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Mr. General Lee Williams died June 14, 2012.
Funeral service for Mr. General Lee Williams of Alexander City, Alabama will be Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at Pine Grove Baptist Church at 1:00pm. Burial will follow at Dadeville City Cemetery.

Professional services provided by Wrights Funeral Home in Alexander City AL.

June 16
Hi Dad, it Father’s Day 06/16/2024. I couldn’t let the day pass, without saying: Happy Father’s Day, and I Love ❤️ You. I miss you so much Lil Boy. I was just thinking I wish you could have been here with me on this Father’s Day. Words can’t express the pain of losing you, and living without you. I visited your gravesite Friday. The 12th anniversary of your passing. I added your new Father’s Day flowers (instead of putting them on your gravesite today). The news said it would storm today. It was a beautiful day until about 5:00p.m The rain, the thunder and lightening came. So; it was good that I decided to put the flowers on your grave Friday. However; I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day while there. I’m sorry my love. I truly miss you dearly. The pain of losing you, hits me really hard sometimes. All I can do is cry. This weekend has been rough. It takes me back to the pain that I felt the Thursday 06/14/2024, before Father’s Day that Sunday, in 2012, when you passed away. I could smell your column for a long time afterwards, because it was on your neck tie. So I would get a whimper of it. As I entered into my house. I still have the black click and matching decor that you had in your living room. It is in my office. I love ❤️ you Daddy. Things here has gotten worse with Momma and Rickey. Coco don’t speak to me anymore. She has turned my grand children against me as well. So; I don’t go to see them anymore. As you know they didn’t come to see me anyway. I remember that you said: Angelia love & respect your mother. You can do it from a distance. So I do. I still get her Christmas, birthday and Mother’s Day gifts, but I mail them. Coco , well I will let that go. I really wish I could talk to you. I willed everything to the grand babies. Even though they are not speaking to me either. I will talk to you about when I come to your gravesite again. I love ❤️ and miss you something fierce daddy. Until your birthday 12/06/2024. Your Baby Girl, Angelia
June 14
Dad, today 06/14/2024 was the 12th anniversary of your passing. Upon arriving at the gravesite. I realized it was the self same day that you passed away. I miss you so much Daddy. My heart aches for you a lot. I visited your gravesite to put flowers on it for Father’s Day. Which is Sunday. I had to come today, Friday. Instead of Sunday, because the weather forecast said it’s suppose to rain Sunday. I added some beautiful flowers. I hope you like them. However; the last two times that I’ve put flowers on your gravesite. Someone removes them. It doesn’t matter. I will keep adding flowers every Father’s Day and every December 6, for your birthday. I had a talk with you at your gravesite. It makes me feel better. I was talking so much and tearing up so. I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day Dad. I’m sorry. I love ❤️ you dearly. I always will. I miss you something awful. As long as I’m able and I’m alive. I will come every year, for Father’s Day, and your birthday. Missing you , your baby girl…Angelia
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
Missing My Dad

