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Created in memory of our loved one, Fu Chun Hsien, whom we shall forever remember. Online Guests: Please feel free to share your tribute, stories and photos.

**请注意。Since this site is public, please be wary of scammers. Neither I nor anyone else will contact you via email to ask for money, gifts or anything else. If in doubt, email or call me. Thank you - Glenn**

For memorial service photos and video recording, please click on "His Life" tab and scroll to to the bottom of the page. 追思禮拜录影在以下网站最下面:

For more info, please click on my name on the right to contact me.

September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020
Mr Fu may no longer be with us.

However, his charisma, cheerfulness, optimism always remain in my heart and memories. I am sure his loved ones and friends felt the same as well.

He will always be missed and have a place in our hearts.

July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Dear Colonel Fu ,

Thank you for coming to my dream last night ! You were smiling and wore a very distinguished military uniform. I am so proud of u ! Rest in peace and we shall meet again in heaven ! Thank you for everything that you have done for me and my children !

Miss you Colonel Fu...I am blessed to meet you and Mrs Fu in Taiwan. Thank you for being so kind to me and everyone around you. I am forever grateful. I will see you in Heaven someday and we shall go hiking together again.
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
One year has passed but nothing has changed. My heart still ache so much over the loss of you. Until we meet again and hopefully l will be a real daughter to you. Love you alwats xxx Lucy
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Still miss him, and I hope Mrs Fu is doing well. We are all stil deeply saddened with his passing in July.
August 26, 2016
August 26, 2016
Col Fu Chun Hsien is an honourable man, a soldier and a pioneer in the RSAF. Sent by the Taiwanese govt to help build up the Singapore airforce he never acted as a loan officer but saw himself as one of us identifying with the mission and men in the SAF. He commanded a fighter squadron and later became Commander of Tengah Airbase. His many senior appointments included Head of Air Operations and Head Air Inspectorate in the Headquarters

True to his character, Col Fu always led by example and set a firm foundation for the departments he headed. I knew him as a true professional and a personal friend. Everyone in the RSAF called him Col Fu out of respect and will miss him as a friend.

With our deepest condolences to his family.

Michael Teo
August 22, 2016
August 22, 2016
Dear COL Fu,

Very sad to accept that you've passed on. I'm very glad to have worked with you the moment you reached Singapore and posted as the squadron's CO, I had fond memories serving as your Chief Clerk cum PA. You're a great man in this world, you will be deeply missed. Your care and welfare for everyone is second to none. I'll miss you forever.
August 22, 2016
August 22, 2016
Fu Chun Hsien was such a humble person when I knew him as the pioneer Head of Air Force Inspectorate. This despite being as Chief of ROCAF equivalent seniority he never once threw his weight around. I served as Chief Airforce Medical Officer n we worked closely together. He was also a humorous person n we had many happy moments together. I regret having lost touch with him after he retired n left Singapore. But I am very happy to know he is now safe in the arms of Jesus!
August 20, 2016
August 20, 2016
今天早上參加了傅大哥在三谷基督會堂的追思禮拜, 台前有傅大哥的照片, 四周佈滿了花圈, 傅馗一家精心安排, 教會長老和傳道帶領, 在琴聲中, 我們禱告, 讀經, 唱詩, 和追憶他的生平, 充滿了溫馨和尊重, 傅大嫂一直哽咽的說: [他走了], 老朋友們都眼角帶著淚珠, 離別時互道珍重.

傅大哥年長我16歲, 1989年回台時, 美國的Conoco油公司正在台灣海峽探油, 高雄外海找到了F構造, 傅大哥的直升機公司, 幫助運送人員到海上鑽井平台, 可惜這油田至今尚未投產. 我們曾可說是同行, 他專注在天空上, 我則專注在地層中.

他在美國定居的16年, 我們一起事奉主, 在基督裡, 我們才真是同行, 他是大哥, 作了美好的見証, 求神祝福他和他的家人, 因為 [壓傷的蘆葦, 他不折斷, 將殘的燈火, 他不吹滅.] (賽42:3).

