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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Frank Cox, 64 years old, born on June 19, 1952, and passed away on December 10, 2016. We will remember him forever.
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
You are still missed. Held things together and helped out many, sure they didn't appreciate how much until you were gone.
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Miss you , wish you were still around so I wouldn't sound as crazy you
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
Sweetheart I love you and miss you more than you'll ever know,I know God is taking care of you and finally you are in peace,thank you for taking care of me and loving me all these years,I'm not mad at you I just miss you so much,it still seems like yesterday,life is not the same and never will be without you here,but I am glad you are at peace and in a glorious place with God,thank you for everything,forever missed and loved,my best friend infinity
April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
I wish I had seen you more before you left us, Frank. I think the last time we spoke was at the dump on Harrison Rd. You wanted to meet up to shoot pool sometime and of course I was always too busy. I should have made more time for my family and I wish I had taken you up on it. I miss you. I haven't seen Laura or Sonny or Stephanie since you passed because I have a hard time thinking that you're not around. Please watch over them and help keep them strong. I'll never forget your humor and your kindness towards me. I never understood why you liked me so much but I was thankful and I'm thankful to have known you. Til we meet again...
March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017
Thank you for teaching me to play poker. We always had fun doing that. I will forever miss your biscuit gravy, potato soup and many other delicious foods you made. I miss you and hope to see you again one day. Sorry for sneaking out the house so much and causing trouble back in the day. I miss all the good times we all had. Spending Christmas Eve at y'all's house and having Christmas with y'all. I miss you and I will love you forever. Frank you are very loved and missed. <3
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
Frank I'm a mess,I've set here again all day and night crying,it's midnight and I'm still crying,I'm broken hearted,I don't know if I can make it through without you,I know you're shaking your head,but the sadness is so deep,in the love song to you that I wrote you and pleaded with you to stop thinking that way,we started this 39 years ago we had a lot of time to finish what we started,you know I would take care of you,you took care of me when I was sick,that's how it always was,you gave me a kiss on my cheek and smiled after reading it,I thought I had gotten through to you,I'm sorry if you were hurting that bad I understand,I'm just being selfish,I love you infinity
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
Thank you for all the bananas on that day I was just a hungry baby, whether you feed me too much or not you were right there along side my dad as a team with one goal, to make sure I was cared for and I think you for that. I'm sure that everyday my dad feeds his grandchildren he thinks back to that day and especially now misses his baby feeding buddy. I'm sorry we didn't hang out more, we really should have, but it was good seeing you that one last time. Love you and miss you.
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
I got up earl this morning,my first thoughts were of you,you were USAlly already at the coffee pot,but I breakdown when you're not,I'm so sorry I am a mess,I love and miss you everyday,I know your thoughts are no longer like it is here on earth and I'm blessed for that,you being out of pain and at peace means everything to me,I love you and miss you so much infinity
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
Frank I always loved you. You were so damn crazy but would give anyone the shirt off your back if you had to. Me and Dean always had such good times with you and Laura. Especially eating crabs. Lol. Will miss you always but will remember all the great times. Luv u Frank! RIP
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
I miss you so much,you are the first thing I think of when I wake up,you are my hero and best friend,and my man,I love you like no other,I cry everyday missing you,I'm being selfish,you're at peace now,no more pain,thank you for taking such good care of us and keeping me laughing for 39 years,thanks for being the father of our children and grandchildren,Stephanie,Sonny,brandy,nature,somer,jonjon,Brielle,winter,they all loved you and miss you,I talk to you everyday and I guess you can see the tears I shed because you're gone,you can finely rest in peace with no pain or worried that's the only way I am holding on,I know we will meet up yonder and we will stroll hand in hand again my beautiful blue eyes crying in the rain,you were a hard worker and always put us first,our goodbyes we always say love you and we each would try to get the word infinity in first,I always won,lol,but I meant it with all my heart,I'm sorry i was sick that day and night that you passed,I could of held you,kissed you and pleaded you to stay,selfish again of me,this was meant to be,you were hurting bad and you knew you were losing control,you did what you had to do,we just all miss you,
Your friends Emmett,moore,I love you sweetheart infinity ✌️
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Miss my dad. So many things to list. One is I cannot watch UFC MMA fights without seeing a great fight and first reaction is to call let him know not to miss it. Or him.calling me and I have to tell him not to tell me who won yet , cause he just had to tell , lol.
   I hate seeing the tears in my mom's eyes, I hate being glad that you are no longer in pain , but also upset that in so much pain and despair from.missing you.
   I know you always thought "people" didn't care. WE CARED & WE CARE and nothing is the same without you and family benefitted more having you with us then they do with me, I should've been first. You were a hard guy, a hard father, but you also had a soft and caring side. After I became a dad, and getting older, I understood a lot more of how you were , who you were, and why. And it made me realize you were even a stronger man, husband, and father than I. All you went through, all the constant struggles in your mind, to not be like those parents and adults were when you were a child.
  I think you for that. Thank you for always putting our wants and needs, grandchildren wants and needs first. You and Mom made great parents, great team. So many have told me that they wished they had y'all as their parents. And I know whenever you got mad, got on me, it was because you cared , it was out of love. I thank you for that. For caring. You should be here longer. You should be with mom. Love you Dad.
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Love you. Miss you. Mom misses you. Comfort her heart please.
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Frank, I don't ever remember not knowing you. Through all the years you never changed. You told it like it is and could spin a story like no one else. We all miss you but your family most of all. RIP Frank. ..
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
I never met Frank. I worked with his wife Laura. That man knew how to send flowers. He would send flowers just because. Laura must have gotten 10 bouquets of flowers a year.

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June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
You are still missed. Held things together and helped out many, sure they didn't appreciate how much until you were gone.
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Miss you , wish you were still around so I wouldn't sound as crazy you
Recent stories

Banana story

March 22, 2017

When we lived in partlow , forgot how old I was, maybe 8-10. Lisa & Dean came for a visit with their new baby, Thomas (TJ).   Well, my mom (Laura ) & Lisa decided to go to the store or a food run, I don't remember, but I guess wanted some 1 on 1 girl time and decided the little baby woukd be fine with new father Dean and crazy father Frank for a hour or two......Lol

     After they left, everything was good for a few minutes until the baby started crying, and since no cell phones and Google existed, it was up to them to put heads together and find out why.

     I think by the time Lisa and Laura got back , they had wrapped a towel or pillow case around the baby when they couldn't find diapers or get the diaper on.  They started grabbing food to feed the baby when didn't have a bottle or know how to make one I'm not sure, but was only a few months old lol.

   Finally bananas made the baby happy, think they fed the baby 2 or 3 of them lol. By the time Lisa and Laura got back, baby was wearing pillow case or towel for a diaper, koolaide stains, banana mushed all over the baby's mouth, face, and they were trying to play it cool like it was all under control the whole time but could clearly tell they were panicked, sweating, and in awe at how they were able to care for babies all day everyday lol.

    And always wondered, whether he would grow up loving or hating bananas from that night lol

    (They may remember better details, what I remember as a kid) lol.

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