December 6, 2023.. Today is your birthday. I put flowers on your gravesite as usual. Today l just wanted to hear your voice. O.C. will play it on my phone. I miss you dad. Sometimes; it seems as if you jut left yesterday. I was coming to put flowers on your grave as I do every Father’s Day and your . Today l also went to momma cousin Dorothy Fuller funeral. I know God needed your more, but sometimes when on really grieving for you. I wish that you were here. I miss our phone calls and visits. I miss hugging you. I miss our good night calls. I just miss my dad. I love ❤️ you dad. Today will always be your day. Happy Birthday dad. This is my tribute to you, until Father’s Day. Rest in peace love. Yo baby girl miss you man. Angelia
June 14, 2023
June 14, 2023
Hi Dad, it’s me “Yo Baby Girl”. It’s hard to believe that you’ve been gone 11years today. The hurt and pain of missing you still feels as bad as it did 06/14/2012. I love you, and I miss you so much. I turned 60 this past April 28, 2023. Remember when you were 60, and we thought you were old. Now I’m 60 and thinking that Coco is saying I’m old . I had party. I set up a table at the party, with your photo and mom photo. She is still alive, but she didn’t attend the party. She is 80 now. My neighbors have been standing in for you and her. Playing the role of my parents. The Dumas’s and the George’s. As they promised. So have Minister Ezekiel Washington. When I first met him. He said l know I’m not your dad, but I’d like to stand in for him. I’m not trying to replace him. You just seem like a daughter to me. None of the family comes to see me. They hardly call. I used to visit mom, Coco and the kids in Birmingham, but they don’t come see me. So I cut back on visiting them. Your family in Carolina and Dadeville has became distance as well . So; I don’t reach out to them anymore, but Louise, Ray McNeal black sister and I keep in touch. We still have the Williams Family reunion every two years in remembrance of you, grandma, grandad, and your siblings. Louise even attends our family reunion. It’s set for the end of the month June 30 - July 2, 2023 in Birmingham this year. I try to attend them. I’ve missed 2. I will be there this year. I wish you were there celebrating with us. All of your siblings have passed away. I think Aunt Lucille died in 2014, and ain’t Ruthie Mae died the following year in 2015. You met Sha’Bria your oldest grand daughter. She will be 16 in October. Your grandson, your name sake Levi Grayson Williams, will be 9 on July 23, 2023, and Harmonii will be 6 in September, 2023. You would love them dad. I wish you could see them. They’re all doing very well in school and sports. Coco finally got her act together. She bought a house in Birmingham on 10/08/21. She works for a law firm in Birmingham. October 31, 2023 marks her first year there. Mom sold the house back in December, 2022. She moved to Birmingham with Coco 8 years ago. Dj and Coco broke up shortly after. Coco is dating a nice young man. His name is Cheeko. He owns his on business, and treats her very nice. They just got back from his birthday celebration last weekend. He took her to Tennessee to the mountains. She reported that they really enjoyed themselves. She is very happy, and that’s what matters to me. Cheeko also attended my 60th birthday party with her. He seems to be very nice. I love you dad and I miss you something fierce. I will be at the gravesite this Sunday 06/18/23 with flowers in hand. If the rain holds off. If not I will put them on afterwards. It’s suppose to storm all weekend. It’s storming here now. Remember; I love ❤️ you. Love ❤️ always. Angelia Marie Williams (you named me) I love ❤️ that name. Happy Father’s Day!!! 
December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022
Hi Dad, you know what time it is . It’s your birthday! Go Gent, get busy. It’s yo birthday. Happy Birthday dad. It’s so hard to believe that you’ve been gone 10 years. The pain, and the (void that you would fill) seems like yesterday sometimes. I love and miss you so much. You were my dad, my friend, my confidant, and my rock. Now l have no earthly person to fill that gap. Even, Glynn, Jeanette, and all the ones that pretended to be close to me has turned their back on me. I have neighbors who stay in touch though. I hope you made to Heaven. I hope you’re one of my daily Angels, watching over me. I put flowers on your grave for your birthday last Thursday. I was up for my cousin Donny Spivey funeral. I love and miss you dearly dad. Until June 12, 2023. You’re gone, but never forgotten. Again; I love ❤️ you. You’re truly missed. ❤️
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Hi Dad, it’s Father’s Day 06/19/2022. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad ever. I miss you so much. I visited your gravesite today, and added some pretty yellow and white roses, mixed with carnations. I stood, and cried/talked with, showed you pictures of your Grandbaby Coco, and your three grand babies. Sha’Bria, Levi, and Harmonii. You would love them. I hardly see them. Coco lives in Birmingham. They don’t visit. So;; l stopped going to visit them. Unless it’s something with the grand babies. Momma moved up with them. I really miss you dad. Days like these… we would definitely be together having fun. I also talked to you today about the issues; with my mortgage breach, my car, anc my cell phone. It would be so much better to deal with if you were here. Just talking to you over the phone made me feel so much better. I do have the voice mail that you left on my answering service a couple of days before you left. I’m going to play it back today. You said: Angelia it’s me. They was giving me a bath in here when you called. I will talk to you later. I love you. I will always keep, and cherish that message. When holding my phone and listening to it. It feels like you’re head with me. Because l can feel the vibration of your voice. I’m about to cry again. So; lm going end this letter, but never my love. I love ❤️ you so much. With teary eyes, and a heart full of love ❤️. Until your birthday. Remember; l love you. I hope to dream of you tonight. Rest In Peace. Yo Baby Girl Always, Angelia Marie Williams ❤️ P.S. yo grand baby …Lil Miss Coco is vacationing this week on Athens, Greece. The pictures she sent me. I could tell that Jesus had walked there. It was the feeling l got when looking at the photos.
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
Hi Dad, today marks 10 years since you passed. It has been a trying day. My heart is heavy, and lm missing you dearly. I miss you so much. I still have bad days. I often look at your photos, and talk about you. I’m now 59 years old. Yep! Your baby girl is getting old. I have a few health issues, but lm hanging in there. Today was a long day for me. My car has a torque converter problem for the second time. So; lm in the process of trading it. It was ordered yesterday. I will get it on 06/28 or 06/29/2022.  Case is a 2014 Toyota Camry LE. I’m trading it for a 2022 Toyota Camry. My house was paid for 06/18/2022. I had a 30 yr mortgage, and paid it off in 15 years. Speaking of the house. My mortgage company had a breech. My information was stolen and sold on the black web, with 300 million other people info. We are now apart of a lawsuit behind it. You know l had problems with Lexus for a long time. I sued them, and they finally paid up 02/2022. I haven’t worked for them since 07/01/2019. I’m okay though. I’m awaiting my disability, and ssi to beginning. It’s now taking two years to get it. I’ve been waiting a year and 8 months. I know that you would be proud of me dad. I love you dad, and l really miss you. My minister Brother Harris was funeralized this past Sunday. Louise McNeal called me Saturday. The McNeals are having a family gathering in Alex City on 07/04/2022. They’ve invited Grandma Sis grandkids. Myself and Glynn plans on attending, but Lynn passed aaay about 5 years ago. I wish l could have a sweet and funny dream about you tonight. Again; l love, and miss you daddy, and l will always love you. Rest In Peace. Yo Baby Girl, Angelia Marie Williams ❤️