茅明龍 2016/8/20
August 19, 2016
August 19, 2016
今天(2016 年8月20日)是你的大日子。是你進入天堂的大日子。
兩個兒子 小鐳、小馗 、均各自學有專精,擁有傲人的學歷及崇高的專業地位,享有極高的聲譽。這一切也是受到姐夫影響所致。俗語(有其父 必有其子)。

   弟凱年  率妻惠美
August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016
Dear Uncle Fu 傅伯伯,

We will miss you dearly in our family reunions.

But we are all in God's family and that's the assurance we will meet again!
August 16, 2016
August 16, 2016
當聽到傅大哥歸天家的訊息, 還是不免吃了一驚, 因為前幾天才在大華超市碰到傅大嫂一人購物, 問起了傅大哥的近況.

我們是親家(尚暉三姊的小女兒嫁給了他的小兒子), 也是磐基教會的會友. 2001年以後, 我們彼此間就有了更多的認識, 除每星期的主日外, 還常到他們家作客, 品嘗了傅大嫂的手藝, 傅大哥健談, 飯後總有說不完的話題.

傅大哥勤勞好動, 雖長期受病魔困擾, 仍背著書包, 天天走路練身. 家中前後院裡的草地, 果樹, 和蔬菜, 他必親自照顧得有條不紊, 連樹上結了幾棵杏子, 他都數得凊清楚楚.

傅大哥到了天家, 那裡有永遠和美好的, 不再受苦和流淚. 但是不知怎麼, 總是懷念您那低沈的聲音, 還有那說不完的一生見証.

茅明龍 2016/8/16
August 15, 2016
August 15, 2016
尊敬的姑爹,我们永远怀念你,你是一个被人尊敬的好丈夫,好父亲,我们为你感到骄傲和自豪,愿你在天堂的地方安祥快乐!记得几年前,我们一家到你家做客当时你这个时候身体已经很虚弱了,你依然很热心,不顾自己的身体,一早起床帮我们烤面包,煎鸡蛋,为我们准备了丰盛的早餐, 你的热心, 我们永远铭记心上,安息了,姑爹,我们永远想念你!
August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016

Shu family
August 7, 2016
August 7, 2016
多年前我们到傅魁和林佳家中做客,傅伯伯特地带来一道炸酱与我们共享。因为非常好吃,我忍不住称赞傅伯伯的好手艺。他只是淡淡地说," 嗯,炸了很久。" 我忽然体会到,在傅伯伯简单几个字的回答中其实道出他处事的踏实与用心,态度的平和与谦虚,以及他对家人朋友的在乎与关爱。傅伯伯在我的记忆里留下如同那一道炸酱般浓郁的香气和滋味。

August 7, 2016
August 7, 2016
Dearest Uncle Fu,

I know you are so much better off in where you are now. I hope in time you can ease my pain of your loss.

You are a wonderful boss, father and uncle to me all these 35 years.

I know all these years, you have treated me as your own daughter. Words cannot express what you and your wife mean to me.

You have touched a lot of hearts wherever you go with your selflessness. You are a great man! No matters how much of tears I cry will bring you back to us.

Distance and time have not kept us apart. So until we meet again, old chap. I will not forget the precious time and memories I had with you and your family.

