. I visited the cemetery today which I am sure you already know. seeing the stone at the gravesite with your name on it made it a reality. It was like a punch in the face to see that and I fell apart. I'm okay now but it isn't getting any easier for me. I miss you everyday. You have to know you are truly loved by many and missed
by all of us. Well I'll let you go now just know I love you and think about you all the time. Love Diana
March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016
Hi Dad,
Happy Easter. It's not so great for me because your not with us. It's funny but I can't find one Almond Joy or Mounds Easter eggs. George said you took the all with you. HAHA . Well we got everything ready for tomorrow. Mom is still gong to Donald's with Uncle Bob and Diana it's going to be a little strange without any of you here. The kids are coming over and Tony, Sue Carol, and Gina. We're having ravioli and ham. I have to get up early to get the gravy going but other than that everything is ready. Well I'm very tired so I will keep it short Love you and miss you like crazy. I'll see you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 25, 2016
March 25, 2016
Good Evening Dad,
I'm going crazy as usual trying to bake all the pies, clean the house, hang curtains etc. I have to tell you a funny story today Lucas asked Antoinette to take a walk she told him maybe but that it looked like rain then she said it always rains on Good Friday and Lucas said how can you call it a good Friday when its going to rain. So Antoinette tried to explain to him about Good Friday and Told him That Jesus died on Good Friday and the cane alive again on Easter and Lucas said well if Jesus could come back to life why can't Grandpop? Antoinette called me and we were laughing. I listened to your song again today. Some days it makes me feel closer to you and other days it makes me sad. I miss you as always and love you Dearly. Mom is back home. She went home today. She seems fine. Well I'll let you go for now talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 24, 2016
March 24, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
You made me smile as soon as I got on this site with that great smile of yours. I love that picture of you. You can see how happy you were for Frankie by the glow in your face. I know your grandkids were the world to you and they feel the same way. We all miss you and talk about you often. I'm just sitting here watching TV and relaxing. I have a crazy busy next two days between cleaning, baking and everything else for Easter. I love you as always and miss you. Mom is okay I just talked to her. She sounds like she's having a good time at Tammy's. Tammy is doing very well. Well i'll let you go for now. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 23, 2016
March 23, 2016
Hi Dad,
Everything is about the same CRAZY. We were running around like crazy shopping and trying to get everything done. We still have a lot to do. Mom is fine she's still with Tammy who is doing great with her surgery and diet. I miss you as always. The closer it gets to the holiday the more you are on my mind. Well don't worry I will keep the family traditions going as long as I can. I will do the holidays as I always did. Tell everyone up there that I miss them all and love them dearly. Also make sure all of you are watching over us and keeping us safe. Love you as always and I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016
Hi Dad,
Well another busy day today working on bids and trying to clean up a little in the kitchen. I cleaned the floor and cleaned the oven, I als cleaned the remaining cabinets. I have to wash everything that was put downstairs as everything is dusty. Hopefully I'll get the shopping done tomorrow. If I do that then I have the rest of the week to get cleaning done. Once it's done everything will look nice. George did a great job on the kitchen you would be proud of him. He really made it nice. everything looks good. After writing you last night I was looking at the pictures again and had a good cry. I can't help but question things I looked at the picture of you with Julia from June and you looked so happy and you looked healthy, I can't believe you were gone 5 months later. I hope that what we are taught is true that where you are there is no more pain and suffering and that you are with all of our loved ones that have gone before you. I need to believe that so that I know you are okay and with all of the family. It doesn't stop me from missing you but it does give me hope that I will see you again at some point. I love you dad and I wish I could see you again and here your voice. I will let you go now I will talk to you tomorrow. Love Diana
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
All is well. Mommy is at Tammy's helping her out. This is a cray week for me as I have soo much to do for the Easter Holiday. I still have to go food shopping and candy shopping for the kids baskets. I am soo far behind it's not funny, but we Didn't know whether we were going to have Easter here this year or not but the kids want to come here so I am going to cook. I don't know if mom will come as she is supposed to go to Donald's house for Easter with Uncle Bob and Diane. Today was a crazy day as i had to get everything together for George's upcoming jobs. They are starting next week so everything had to be ordered and ready to go for next week. I also have a ton of bids to work on this week as we suddenly received a slew of bids this past week. Well I guess I talked your ear off enough for one day. I Love you and miss you as always. Love Diana