December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021
Hi Dad, Happy 82nd Birthday. I miss you so much. You were my best friend. There is so much l want to tell you. So much has happened this year. Several surgeries, ups and downs that l would have shared with you. I’m in the waiting process of  getting my SSI and Disability. As you know l lost my job at Lexus July 01, 2019. I’ve pretty much become a loaner. If l don’t visit Coco. They don’t come see me. Coco and Dj moved to Birmingham in 2015. Dj and Coco broke up after she caught him cheating. So; wait for it! You now have three grandkids. When you left there was only Sha’Bria. Now you have Sha’Bria Mi’Angel German (14) You have your name sake Levi Grayson Williams (8). Yep; l said Williams . And Harmonii ReignBrown (4). Coco is doing good now. She just bought a house. It is pretty, and your favorite color~Yellow. It’s storming here today. So; I put your flowers on the gravesite yesterday. I love you dad, and l miss you dearly, and as usual l’m always grateful. Rest In Peace Dad. Love ❤️ You Much! Your Baby Girl…Angelia
June 14, 2021
June 14, 2021
Hi Dad, today is a sad day for me. Today is the 9th anniversary of your passing. I miss you so, so much, and I still love you dearly. I bought flowers last weekend to put on your gravesite yesterday, but the a thought occured. I don’t celebrate the day of your passing. I celebrate Fathers Day, and your birthday. Fathers Day is this coming Sunday 06/20/2021. I will visit your gravesite like clock work to replace the flowers from your birthday. As l do twice a year. The pain of losing you is still evident. Sometimes it’s like the day of your passing...very painful. Then sometimes it’s a little easier to bare. My health has declined a little. Due to the two surgeries l had in Birmingham. When you and Mickey Mouse was there. I’ve applied for SSI and Disability in October, 2020. Ive been off work over a year. My entire body hurts almost everyday. My feet hurt to touch the floor. Bones pop to move. If I sat for too long. It’s painful, and it takes time for me to get up and get my legs functioning properly. Enough about me. Just know that I will always love you, and you will always be in my thoughts. I love you daddy. I will never forget you. Your baby girl...Angelia Marie Willams ( the name that you gave me at birth).
December 6, 2020
December 6, 2020
Hi Dad, Happy Birthday . You would be 82 today. I don’t know if you liked Poinsettias are not, but I put Poinsettias on your gravesite yesterday. I talked with you for a while, and drove back through Auburn/Opelika shopping for Christmas gifts. I finished shopping, and l put my Christmas Tree up today on your birthday. I love you, and l miss you dearly. Love always, your baby girl, Angelia Marie Williams
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Hi Dad, Happy Father’s Day. I miss you so much, and l love you even more. My friend Lamare and l visited your gravesite today. It was hard as usual, but l was shocked upon realizing that l didn’t cry. It’s the first time in 8 years, but l didn’t cry. Now l have cried weeks approaching the June 14. The day you past away. Please know that l will come to your gravesite, and replace your flowers every June 14, and every Dec 6 like clockwork, and sometimes on other days just to talk with you. As lm passing through. As long as lm able, and have breath in my body. You’re truly missed my love. I place a bouquet of yellow, and white flowers on your grave today 06/21/2020 for Father’s Day. I know yellow was your favorite color. Lamare had to go to work today. So we left Montgomery at 6:33a.m. We returned to Montgomery around 10:30, and he left for work. So l took about a two hour nap, and chilled the rest of the day. Boy time flies. I was 49 when you passed away. I’m 57 now. So you would be 82 in December. Until my next visit. I will love you forever. Rest In Peace Daddy! Angelia Marie Williams
June 14, 2020
June 14, 2020
Hi dad, today l pause to celebrate your 8th year of Heavenly Birthdays. I miss you so much. It all comes rushing back to me. As if it was today. When you left for your place of rest. It still hurts a lot, and l still find myself crying, and talking to your pictures. I love you dad, and l always will love you. You were my dad, and my best friend all in one. Whenever in the City. Alexander City that is: I always made a special trip to see my daddy. I’ve been talking to Ray McNeal “black sister” Louise. As he would call her. She is attending our family reunion 2021. It will be held in Mrtyle Beach, S.C. Coco, and l want make it . Coco built a house from the ground in Leeds, Al. It’s nice. I gave her $1500. That was my money for the trip. I want tell her. If you don’t tell her . I attend the Family Reunion in 2019. It was “ The Bomb”. I had a good time. Jeanette (Neck-Bone) is still crazier than ever. Glynn was there too. He and Cassandra is divorced. His friend Sue was with him. I would have given almost anything for you to be there. Aunt Rutherford Mae, and Aunt Lucille passed away. So did Stack. Y’all keep the family reunion going in Heaven, and we will keep it going here. Grandma Sis, and Grand dad Austin has all their children, and some of their grand children there too. Y’all give each other a great big hug, and have a great big family reunion there. Ours on earth will be the first Friday they Sunday of July. I was the speaker last year. Brought tears (not a dry eye in the house). Upon asking for a minute of silence, and calling out the names of those gone on. I just wanted to say hello, and l will always love you. I will keep writing on this page. Until they shut it down, or l meet you in heaven. Your Baby Girl always, Angelia Marie Williams
December 6, 2019
December 6, 2019
Hi Dad, Happy 81st Birthday. I love you, and I miss you so much. Thanks for everything, even life it self. I love and miss you so much. It's going to be a nice day for me. All because it's your birthday. I remember you use to say: you say I love you three or four times before hanging up, or leaving me. Then you'd laugh. Well here's to the third time on December 06, 2019. I love you dad! You named me too. What a beautiful name. Love always, Your Baby Girl, Angelia Marie Williams
December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018
