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He was truly the most brilliant man I knew

September 17, 2020

One of my earliest memories of Grampy is the day he taught me how to count by 2s. I couldn't have been much older than 5 or 6 at the time. I remember being amazed at how he could've thought of something so brilliant. Going 2, 4, 6, 8 was something I had never even thought of. But he wasn't done amazing me yet. Then he told me about how I could count by 3s too. I was stunned. How could I be related to such a smart man? Although now I realize he was brilliant in so many more ways than counting by 2s, this will be a memory I hold dear to me for the rest of my life. Counting by 2s and 3s has become something that makes me think of him every time. Whether it's counting inventory at my first full time job or simply counting how many worms to feed my gecko, Grampy is with me always. 
September 13, 2020
To the Gabos family - what a beautiful tribute to a special husband, father and grandfather. His love for his family is evident though out all of the photos and my memories from Saint Joesph’s.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Bob and Deidre Gatt

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