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Hi Dad,
Everything is fine. We went out to dinner for my birthday, it was very nice. Te food was good but the service was slow. It was nice having all the kids and grandkids there. The girls made me birthday cards and Lucas and Georgianna bought me a Grandmom statue. WE are back home now and watching Ben Hur. It's a little cold bu it is supposed to warm up again by the middle of the week. I got some blessed palm from Angel and tied a piece of it to yours and my mother in law and father- in laws palm crosses. We will be out at the cemetery this week. Today was a little better for me but I still miss you like crazy. Love you as always Diana
March 19, 2016
March 19, 2016
Hi Weez,
Tammy went home from the hospital tonight. Mommy may go there or Tammy may go stay at the house for a few days. Today was a bad day for me, I got a birthday card from mommy and it was signed by her and I just lost it seeing a card for me without your name on it. The reality hits very hard sometimes. I can't help getting upset over things like that. Lucas was here today and your song came on Make The World Go Away and he ran over to me and sang it with me. He still talks about you everyday. He misses you very much. You had a huge impact on that little boy. Well tomorrow is my birthday as you know but it won't be the same because my Daddy isn't here. I miss you and love you with all my heart. Love Diana
March 18, 2016
March 18, 2016
Good Evening Dad,
Tammy is still doing well. I didn't talk to he today but mommy did and she said she was doing well. They got her up to walk last night and she did fine. She is very tired because she isn't sleeping much. She may go home tomorrow evening. Mommy may go over to stay with her for a few days. Today was another off day for me, I went to get a palm cross for you and my in-laws and it brought back a flood of emotion. I was crying for a while. I miss you Daddy more than you could ever imagine. My life feels incomplete without you in it. I know I have to go on but right now it is very hard. I hope time will help heal me. Easter is next week and I don't even know what we are doing. I haven't gone shopping or anything. Mom is going to eat at Donald's house with Uncle Bob and Diane, I don't know what my kids are doing yet no one has said anything. You left us and the holidays are falling apart. I will get it together and get the holidays back on track. It's just right now I'm over whelmed. Well I'll let you go please let me know your okay maybe it will help me move forward. I love you Diana
March 17, 2016
March 17, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Thanks for the extra prayers for Tammy. Everything went really good. She will probably write to you tomorrow. Mom is doing okay I spoke with her several times today. This morning was a little bad for me crying again about you. Sometimes it just hits me hard for no apparent
reason. I just miss you. I was talking to George tonight at dinner about no one being there when you passed. I feel really bad about that and I hope you didn't feel alone. We really didn't think you were going to die that night. You pulled out of things so many times we thought it would happen again. I'm sorry I wasn't there holding your hand so you wouldn't feel alone. Well i guess I'll go for now as always love you and miss you. Diana
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016
Hi Dad
Just sitting here getting ready to watch TV and thought I would write to you a little earlier tonight. Please remember to put in extra prayer for Tammy as tomorrow is her surgery. I spoke to Mommy this morning and she said it felt a little weird being back home. She kept looking for you. She misses you like crazy and she isn't the same person she was when you were here. She seems a little lost without you. I know I am. I was thinking about you earlier today and started crying. I'm trying to cope but it is hard. I never in all my life after experiencing all the death we did thought it was going to be this hard. You are a hard person to get over. I love you soo much I just can't believe God took you away. Today was nice George and I went out shopping for stuff for the new kitchen. Frankie met us and we went to lunch. We were talking about you at lunch and Frankie said he knows that you are in a better place than us and that is how he deals with you being gone. He misses you too. Well I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. Keep watching over all of us we need you as our guardian angel. Love you and miss you Diana
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016
Hey deary,
Well just talked to your wife and she seems OK. I am hoping she is. I know Diana must feel lost with her not being there. We are going keepnher busy and watch over her cause I know she misses you like crazy . but we all do. I started going to talk to someone to help me get over my issues and I liked it. So I am gonna continue with that. Tomorrow is my big day, I know Diane told you but I know for sure you will watch over me like you always did. Oh boy I miss you so much. I love ya I write you on Friday to let you know how I am feeling..
