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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Gary Sheffler, 58, born on August 30, 1958 and passed away on March 13, 2017. 

Gary was a loving son, brother, uncle and friend. He is survived by his mother Marie, his sister Donna (Bill), his nieces Marie and Colleen, and his nephew Arlen. His sister Sandra and father Cecil have passed away. He is further remembered and celebrated by a network of devoted friends and their families, including close friends Pat, Ron, Ken, Rick, Fred, their families, and others who supported him in Ontario.

Known as Gary to his family, G Man to his friends, and Uncle G to their children, Gary was a man who left a lasting impression on everyone he met. When he couldn't be found fixing the electronics of anyone and everyone in Sudbury or  visiting his loving mother and sister, Gary was at the Ice Lake camp he loved, hunting deer with his friends and loved ones. 

A wake will be held at the home of his best friend, Pat LaPierre, on Sunday March 19th at 3pm.

His mother will be unable to make it to Ontario for the wake, so please share your stories about Gary on this website for her and for others to celebrate and mourn together. 

October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023
I met Gary in 1994.
I have the property beside the Ice Lake camp on Manitoulin Island.
He was one of those characters that, at first, took some getting used to to say the least !!
Through the years I got to know Gary, Pat and the other members of that camp very well. Gary became my "go to" guy for any and all computor issues !!
He introduced me to different genres of music, and composers. The man was a genious in many fields !
I was priveledged to spend a week at camp with him and Arlen, in March of 2017, just before he passed . I treasure that experience.
Since his passing, I have been to many many gatherings of the guys from camp that knew and loved Gary. There has NEVER been a time that Gary's name has not come up. He will live on in the endless stories, and fond memories that are told. Everybody loved and misses Gary.
We all remember our friend.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Happy birthday, Uncle! Another year has passed where I can't help but wonder what you would think about the world, about our family, about me. You wouldn't believe some of the shit going on over here. We miss you.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Hi Gary!
It has been a much more quiet without you for these years. Mom and I frequently talk about how much we miss you. She usually has odd jobs to be done at the house. Some I can help with and some require your knowledge and expertise. We are glad you missed Covid. Lots of things have happened politically. We would have a lot to discuss. I do have dreams about you. Ùsually you are visiting and we are having a nice conversation. We never go long without thinking of you. I have journalled for years and have been reading about our times together when you lived in Vancouver at the same time I did. Dinner, movies, trips to the Island and other places. I love you so much!
August 30, 2023
August 30, 2023
Hey Buddy it's been awhile but it's your birthday so happy birthday!  The Jays are in a wild card race hockey starts in a month..... I miss all our email and phone conversations there's so much more to talk about now than before.  I'd love to hear your opinions and thoughts on the current state of the world I'm laughing just thinking about it.  I've found a bunch of music both new and old and whenever I find some great stuff I always think "it would be awesome to tell Gary about this". It doesn't seem like it's been so many years but here we are.  Sandy is going into grade 1 and Grant is second year preschool now.  I wish you could have met them. It's wild how time flies but the loss of a loved one seems to stay in a sort of limbo.  It doesn't seem like it's been 6 plus years.  Anyways miss your humour and our chats and always will. 

