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January 24, 2023
I went to play an exhibition at a club in PSL tonight and I thought of Frank. I did play a few exhibitions where he play as well. He was Soo smooth and can do anything with his racquet. But I missed the most is his stories. I could sit and hear him tell all the stories of tennis greats and his matches against them. He knew them all and was so much fun to hear him. Great story teller. Miss you Frank. I am very grateful to have known my amigo Frank. 
January 31, 2022
I met Frank in 2007 when i came down from N.Y. and began teaching at a small club in Jensen Beach.He was such a humble guy and was kind enough to play in my first Pro-night.Everytime he came over to play doubles I would bombard him with questions about former players on tour and he would never disappoint.Here was a guy that was a U.S. Open finalist and carried the Davis Cup squad against Romania yet you would never know it.Frank was a total class act and a true ambassador to the sport.
January 30, 2020
Rick and I were working in Big Pine in the keys. Now when you start a build there’s always a benchmark,a hub or a general starting point.Which we nickname BM. BM can symbolize so much more with the correct humor.Well Frank pops in one day.Rick and I were  into the grind,its hot,no see ums,coral rock and chickens running around its just a weird scene.Hey its the keys right? Frank walks up from our side and stops to point at the BM and says” hey Rick,you have a BM on your court!” We all pause and look at each other for a second,Rick says”bench mark?” Frank then says”bowel movement!.”  We all start laughing. Frank has a great sense of humor.  It was classic moment that will forever stay in my memory. 

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