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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Gary Denton, 25 years old, born on November 6, 1978, and passed away on March 15, 2004. We will remember him forever.
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
17 years ago, you were taken from us way to soon. Always heard great stories about you uncle miss you like crazy! Keep watching over the family

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March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
17 years ago, you were taken from us way to soon. Always heard great stories about you uncle miss you like crazy! Keep watching over the family
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Mom and Gary

March 15, 2021
I remember the good things we shared together just you being my son made me so happy we went on a booze cruise traveling to Florida you singing the whole way you were always a joy to be with Love and miss you so much

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