Love Arlen
August 30, 2021
August 30, 2021
Happy 63rd Birthday G! I am visiting mom this weekend. We have talked of you often. Our world gets smaller when family members and friends pass away. Covid still rages on. Maybe some time we may get back to some kind of normal. I remember the time we visited Saltspring Island. The only time I have been there. Teens on bikes. Not sure we could do that now. Marie just did the Grouse Grind. It was incredibly hard. I miss spending time with you. We took some good road trips. To Mt. St. Helen's. Aberdeen, Osoyoos, Oliver, Barstow, Las Vegas, Ice Lake. Miss you forever! Much love!
March 13, 2021
March 13, 2021
Four years now. Some days it seems like forever and some just like yesterday when I got that call at 7 AM to tell me that you had passed away in your sleep. It was the time change weekend as it is this weekend. So much has happened that you did not see. Covid-19 is something you thankfully did not have to live through. Tim, who came to help us with your things at that time sadly passed away too in November of 2019. Mom misses you greatly as you both talked several times a week. She will be 90 this summer and we are hoping to visit her by that time. I visit your memorial in the wall at First Memorial as often as I can. We have a beer with you and dad and Sandy and talk of our memories of you. I miss you greatly always dear bro. Much love Donna.
March 13, 2019
March 13, 2019
Well another year has gone by.  Gary you are still in my thoughts of course.  Freya recently gave birth to our second child, a boy this time named Grant. Sandy is rapidly approaching 2 years old.  I wish you could have got to meet them and be an influence in their lives but sadly this is not to be.  The baseball season is two weeks away as well. I know you would have been eager to trash the Jays haha. Not to mention the NHL playoffs are coming up soon too.  So much to talk about.  I miss our talks and your insight into life and pop culture.  Miss you always. 
Love Arlen
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Well it has been one year since your passing.  Technically it was 1 year yesterday. ....but I was in Las Vegas.  I did get the email reminder in my hotel room as I was nursing a fairly aggressive hangover.  I arrived home today and figured I would write something.  I would much rather be calling you and telling you about the trip......about your beautiful great niece Sandy who is growing like a weed.....talking about the NHL season wrapping up....the jays spring work....your work....celebrities and musicians we both love and hate....the list goes on.  I miss you. We all do.  I can't believe it's been a year.  It hasn't changed the depth of sorrow for myself and likely everyone that was close to you.  Life is a cruel thing sometimes.  Anyhow you are still in my thoughts and always will be. 

August 30, 2017
August 30, 2017
Happy Birthday buddy. Miss you always. Wish you were around to see baby Sandy. See you on the other side. Love always

April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017
With sincere sympathy....our heartfelt condolences
Debbie (Ropchan) Fenner and Family
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
My cousin Gary,Although we never saw each other very much I did have the opportunity to visit you at your Mom's place.I was excited to see you because we had the opportunity to share with each other about our family lives.We had a great visit and the last one was August 2011.My memory of you was your knowledge in computers your words of wisdom and the way you made me laugh.You were a very caring person and especially to your family you were always their for them.The laughter and smiles are part of the memories I will cherish.We don't know the reason why God called you home so early in life but you are now in peace.My prayers and thoughts are with all the family.With love forever
March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017
Gary my cousin. Last time I seen you was on the farm when I had my 13th birthday. What a surprise!!! It really made my day because it was family and so far away. It seemed liked you lived in another country!! It was so good to know who you were. You used to make me laugh. That was one of your gifts always trying to help someone with love from the heart!! You did that for me bud!!! I will miss you more importantly you will miss all the love that we as a family could share. God took you home with him. He now is laughing with you and sharing memories of your loving family . Sweet dreams and I will always keep you close in my heart then and now !! Love you always and forever!!!
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
I had the honour of spending Garys last days at the camp with him. I finally got around to visiting him and two weeks later he's gone. Life is so fleeting. I feel heartbroken.  I don't think I've ever laughed as much in my life as I did on the trip. Gary was funny, intelligent and very kind. Ever since I was a little boy I remember looking forward to his visits. He always had a gentle nature about him.. .we could talk on the phone for literally hours about anything. We would laugh to the point of tears. Now I shed tears that he is gone. I miss you buddy and always will. I Hope you're having a spirited discussion about politics/film/movies/sports/loved ones with mom and Grandpa. 