March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
Good Evening Dad,
Mom is back at the house. She seemed fine but I am worried about the nighttime when she's alone. Please be there if she needs you. I miss her already it feels weird not having her here with me watching TV. I told her she can come back whenever she wants. I don't want you to worry I will take care of her even from here. She will never be alone. The doctor wants an MRI of her head to make sure there is nothing to worry about. He seems to think it's not going to show anything and hopes medication will help with the pain. Please remember to watch over Tammy as she is going for her surgery Thursday. Make sure everything goes well. Well i'll let you go for now but I will say walking into the house today with mom I was hoping to see you sitting in your usual spot. It felt strange to not see you there even though you were here for over a year. I miss you more and more each day and I will love you forever.  Love Diana
March 14, 2016
March 14, 2016
Hi weez,
Today wasn't do busy as the weather didn't allow George to do what he needs. I guess he'll get to it tomorrow. He needed a little break anyway he's been working so hard. Mom's appointment is tomorrow afternoon, hopefully we'll get some answers as to why the eye is driving her crazy. After her appointment she is going back home so please be with her when she walks in so that she handles it well. She needs to feel your strength. It's going to be hard without you there. Please be with her as she is going to need you. It's going to be strange her not being here with us but she does need to face the house at some point. She knows she can come back whenever she wants. She misses Uncle Bobby and Diane and Cass. Well not much else to tell you today other than I love and miss you. Diana
March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
Hi Dad
Another crazy day here. George grouted the backsplash, put on the end panels on the cabinet and the kick plates. The kitchen is really turning out good. We took a ride to home depot today and were talking about you. I told George that it is not getting any easier for me it's getting harder. I really miss you and with the holidays it only gets harder. I will try my best to keep the family traditions at the holidays even though its hard not having you there. I miss you all the time and I hope in time my heart will hurt less. I know you are out of pain and that is good but it's not easy not having you here. We will never forget you we will always talk about you especially to the kids so they will know what a great person you were. One of my regrets is that you will never see Frankie's children when he has them but rest assured he will tell them about you and so will I. I know you will watch over all of us from above and that makes me feel better, not as good as when you were here. Well I'll let you go for now I will be visiting soon. Love you Diana
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Today was another busy day. George finished the backsplash tile then we put the trim around the window over the sink. It looks really nice. George and I also installed the range hood. It really is starting to look complete. A few more touches and it will be done. Then we have to do the french doors. Mom has a cold and barely has a voice. We were listening to music this morning and your song came on (Make the world go away) and I started to cry. Everytime I see or hear something that reminds me that your not here I get upset. It's soo hard for me because I wasn't ready for you to leave yet. I hope you are okay and out of pain because that is the only consolation I have. Well I'll let you go until tomorrow. I love you and miss you Diana
March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016
Hi Dad,
Hope everything is well. George worked on the backsplash today it was a nightmare for him. The walls in this house are not flat and that causes problems with everything we do. It isn't grouted yet but it already looks really good. George has been working so hard on thi kitchen it's tough without your help. I know he misses you especially when it comes to carpentry. Tomorrow he is going to work on the wood work around the window by the sink and finish the tile work. He still has cabinet work to do but we are coming to the end and it really looks beautiful. You would be proud. Tammy is doing really well with her diet and her surgery is Thursday. Watch over her with all this and make sure everything is okay. I know you will as you love her as much as we do. Well I'll let you go say hello to everyone. I love you and miss you like crazy Love Diana
