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This memorial website was created in the memory my brother, Gene Kulak, Jr.                                We will remember you forever!

April 22
April 22
I can't believe you would have been 60 years old today, dear Brother! I miss you so much every single day!
I feel so glad that my son, Tommy, has some resemblance to you! He's tall like you were and he has a wonderful sense of humor, also like you! I feel grateful when he makes me laugh and it reminds me of you! I just wish that he could have known you!
We miss you tremendously.. I wish you had stayed! 
Love and miss u! Little xo
That's all for now!
April 22
April 22
It is crazy looking back and thinking about how time has flown by, but I have not forgotten you. Hope you are at peace and reunited with Darla and Renee. Happpppy 60th Birthday ! xxxx
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
I still think about you every single day, dear Brother! You were such a good person! I love you! I miss you! Wishing you were here to celebrate your birthday today! And you would shake your gift and tell us what it was before you opened it! One of a kind. Happy Birthday in heaven! ♥️ Until we meet again. ♥️
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
Miss you xx Happyyyy Birthday to one of the most gentle, fun and kindest people I have known ♥️
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Hard to believe it's been 14 years. Alot has happened wish you were around to share some of those experiences with you.
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
I miss you, Gene!!!!  Wish you were here!  We love and miss you every day! ❤️
December 24, 2017
December 24, 2017
Miss you - fond memories especially of you
And your family at Xmas. Special
Person, no one else like you ! Xxx
June 18, 2016
June 18, 2016
Today is 10 years since you left us... Little Tommy was only 3 months old and now he is a 10 year old boy.... I wish you were here so he could know what a wonderful person u were! We miss you daily.... 10 years ago and so much has happened! Life is so short I wish you stayed so we could grow old together.... Love and miss you forever..... Little
April 22, 2016
April 22, 2016
Well another year goes by..... Hope you are having a fab time up there - beats life on Earth. They do say only the good die young xx happy birthday Genie xx
June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015
Missing you today and always, dear brother!
Love you forever...
Little ❤️
June 18, 2014
June 18, 2014
Dear Brother.... I can not believe that it has been 8 years since you have left us.... We miss you so much and think about you every single day..... <3 Love you, forever..... Little <3
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
Dear Brother, I miss you so much! Wish you were here today so we could celebrate your 50th birthday!! ...and you'd shake each gift and tell us what was inside before you unwrapped it... :) Love you so much and wish things had turned out better for you... You deserved an amazing life because you were a wonderful person. You are always on my mind, you are always in my heart! XOXO
March 31, 2014
March 31, 2014
Thinking of you -wish you were here and you were right about the specs x
December 21, 2013
December 21, 2013
Hi Gene. This special time of year always makes me think of you. S
June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013
Love and miss you SOOOOOOO much... Wish you were here..... <3
April 22, 2013
April 22, 2013
I miss you so much every day.... 
Love you..... Little XOXO
April 22, 2013
April 22, 2013
Hey you, how dare you not be here for your 48th birthday! Miss you. Happy Birthday Gene x
April 22, 2012
April 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Gene xx Gone but never forgotten, I am sure you are shining brightly up there and calling off your birthday list!-always in my heart xx
July 27, 2011
July 27, 2011
Gene and I enjoyed many great times even though i was dating his younger sister. I miss him  bob k
July 24, 2011
July 24, 2011
Nothing is the same since you have gone... Watched an old video last night... made me miss you even more seeing your face and hearing your voice! I think about you every single day...

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Recent Tributes
April 22
April 22
I can't believe you would have been 60 years old today, dear Brother! I miss you so much every single day!
I feel so glad that my son, Tommy, has some resemblance to you! He's tall like you were and he has a wonderful sense of humor, also like you! I feel grateful when he makes me laugh and it reminds me of you! I just wish that he could have known you!
We miss you tremendously.. I wish you had stayed! 
Love and miss u! Little xo
That's all for now!
April 22
April 22
It is crazy looking back and thinking about how time has flown by, but I have not forgotten you. Hope you are at peace and reunited with Darla and Renee. Happpppy 60th Birthday ! xxxx
Recent stories

My Dad

June 29, 2011

My dad was always there for me. He tought me how to do so many things like ride a bike, swim, and even drive! I remember he let me drive when my mom was in the truck. I was on his lap stearing. It was the most hilarious thing because she was so scared saying, "Oh my gosh, we're getting closer to the tree!" but he trusted me.

I will never forget all of the crazy things we did. Alot of people used to say we were two peas in a pod. We used to go to this place that he named Kayla Island. It was alot of fun! We used to hike there alot.

I think about him everyday. Since my father passed away, I've learned to appriciate every single thing that happens for me now. 

We went EVERYWHERE together and we were always together. I remember he used to pick me up on his shoulders and I would mess up his hair on purpose :) He didn't mind even though he would take forever doing his hair. That's another thing we have in common, we both take a long time infront of the mirror!

I also remember he used to bring me to places like Lowes, Home Depot, and stores like that. We would ride on the carts and race each other on them. We were such goofballs together :D

I will always remember everything we did together. He was the most amazing person in my life, a wonderful father, and my best friend.

The Ride...

June 29, 2011

When I was about 10 years old, my mother was in traction in the hospital with a very bad back.  My father and sister went to the hospital to visit her, and I stayed home with my brother.

My brother had his permit and a car (an old push-button Valiant!), but no license.  Gene says, "come on, let's go for a ride"....I knew this was wrong, but I really didn't want to stay home by myself!

So, we're driving along now on Peace Valley Road.  We see lights from behind so we knew a car was coming, so my brother pulls into this little open space off the road to let the car pass.  Unfortunately, the car did not pass.  It was a cop, and he had blocked us into the spot, so now were locked in!  Oops!

Next thing you know, we're at the police station.  I'm a little girl, it's night time, and I'm wearing my pajamas, robe & slippers...some criminal!   I would have to say that my parents handled it pretty well when the Montville Police called the hospital asking for my father to pick up his kids at the station!  Ah, the late 70's....



Ann's Story - How she met our mother

June 29, 2011

Glad you liked it... Here's how I met your mother...

A week after the Don incident, Gene takes me to a party at Tommy Sinners house.   We were supposed to stay over but his parents came home or something went wrong, so we left. Rather than take me home,
Gene pulls into your driveway.  He tells me I should sleep over & he'll take me home in the a.m.    I ask if your parents were there & he says yes, but not to worry, they won't mind at all.  Now I'm freaking a bit..  My parents were super strict & no way they'd have let me or my brother have a date sleep over at that age.   I think I'd told them I was sleeping over a girlfriends.  Anyhow, not having much choice, I reluctantly go in the house & slip down the hall to Gene's room.  I'm so not down with the whole idea that I don't think I even took my shoes off.  I slept on top of the covers with all of my clothes on.  Gene is snoring in lilke 30 seconds & I'm laying awake for what felt like hours.   I guess I fell asleep since next thing I know, someone is shaking me.  I open my eyes & there is a strange, small, blonde woman with a heavy foreign accent yelling in my face.. "who are you?".. "Gene, who is this".. "get up & get out of my house now".... I'm MORTIFIED!  She turns, storms out & slams the door.. I jump up & before I can say anything, Gene is calling her back.. 'Mom" "Mom"..   Marit flings the door open & yells "WHAT GENE".. Gene says, very sweetly, "does this mean you won't make us pancakes?"..  Marit slams the door & I climb out the window!

I could write a book!

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