Hi Dad, today is your 80th birthday. I love and miss you so much. I wish you were still here with me. I visited, and put flowers on your gravesite Sunday December 02, 2018. In remembrance of your birthday. I talked with you for a while, and viewed your brothers (Uncle Elijah, and Uncle U.T.) gravesites. I talked about Coco and your three great grand kids. They are beautiful, and so full of joy. You would love them all, but especially your name sake Levi Grayson. Coco gave him our last name "Williams". Sha'Bria says she remembers you. she should. As many visits as you made to her school, and to their house to see her. Levi was born a year after your passing, and Harmonii the youngestwas born 5 years your passing. You would love them all dearly. I spent Thanksgiving with them. Boy is Harmonii a rough sleeping baby :) She had me all on the edge of the bed several times. I often think of you. Sometimes I cry, and other times I tear up a bit, and smile. You and I, we had a lot of good times. Remember the year that I gave you the surprise birthday party at Dwight Whetstone house. We had you walking around in the basement. We told you that Dwihgt need help bringing up your birthday gift. Because I wasn't completely finished with the food when you all arrived. Mrs. Alice Faye helped me to get you to Dwight house. You wanted to stop at Captain D's. Coco, Dj, and Shabria was there. The look upon your face was shock, but pure joy. I still have the pictures from that day. I made a special desert for you. You loved it. You are missed, and loved soooooo very much. You will never be forgotten. You will live as long as a part of me lives. Il ove you daddy. Happy 80th Birthday. Your baby girl, Angelia Marie Williams
December 6, 2017
December 6, 2017
Hi dad, Happy Birthday dad. I miss you and I love you so very much. You taught me so much, and you did so much for me. I remember the day in 2nd grade. You were getting me ready for school. You or I applied to much Johnson & Johnson baby powder to the panty area. I sat on the front porch waiting on the school bus to arrive. As it turned the corner, and neared the house. I stood up and a powder cloud rose up into the air. You came out, and tried to knock some of the powder away with a towel. It was so funny. Mr. James Slaughter-the bus driver picked at me for years to come. He saw me 20 plus years later. He was still picking at me, laughing at me. He asked if you had gotten the powder off me. I replied yes. He got me ready for school back then, because mom was working night shift. He replied...does she know about the powder incident. I said no, but she would think it was funny too. I miss you dad, and I love you still. I put flowers on your grave Saturday for your big day today December 6. I will always remember, and visit you on or before that day. To apply new flowers to your gravesite. As its dark when I get off work, and drive there to do so. I get off at 3:00p.m. It's dark by 4:30. IT takes an hour or so to get there. Dew to traffic. I always remember you by waking up saying good morning on that day too. I love you, and I dearly miss you. Thanks for all the memories, and good times. Thanks for being such a great dad, and always taking the very best care of me. I will always love you. Your baby girl...Angelia Marie Williams
June 14, 2017
June 14, 2017
Hello dad, I love you more today, than the day I knew the meaning of a father/his true love. You've been gone 5 years today. I can't seem to let go. My heart aches for you. My eyes cry to see you (even though you would scare me. So I'd rather dream a sweet dream of you :) My ears long to hear your voice. Which I have recorded. A recording that I play whenever the grief gets to hard for me. I wish I could feel a hug from you. I miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. Today is a very trying time for me. As I never in my life time, could imagine you leaving me so soon. I think of you constantly and wish you were still here. My heart broke into a million pieces, the day you left. However; I know you had made major changes to be with the Lord, and he needed/wanted you with him. You are/were a wonderful loving blessing to me from God. Most people never experience the great gift of a wonderful loving father. So, I was truly blessed. From day one, the moment I was born. You loved me unconditional. Even through unknown circumstances, and wondering possibilities. You taught me to love and be respectful. You taught me the true meaning of a Father's Love. I was, and I am truly blessed to of had a special dad like you. Forever loving and missing you. Your baby girl, Angelia Williams
December 6, 2016
December 6, 2016
Each year on this day.I'm reminded of my love for you.Along with a great hollow spot in my heart from missing you.You were the true meaning of a father, a Dad, and all the good things that describe's what comes along with being a wonderful Dad/ Father.
There isn't a day that passes , that I don't think of you, and miss you dearly. Some days brings lots of tears. As the pain and misery of losing, is still great for me to bear, I reminisce, and think of the good times we shared. Sometimes they get me past the pain. However, holidays, and Father's Day, is the worst time for me. As you were always a part of each and every one of them.You left on the Thursday before Father's Day. So Father's Day and the Fourth Of July is not good for me at all.
 I miss you severely Dad, my heart aches often. I love and I would like to dream of you tonight on your special day.Your 78th Birthday. I planned to spend my 50th birthday on a Father's / Daughter's trip with you as a Birthday gift. I had planned to take you anywhere you wanted to go. For you've always been the reason and the season , along with God , for my being. I thank you for everything. I love and miss you more than words could ever say. I pray that you are my Good Guardian Angel, and that you constantly watch over me. As a Father does and as you've always done, since I came into existence. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD. I love and miss you......Your Baby Girl...Angelia Mare Williams
December 7, 2015
December 7, 2015
December 6, 2015 dad was 77 years old. My fi'ance Xavier and l visited his gravesite, and added a red rose. Dad you are missed so much. Its been 3 years 5 months, 7 days, 5 hours, and 49 minutes. I miss you more now than ever. You left a voicemail on my answering service a day or so before you died. I still play it. To calm myself, after greiving your loss. I can actually touch the answering service, and feel your vocals. As l listen. Thanks for being my dad all those years. Thanks for continuing to watch over me jn Heaven. You are and always have been "my angel". You have a,grandson now. His name is,Levi Grayson Williams. Coco named him after you. He knows your picture. As we talk of you constantly. Bre and Coco think of you, and misses you dearly too. Love is even stronger from Heaven to Earth. Between you, me, Coco, and your great grands :) Who knew you would have a grandson to carry your name on. We want forget you ever. I love you, and miss you very, very much. Your baby girl, Angelia Marie Williams
May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015
I love you, and I miss you like crazy. It's been 3 years, but the pain of losing you. Feels like you left me yesterday. No one knows or seems to care, about the pain associated with losing you. I cry sometimes daily. Nothing or no one can feel the void of missing you. I often think to myself. Why didn't dad tell me he dying? You knew dad, and out of love and that fatherly protection. Which you gave so gracefully, and proudly, and willingly. You chose not to tell me. I believe your decision was based on "not hurting me". Well, I love you for thinking of my best interest. Rest in peace dad. The promise that I made to you. I'm living up to it. I'm good, and I'm making you proud of me. I love you, and I miss you. I hope to see you in Heaven baby boy. If you should see aunt Lucille and Tie. Tell them, to give you big hug and kiss for me. Tell them, I said hello and give them each a great big hug. Love always. Your baby girl, Angelia Marie Williams....I love that name. You named me.