Lots of love and go in peace xxx
August 6, 2016
August 6, 2016
Col. Fu was my old boss at RSAF Air Plans Dept. A lovely man with no airs even though he was an ace pilot who took part in air combat. Told me his experience visiting his ancestral home in Shandong. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his family.
George Yeo
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
On behalf of Lin Jing-Min and Lin Tan-Hui Nee Tsai
                    林敬民  蔡丹暉
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
傅大哥是個好父親,我是従Glenn 身上看到的!Like father,like son!
August 3, 2016
August 3, 2016
Dear Colonel Fu, you are the Greatest man I have ever met in my life. I am so bad with words....but I do believe that your pain is gone forever. I am picturing you as a young man again.... standing tall and handsome besides our Father in heaven. I will always remember your big laughter, selflessness and love towards all children. My son Marco will always remember your last 2 words to him, "Marco... Outstanding!" Your simple words have given him wings of confidence because my children know that you are a legend! You are so kind hearted and generous. I have learnt so much from you and I will always raise my children like how you raise yours. Thank you for so being kind to me and treated me like your daughter. I always remember the expensive durian you bought for me in Taipei and the delicious king crabs you baked in Dublin... and your Rendang beef was the best! I remembered that you said you had to open the durian in the balcony because it would stink up the house and Fu mama would not be happy :) Your love for Fu mama is the greatest! I thank God for bringing you into my life. You gave me a job when I was young and desperate in Taipei.... I remembered my first baby gift was a book from you. You said, "Read this book from Doctor Spock and you will learn how to raise a baby". As a first time mom, that book was like my bible. Thank you Colonel Fu, thank you again! We shall meet again in heaven! Love you always and forever.
August 3, 2016
August 3, 2016
"Dear Grandpa,

Thank you for all you have done for me. You might be gone, but you will always be in a special place in my heart. I miss you very much, especially all the times you offered me food, the 大饼 you always made, the times you took care of me when I was little, when you were still well. The last time I saw you, you were in so much pain that you couldn’t even open your eyes or speak. No matter how much I miss you, I know that you are in a better place now and that you feel no more pain. I hope that one day, we can reunite in heaven, and share many more memories. I will always remember the day you passed away. I was in Michigan, staying with my family for my sister’s orientation. We were at the airport coming back from Michigan early to come back and visit you. My Dad always told me to cherish the moments I had with you, because we didn’t know how many more we would have. It was 4:17 PM where I was when you passed away. We were just two hours late. I will always wish I could’ve had just one more moment with you, a moment more to cherish. I will always miss you and will always remember you and the memories we had together.

Your Grandson,
August 2, 2016
August 2, 2016
July 27 at 1:50pm

Dad just passed away and is in the loving arms of God now.
Regretfully we were in Michigan for Elizabeth's orientation and were too late to see him when we rushed home. Thankfully, mom and dad have lived close to us the past 16 years for us to share many memorable moments. But the biggest consolation lies in knowing God has prepared for him a better place where there is no more suffering from his Parkinson. By the amazing grace of our savior, Jesus, we will meet again at Jesus' feet. What blessed assurance and joy!

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September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020
Mr Fu may no longer be with us.

However, his charisma, cheerfulness, optimism always remain in my heart and memories. I am sure his loved ones and friends felt the same as well.

He will always be missed and have a place in our hearts.

July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Dear Colonel Fu ,

Thank you for coming to my dream last night ! You were smiling and wore a very distinguished military uniform. I am so proud of u ! Rest in peace and we shall meet again in heaven ! Thank you for everything that you have done for me and my children !

Miss you Colonel Fu...I am blessed to meet you and Mrs Fu in Taiwan. Thank you for being so kind to me and everyone around you. I am forever grateful. I will see you in Heaven someday and we shall go hiking together again.
Recent stories

Miss you Col Fu

July 27, 2018

It has been 2 years ... I miss you Colonel Fu. I am forever grateful to your kindness.

Spring Onions!

August 20, 2016

I remember waking up to the fragrance of fresh garlic bread!  Colonel Fu was so thoughtful.. I woke up late and he already had delicious breakfast ready for me.  Fu mama has green thumb, she can grow onion/garlic? into a beautiful plant!  I tried to copy at my own home but they never grow as beautiful as hers :) They had recently moved into their new home in Dublin and they love their kitchen island table which was a gift from their sons.  

Colonel Fu even baked King Crabs for my visit.  He is a very very generous and fun to be with :)  I will always miss him and he will always live in my heart.

My beloved Col Fu and Fu mama

August 20, 2016

2002, I flew from Singapore to visit Col Fu and Fu mama .  They took me to Golden Gate Bridge.   They were healthy and we walked to so many places!.....2003, I moved to Michigan and we got even closer !  This must be destiny :) From Taiwan to United States... God is keeping us together !


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