March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Well another busy day with the kitchen. George put in the new window sill, hooked up the sink faucet, and garbage disposal. The disposal doesn't work we don't know if something is hooked up wrong or not we're going to have Georgie check it. Tomorrow we will probably do the backsplash. Then it will be almost complete. It looks beautiful. George really took his time to do it right and it shows. The next project we have will be the french doors, they have to be taken out and redone because they are racked and not working properly. A little at a time that's all we can do. Other than that everything is the same. I have to go for a shot in my hip tomorrow morning. I have to take mom to the doctors Tuesday for her eye. Well now that I filled you in I will let you get back to your card game. As always I love you and miss you. Diana
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Hi Weez,
Well the countertops are in they look beautiful. George had to help bring them in because they were so heavy. Frankie was here to help. George also had to caulk everything in which they were supposed to do but their caulk was bad. It's all coming together now Dad and it was well worth it. I know you would love it. Frankie and I were talking about you today, it seems I talk about you everyday. I miss you all the time. I really feel lost without you. I feel like a part of me went with you. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you always and never forgotten. Diana
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Hi Weez,
I'm back home. It's good to be home it was a nice trip but it is always nice to come back home. George got a lot done while I was gone. He worked on the kitchen everyday. He put new lights in the ceiling, Made the kick plate on the dining room side cabinets, put molding around window, and put handles on all cabinets. It all looks great. The counters are coming in tomorrow. Mom seems fine, I guess teddy didn't drive her too crazy. Well I guess I'll write you tomorrow for tonight I love you and miss you as always. Love Diana
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
Hi Weez,
Well it's the last night of our trip. Today we went to Hollywood Studios it was fun. It's a smaller park but still a lot of walking. We left about 5:30 to come back to the house and get everything together as we have to be at the airport early in the morning. George, Antoinette, Paul and the baby left tonight. They are actually en route now. I just spoke to mommy she seems to be okay. I'm sure she missed us but I'm also sure it was peaceful for her for those few days. She will probably go back home this weekend. Remember to be there when she walks in and help her deal with your not being there. It's going to be hard for her. It's hard for me to walk into your house and not see you there. So I know uncle bob and diane will be there too. Well not much else to say today except love you and miss you as always. Diana
March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016
Hi Dad
Today was another busy day we took the kids to Magic Kingdom and didn't get home until 10:30. They had a really good time though. Julia and Lucas went on a ton of rides in the evening. Lydia went home early she was tired. They all fell asleep in the coach on the way home. Well Mom and Tammy went to visit your grave today as I am sure you know. Tammy went back home this afternoon. Don't worry though George is right across the street and will make sure mom's okay. Well nothing else to say except love you and miss you. Diana
March 5, 2016
March 5, 2016
Hi Weez,
Today we went to Epcot we had breakfast we the characters and the kids loved it. Breakfast was good also. We did a lot of walking again probably about 7 or 8 miles. We took the kids on lots of rides and then we went over to the countries. We had dinner in Mexico it was pretty good. It was a long day for the kids as we let the house at 8 am and didn't get home tile 8:30 - 9:00 pm. I talked to mommy. Tammy is staying with her at Antoinette's house. She started her liquid diet before the surgery. She is doing great. I think it's good for her. Just keep the word in that everything goes well. George is moving right along with the kitchen. He put the handles on the cabinets, and made the kick plates at the bottom of the cabinets and also made the side panel where the cabinets are back to back. Well that's about all for today just know you are always in my thoughts. I love you and miss you more than ever. Diana
March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Well today was interesting We went to Sea World and the kids had a great time. I think we all did. I went on this crazy ride called the Manta it's a roller coaster but you are face down like riding on your belly. It has all kinds o twists and turns. It was fun. For Dinner we went to Goofy's backyard BBQ with the characters the whole thing was a lot of fun. It was all country music which made me think about you especially Happy Trails. Your never far from my thoughts. Well i'll talk to you again tomorrow. Love you and miss you Diana