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June 16
Hi Dad, it Father’s Day 06/16/2024. I couldn’t let the day pass, without saying: Happy Father’s Day, and I Love ❤️ You. I miss you so much Lil Boy. I was just thinking I wish you could have been here with me on this Father’s Day. Words can’t express the pain of losing you, and living without you. I visited your gravesite Friday. The 12th anniversary of your passing. I added your new Father’s Day flowers (instead of putting them on your gravesite today). The news said it would storm today. It was a beautiful day until about 5:00p.m The rain, the thunder and lightening came. So; it was good that I decided to put the flowers on your grave Friday. However; I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day while there. I’m sorry my love. I truly miss you dearly. The pain of losing you, hits me really hard sometimes. All I can do is cry. This weekend has been rough. It takes me back to the pain that I felt the Thursday 06/14/2024, before Father’s Day that Sunday, in 2012, when you passed away. I could smell your column for a long time afterwards, because it was on your neck tie. So I would get a whimper of it. As I entered into my house. I still have the black click and matching decor that you had in your living room. It is in my office. I love ❤️ you Daddy. Things here has gotten worse with Momma and Rickey. Coco don’t speak to me anymore. She has turned my grand children against me as well. So; I don’t go to see them anymore. As you know they didn’t come to see me anyway. I remember that you said: Angelia love & respect your mother. You can do it from a distance. So I do. I still get her Christmas, birthday and Mother’s Day gifts, but I mail them. Coco , well I will let that go. I really wish I could talk to you. I willed everything to the grand babies. Even though they are not speaking to me either. I will talk to you about when I come to your gravesite again. I love ❤️ and miss you something fierce daddy. Until your birthday 12/06/2024. Your Baby Girl, Angelia
June 14
Dad, today 06/14/2024 was the 12th anniversary of your passing. Upon arriving at the gravesite. I realized it was the self same day that you passed away. I miss you so much Daddy. My heart aches for you a lot. I visited your gravesite to put flowers on it for Father’s Day. Which is Sunday. I had to come today, Friday. Instead of Sunday, because the weather forecast said it’s suppose to rain Sunday. I added some beautiful flowers. I hope you like them. However; the last two times that I’ve put flowers on your gravesite. Someone removes them. It doesn’t matter. I will keep adding flowers every Father’s Day and every December 6, for your birthday. I had a talk with you at your gravesite. It makes me feel better. I was talking so much and tearing up so. I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day Dad. I’m sorry. I love ❤️ you dearly. I always will. I miss you something awful. As long as I’m able and I’m alive. I will come every year, for Father’s Day, and your birthday. Missing you , your baby girl…Angelia
December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023
Missing My Dad

