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A great friend!

June 21, 2022
by Peter J
My family and self had the honor of knowing Frank for many many years, in fact my entire childhood growing up! We were next door neighbors for almost two decades! I remember hanging out on the porch talking about all of the cool cars you built on many occasions You will be missed by many! Rest in peace Frank!    Peter & Marissa
June 21, 2022
I recall the first time I met Frank. It was during the Woodward Dream Cruise and we were in the parking lot at 13 mile and Woodward. Frank was driving a blue 72 Dodge dart, and I was driving my black 69 Camaro,  Frank approached me  and said "..this used to be his brother's car." He was "certain."  But I knew better because my car was a basket case when I got it and I built it, so I knew he had the wrong car.  He soon realized it too, and from that moment we became and remained friends. I would go by the shop at any time on any day and hang out for hours "talking shop". His family became my extended family. Rest in peace my brother!

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