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
Hi Weez
Well today was very warm and we did lots of walking. The kids went to the bippity boppity boutique and got all fixed up to be princesses and Lucas was a knight. They had a great time. We also went to Animal Kingdom and they had a good time there too. They were all a little tired though as we didn't get in until very late and they got to bed after 1 am. They were all up before 8 am so tonight we are taking it easy and letting them settle in early to catch up on their sleep. I spoke to Mom this morning and she is fine. I will be calling her in a little bit to make sure she ate and is okay by herself. Tammy is supposed to go stay with her tomorrow until sunday. Disney is so different from when we were here. There is so much more to do. Like I told you you are never far from my thoughts. Today I pulled up pictures on my phone and there you were with Georgianna. Every time I go on this website I see the photos of you scrolling through and the one I told you about with that great smile of yours. I get all emotional everytime I see you in pictures it just reminds me that your not here anymore and that makes me very sad. Well I talked you ear off enough love you and miss you always. Diana
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Hi Weez,
I thought I would writ early today because it is a crazy day. I'm trying to get everything together around here before I leave for Disney tonight. I didn't want you to think I forgot about you by not writing so that's why i am writing now. It may be too late when we get in to the house we are staying at. I will write you everyday while I'm away because you are always in my thought. Love you and miss you as always. Diana
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
Hi Weez,
I forgot to tell you yesterday that when I look at the picture of you I put on this site and it makes me smile. It is s great picture of you from Frankie's wedding and you have a great smile on you face. Dad I can' believe it has been 4 months since you left us. It feels like only yesterday I was making you sausage and eggs for breakfast. Time may be going on quickly but missing you is not going away any time soon. Well today we didn't get too much done in the kitchen we had a meeting for a job this morning and then we went to the store to make sure George and Mommy have everything in the house they need while I am away. I hope Tammy comes to stay with mommy at Antoinette's so she is not alone. Take care of her while i'm in disney. Well not much else to say today so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love you like crazy and miss you always Diana
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
Good Morning Dad,
I woke up thinking about you so I decided to write and say good morning. Today is paint and sand day and I also have to finish packing for florida. I am making taco dinner tonight because it is easy and the kids love it. We are trying to get everything done before George starts back at work so it is crazy around here. I am excite to go to Florida but I am also worried about George & Mom making sure they have everything in they are going to need. Well I'll write you tonight and let you know how the day went. Love you Diana
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Well we got the back kitchen all done today. All the painting back there is finished. It took forever but it looks good. We are ready for the counters to be put in. I hope the guy calls tomorrow to install it. Everything else is about the same. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you and miss you Diana
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
Hi deary
I haven't written in awhile but you are always on my mind every day I think about you. Well I am sure you know I was in a car accident on Tuesday. Scariest thing to me I was actually sitting at a light. I am alittle. Sore in my neck and left shoulder but I can't see the doctor til March 10 my neck could be hanging off by then. I need to get a rental being stranded is not for me you know I like to gedal(don't know how to spell) but you know what I mean. Well work is picking up we are making some money for once. But I really wanted to tell you I surgery date it is on the 17 I am so excited for this. I know you will make sure all will be OK with me. Your wife is not a happy fan of it but it's time for me to look and feel happy about myself. So of course I am eating what I want for the next couple of days before liquid diet. That starts on the 3rd. So.keep me strong during this I know you will. Just know I think about you so often miss ya like crazy. Love ya til next time.
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
I see you were talking with Tammy earlier, I'm glad she wrote you. Please make sure all goes well for her with her surgery and everything.