December 6, 2023.. Today is your birthday. I put flowers on your gravesite as usual. Today l just wanted to hear your voice. O.C. will play it on my phone. I miss you dad. Sometimes; it seems as if you jut left yesterday. I was coming to put flowers on your grave as I do every Father’s Day and your . Today l also went to momma cousin Dorothy Fuller funeral. I know God needed your more, but sometimes when on really grieving for you. I wish that you were here. I miss our phone calls and visits. I miss hugging you. I miss our good night calls. I just miss my dad. I love ❤️ you dad. Today will always be your day. Happy Birthday dad. This is my tribute to you, until Father’s Day. Rest in peace love. Yo baby girl miss you man. Angelia
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June 14, 2019

Hi Daddy, it’s me again on this beautiful day of 06/14/201. Your Baby Girl “Angelia Marie Williams”. I have so much to share with you. It’s seems like only yesterday that l was preparing a burial for you. Yet it’s been 7 years. Trust me. There’s not a day gone by of the seven years that l haven’t cried, thought about, talked about or missed you. Today is a tough one for me. Because it reminds me of a true love, a unconditional a love, an unselfish man that was willing to give it all for me. I love you dad with all my heart, and l always will. You are very missed, and thought about constantly. Sha’Bria is 11 now. She still remembers you. Your name sake Levi Grayson is 5. He  knows you because l speak of you constantly. Harmonii is 1. She doesn’t know anybody but Coco and momma. I will always keep you alive. As long as l have breath in me. The pain is still so hard to beat. I miss you so much. I listen to your voice on my answering service. It soothes me. It’s all l have left of you. Besides pictures, a neck tie, and shirt with your cologne on it. If l lay my hand on the answering service. When listening to your voice. I can can feel you. It feels as if you are here with me. Why did you leave me so soon daddy? Why couldn’t you tell me what was around the corner for me? One day l was coming to see you in the hospital. The next few days. I was faced with the fact that you were leaving me, and of never see you on this side again. Maybe it was too painful for you to tell me. So lm not upset about. I know you loved me, and l surely loved you. You were/are my Hero. Oh, as you know you passed away the Thursday before Fathers Day. My intentions were to give you the solid gold money clip. Since l wasn’t given the chance to give it to you. I buried you with it. Inside of your suit, in the pocket. You deserved it. I bought it for you. So I buried you with it. Also your deal came through. And don’t worry. My grand babies, your great grands will know who you are, and how much you loved them. In closing please know that l still love/miss  you just as much today. As l did the day l was born. I will never ever never forget you. I love you dad! As l bring this to a close. With tears in my eyes. Please know that l will always love you dad. You named me such a beautiful name. Your Baby Girl, Angelia Marie Williams

