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November 16, 2022
Fred and I met almost 10 years ago at the motel. From the 1st time I seen him I knew we'd grow old together,  We was about to start our Golden Years together but God called you home babe. I'm going to miss the way you looked over your glasses at me when I said something crazy, the way you looked at me,  your smell, your love and kindness. The way you and Darrell drove me crazy. Wait for me, I truly believe we will be together again one day. Love you always, Donna

November 16, 2022
My precious friend. We met 40 years ago and click from day one. How I look back on those years and relish every moment. Oh the fun and laughter we had. Our text and phone calls once we both moved away. I can't express in words what you have meant to me and the friendship we had. I will forever love you and miss you. A piece of my heart is with you  my dear dear friend. Rest easy freddie
November 16, 2022
 New Fred  in  early eighty's , remember going out Berwick plaza bowling alley , almost every Friday Saturday. And playing football in church field, those were the days. Rest in peace old friend. Sending my condolences to the miller familys and friends ❤️

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