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This memorial website was created in memory of, Frederick Laskey, born on June 26, 1947 and passed away on March 22, 2007 at 59 years of age. We will remember him for his humor, sharp wit, generosity and oh so strong opinions. 
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! I miss you everyday & I still hear your (solicited & unsolicited!) words of wisdom throughout my day everyday. I haven't seen your face, heard your voice, smelled your aftershave or cologne in 14 years now yet the lifetime of love you gave, the lessons taught, lessons learned & thousands of hours we spent sharing your life experiences, unconventional life hacks & "unpopular" philosophies with me, all of which tie into my life daily in some shape or form. That said, I must admit that you indeed were about 85-90% right about everything thus far and with that, what I consider now to have been quite a visionary, so many of your predictions for the future, (both mine as an individual and the universe as a whole) that I believed were too far out, unfathomable even, have in actuality come to fruition & have become reality! How you had the insight & ability to foresee so accurately from such a point in time that was still leaps & bounds away from the stepping stones leading us to today is a mystery i will never solve. I am still working on making the numerous repairs needed for my continued existence and i try to improve on 1 area per day while learning a new skill or word or lesson to make my day more meaningful. In closing, happy birthday, Dad, I will continue to honor your life by sharing your words and the endless memories I was blessed to make with you. --- Tiffany R. Laskey Brown
March 22, 2020
March 22, 2020
13 long and tumultuous years without you, Dad. You had innate sense of what the future held & sadly, your last & deepest fears on leaving us on this plane were no exception. A true visionary and a realist, you were my hero and my motivation to succeed. You once compared my ballerina skills to being "as graceful as an elephant", well my failure is its equivalent. I miss you everyday just the same as I miss us and the lifetime of memories we made and love you gave. As I sit here reflecting on all that you shared with and sacrificed for me, I weep for being too naive and bit too proud to have fully understood the magnitude of your love for me/us ergo lacking the gratitude for you that now consumes me day in & day out. For that I am forever sorry yet eternally grateful to have been blessed with you for my father. I know you will have much to say when we meet again most of which I am not looking forward to.
(Father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, friend, neighbor, coworker) You are sorely missed

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June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! I miss you everyday & I still hear your (solicited & unsolicited!) words of wisdom throughout my day everyday. I haven't seen your face, heard your voice, smelled your aftershave or cologne in 14 years now yet the lifetime of love you gave, the lessons taught, lessons learned & thousands of hours we spent sharing your life experiences, unconventional life hacks & "unpopular" philosophies with me, all of which tie into my life daily in some shape or form. That said, I must admit that you indeed were about 85-90% right about everything thus far and with that, what I consider now to have been quite a visionary, so many of your predictions for the future, (both mine as an individual and the universe as a whole) that I believed were too far out, unfathomable even, have in actuality come to fruition & have become reality! How you had the insight & ability to foresee so accurately from such a point in time that was still leaps & bounds away from the stepping stones leading us to today is a mystery i will never solve. I am still working on making the numerous repairs needed for my continued existence and i try to improve on 1 area per day while learning a new skill or word or lesson to make my day more meaningful. In closing, happy birthday, Dad, I will continue to honor your life by sharing your words and the endless memories I was blessed to make with you. --- Tiffany R. Laskey Brown
March 22, 2020
March 22, 2020
13 long and tumultuous years without you, Dad. You had innate sense of what the future held & sadly, your last & deepest fears on leaving us on this plane were no exception. A true visionary and a realist, you were my hero and my motivation to succeed. You once compared my ballerina skills to being "as graceful as an elephant", well my failure is its equivalent. I miss you everyday just the same as I miss us and the lifetime of memories we made and love you gave. As I sit here reflecting on all that you shared with and sacrificed for me, I weep for being too naive and bit too proud to have fully understood the magnitude of your love for me/us ergo lacking the gratitude for you that now consumes me day in & day out. For that I am forever sorry yet eternally grateful to have been blessed with you for my father. I know you will have much to say when we meet again most of which I am not looking forward to.
(Father, son, brother, uncle, nephew, friend, neighbor, coworker) You are sorely missed
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