I am so happy for her like she said she needs to be happy about herself. Uncle Bobby told me you were at the house yesterday. He said he saw you standing by the chair where you used to sit. I told him you were there to tell him to stop talking stupid about dying. I guess you felt the need to go home i'm sure you miss it. I know we all miss you being here especially me. The world is not the same without you in it. Well the back kitchen ceiling is finally done being painted it looks really good. Tomorrow we are going to paint the wainscot again and the kitchen wall. We're getting there it's just taking time. Well i know I told you many times but I will say it again please come to me and let me know you are okay. Love you and miss you like crazy. Love Diana
February 27, 2016
February 27, 2016
Hi Dad,
Today was another busy day around here and tomorrow looks like the same. Mom bought some Cd's of the oldies and I heard Eddie Arnold singing Make the world go away and it made me think of you. I remember you listening to his music when I was a little girl. There are so many things that trigger memories of things you've done or liked. It seems something everyday triggers my thoughts to you. I miss you all the time and it hurts like crazy knowing your not there anymore. Talking to you like this helps a little but it's not the same as seeing your face and watching your expressions when I would tell you something. Especially if I was talking about the kids or grandkids your face always lit up and smiled. The kids all miss you and are all feeling a little guilty for not spending more time with you. I told them you wouldn't want them to feel that way and that you knew they loved you. Well i'll lt you go for now talk to you again tomorrow. Love you. Diana
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Good evening Weez,
I'm just sitting here thinking about you and decided to write now before it got too late. Today we did more painting to the back kitchen ceiling and we used almost an entire bucket of white ceiling paint on that tiny ceiling and it is still not covering. We are going to start using the semi gloss elegant white on it to see if it covers better. We have a busy weekend ahead as George still has spackling to do and painting of the wall near the refrigerator. We are also painting the entire wainscot in the kitchen again. The chimney wall needs paint and the granite counters are coming next week so we are under the gun to get a lot done this weekend. I hope everything is good with you, I wish you would come to me and let me know your okay. I want to believe that you are out of pain and happy again but its hard because I'm not happy because your not here anymore. I miss you more and more everyday. I love you. Tell everyone Hello and that they are missed. Tell uncle Vince to bet a good horse for me. Tell Uncle Augie we could
have used his muscle and help we have lots of concrete work to do. Love to everyone. Diana
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
Hi Weez,
Well another crazy day. I had the kids all afternoon and now this evening the girls are here overnight. I don't mind though I love having them. George did more painting today and the ceiling is still bleeding through. Hopefully a few more coats and it will cover totally. the wall by the refrigerator s ready to be sanded and painted. The counters will be here next week. Hope everything with you is good. Lucas was scared last night with the thunderstorm so Antoinette told him that the lightning was you taking pictures from heaven and the thunder was you bowling. Crazy huh? Well nothing more to report except I love you and miss you Love Diana
February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016
Good Evening Weez,
Well today George decided to paint the back kitchen ceiling what a nightmare it wasn't drying and the paint isn't covering the dark wood. George said its going to take 10 coats of paint just to make it look good. We are still waiting for the counters to be done. We have to pick up a new skin for the side of the cabinet as the one we got was all scratched up. The cabinets look good but we just can't wait for it to be done. The entire house is in chaos until everything is done. We have no sink to do dishes so I am washing dishes in the basement bathroom sink. As I'm sure you know Tammy was in a car accident last night. Fortunately she wasn't hurt bad. She has a chest contusion so she is sore. I know you were watching over her and that's why she wasn't hurt bad. She misses you like crazy too. I'll bet you never realized how many people really cared about you and now miss you. I am still trying to cope with all this. George has been so supportive about all this and I believe he misses you as well especially now he doesn't have you here to help. Well i'll let you go for now. I love talking to you everyday it makes me feel good. As always love you and miss you like crazy. Diana
February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
Good Morning Weez,
Well my day started with Lucas and Lydia talking about you on the way to school. Lydia was trying to explain to Lucas that your soul went to heaven and you don't need your body anymore. He is having a hard time with this. He really misses you a lot and talks about you everyday saying he misses you. I tell him everyday so do I. today is a gloomy rainy day and it always makes me think more about you. You were always so smily and sunny that gloomy days make me miss you even more. I know you are probably wondering why I write everyday but it makes me fel like your still here if I can talk to you. I hope I'm not holding you up from doing anything fun because you deserve to do anything you want now. You earned it after all you went through the last 16 months and probably longer because you never complained. Well i'll let you get back to playing cards or going to the track. Tell Everyone hello and that they are missed. Love you and miss you. Diana
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