A man of many colors

June 19, 2013

My dad General Lee Williams was a man of many colors. He wore them all quite well.To know him was to love him. I miss my dad so much. I wasn't prepared, and his death was unexpected. I didn't realize how sick he was, and he didn't want me to know he was dying. Dad is, was and will always be "a great loss", for me. My first grandson is due in a couple of weeks. Dad, I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to meet him, and you will never know him. Levi will be named after you, dad. He will never meet the wonderful man from whom his name derived. However; he will be shown plenty of photographs and told many stories of his caring and loving grandfather " 5 STAR" Genreal Lee Williams. Dad my heartaches, and I cry almost daily, desiring one of those good hugs, you used to complain about :) I often wonder if I told you I love you enough. Even though I spoke to you 5 or 6 times daily, and we always ended the call with "I love you". Now, it doesn't seem like it was quiet enough. I long to see you. So,  I often pray to dream of  you before going to sleep some nights. Just to see you, and just to hear your voice. Sometimes I awaken the next mroning, and realize God granted me the prayer. I often play the message you left on my answering service. A week or so before you died. You were in Opelika Hospital. You will always be loved and remembed by me. I'll never forget you dad. The duo is now a onesome. I'm alone with no~one to turn too. However; I keep your love surrounding me. For I know you're my Guardian Angel, watching over me now. Rest in peace. Until we meet again. Please know I love you still and always will. Your colors are still here on earth, with me. As I remember and color you dad, and how you wore the colors oh so well. Now I proudly as back then, color you DAD! Rest In Peace Dad. 

You were gone a year Friday June 14, 2013. Then John Edward Sandlin your buddy died Fathers Day and we buried you a year ago today, June 19, 2012. Coco picked your burial date. She didn't want tokeep you out a long time. Rickey and I agreed. Can you believe Rickey and  I came together, almost as one. Everybody even mom was proud of us. You would have been proud of us too, dad. 

 I love and miss you so much.

Your loving daughter, Angelia M. Williams 

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