Remembering you always.
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
Gary; mentor and a great friend.
Gary and I met in 1997 while working on a job at College Boreal. I was just beginning to have interest in computers and when he found that out, the conversation continued until the day he passed. He has always been my go to guy. He was so knowledgeable, he knew something about everything. I still have the first piece of paper that he gave me with instruction on working with Dos commands in windows 98. We have been sharing information for years. Every now and then I would pick up coffee and stop over and we would discuss whatever adventure that was ongoing at the time. Some times he would call me to vent about his day that was not going so well. I would listen to what he had to say and sometimes I would burst out laughing and would say to him; ( are you telling me you had a bad day ) He would then kind of brush it off and laugh back. He was now okay.
One year his father came down to visit and Gary ask if I would take him golfing one day. I said sure. His dad and I had a great day of golf and he gave me a golf ball from the Alcatraz Golf and Country Club which is still sitting on my computer desk. Just reminds me of that day.
What I'm trying to say is that his dad was a great man and so was Gary and that not just I; but everyone close to him has lost a great friend.
I won’t say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
I was sure that I would be seeing him here in ON this fall. We would be driving out to the Camp at Ice Lake and cooking a ton of meat. Gary passing has left a huge hole in my life. I loved him so much. When Bill and I lived in Toronto we saw him more often. We discussed books, politics, every movie we ever saw and people we knew and loved. We literally spent hours on the phone. He was a kind and caring person and his mark on the world was that he is sorely missed by everyone he ever met and knew. My heart is broken but I can be happy that he had a good life in the place he lived, with the people that he loved. We will hoist a glass in your honour today and you will be in my heart forever. Much love always and forever.
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
When I think of Gary, I picture him laughing. I am truly sorry that this laughter is gone. My thoughts are with his mother, Donna and the rest of his family in BC and his extended family in Sudbury.

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October 13, 2023
October 13, 2023
I met Gary in 1994.
I have the property beside the Ice Lake camp on Manitoulin Island.
He was one of those characters that, at first, took some getting used to to say the least !!
Through the years I got to know Gary, Pat and the other members of that camp very well. Gary became my "go to" guy for any and all computor issues !!
He introduced me to different genres of music, and composers. The man was a genious in many fields !
I was priveledged to spend a week at camp with him and Arlen, in March of 2017, just before he passed . I treasure that experience.
Since his passing, I have been to many many gatherings of the guys from camp that knew and loved Gary. There has NEVER been a time that Gary's name has not come up. He will live on in the endless stories, and fond memories that are told. Everybody loved and misses Gary.
We all remember our friend.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Happy birthday, Uncle! Another year has passed where I can't help but wonder what you would think about the world, about our family, about me. You wouldn't believe some of the shit going on over here. We miss you.
August 31, 2023
August 31, 2023
Hi Gary!
It has been a much more quiet without you for these years. Mom and I frequently talk about how much we miss you. She usually has odd jobs to be done at the house. Some I can help with and some require your knowledge and expertise. We are glad you missed Covid. Lots of things have happened politically. We would have a lot to discuss. I do have dreams about you. Ùsually you are visiting and we are having a nice conversation. We never go long without thinking of you. I have journalled for years and have been reading about our times together when you lived in Vancouver at the same time I did. Dinner, movies, trips to the Island and other places. I love you so much!
Recent stories


March 19, 2017

Favorite Sayings

Get help
Hand it over 
Help a brother out
Get it out
Ya cheap bastard 

Seen Doing

Sitting, reading or doing meticulous electronic work with his "Inspector Gadget" goggles on.
Sitting in the camp lanai in his smoking jacket with his cigar and a glass of wine.
Sweeping leaves off the camp roof.
Sitting, working on a project with a million pieces in front of him and an hour later it is miraculously all back together.

Will miss you brother 

Barstow CA

March 19, 2017

My brilliant idea was to take a road trip to the Ghost Town in Barstow CA in the middle of the summer.  Gary and I would drive with my girls in tow.  Unfortunately summer in California is incredibly hot.  We had a big jug of ice water in the van to keep us hydrated.  We stayed at some podunk motel there and in the middle of the night, because our air conditioner was so loud, we found ourselves wide awake.  Naturally it was time to check the temperature; it was 95 degrees.  Next was a beer!  We sat and drank beer and talked for some time.  It was a very good trip, my girls got to know their uncle and I got to spend some time with G.  A very good memory.


March 18, 2017

There is no better place to spend Thanksgiving than at the camp on Ice Lake.  Our family was very fortunate to be able to spend this holiday with Gary. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and splendid colours of the season.  We all enjoyed the walk to the precipce to enjoy the spectacular view. 
He was proud of his piece of paradise and was very happy to share it with us.
I am so thankful that I have this memory of Gary and will treasure it along with all the other fun moments spent together.

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