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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Geoff Tilson, 45 years old, born on May 5, 1966, and passed away on June 17, 2011. We will remember him forever.
June 18
My Mum came through Geoff darling, after our long split! Over the moon! Dying to have a catch up chat with you too one day.

Want to hear what you're up to.

All my love Moo xxx
June 17
June 17
Darling Geoff,
   It has been 13 years since you left us and it is sometimes hard to believe that we are still here. So much has happened in the world and the honesty and integrity of so many people & institutions has just crumbled. Thank God you don't have to see it happening. I still mourn for you and now I am mourning for America & the world the way it used to be. Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but fear not, for I have overcome the world." I'm trying to let my heart dwell on that.  Love, Mom
May 5
Hope your ears were burning, in a good way, tonight at Church!

Dying for a catch up, one day, when you fancy it Geoff!

With all my love Moo xxx
May 5
May 5
May 5, 2024
Dearest Geoff, today you would be 58, so you have been gone from this plane for 13 years. Of course, time is really irrelevant in Heaven. I miss you, and pray that the Rapture happens soon. I'll see you then.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
It is hard to believe that 12 years has passed. We think of you often and talk about all the great times we spent at Disney. Your friends love and miss you dearly. I will always love you... Thank you for being my friend. Fly free and be your amazing self!
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
How can it be 12 years since you left us? I pray you are at peace and enjoying visiting with all the biological relatives you have in heaven. We miss you and feel encouraged that we will meet again someday, probably sooner than we all think. Our world is such a mess now, I can't imagine that it can keep going on this way for very long. All my love, Mom
June 17, 2022
June 17, 2022
Love you Geoff,

Still in my thoughts, prayers. And looking forward to another chat at the right time. xxxxx
June 17, 2022
June 17, 2022
   It seems impossible that you have been gone from this earth for 11 years. You are loved and missed every day. Until we meet again in heaven,

June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
A very sad day for those of us "left behind" when you went to heaven.
Love,  Mom
June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021
10 Years? Gosh! That flew...

Must be bizarre in Spirit being timeless.... You have no sense of time, or do you?

Much looking forward to another chat in your new vantage point!

Much love Geoff,

Moo xxxx
May 5, 2021
May 5, 2021
Geoff darling!

Happy Birthday! How's you?

Aren't Dr Reiner Fuellmich, Superman Trump and all those obliterating the cabal amazing?! You must see things so clearly from your vantage point.

Sooo can't wait for another chat, in due course.

Love ya! Moo xxxx
May 4, 2021
May 4, 2021
My Darling Geoff,
   If you were still on earth, you would be 55 tomorrow. I am sure you are
happy to be in heaven with Jesus. You would NOT believe what is going on in the USA now. I miss & love you. I can hardly wait to join you and see all our loved ones in heaven.

May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020
Dear Geoff,

Love you darling!

Can you believe what "they" want?!

New: Title TBD
5 May 2020 - 5:08:26 PM
Will you follow the narrative?

Masks are here to stay. And they’re quickly becoming a way to express ourselves. HELL NO TO THAT!!

Funny how Stephen King WROTE about the CV19 back in 2003.

This is war, END TIMES. God wins. But woweee!

Love Lucinda

Louise, I think the payment was a one off, if they need more £ I will ask for help. Going up against the enemy has cost me dearly

May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020
Dearest Geoff (plus Lucinda and Shaine,)
   Thank you Lucinda for faithfully keeping this site going. I would be glad to help pay for some of the cost for doing this.
   Geoff, I don't think you can see this missive, but it makes me feel close to you when I write here. You would be so frustrated with what is going on globally with this ridiculous pandemic. I believe the Lord is preparing us for His return VERY soon and that makes me happy. I KNOW I will see you again and all my other dear relatives and friends who have gone before me. I love & miss you. -- Mom 
BTW the pictures that I added a couple of years ago are mostly your relatives on my Mom's side, her sister and brother, plus one of me with MY brother, Jim, who has gone to be with the Lord.
May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
Well, it's almost 8 years since you left us and it's still hard to believe that you are gone from this life. I know you are with our Lord Jesus, and probably aren't even aware of these notes, but it makes me feel close to you and not miss you so much. I have just returned from the Calvary Chapel Women's retreat at Murietta Hot Springs and I am once again inspired to be a better Christian and to love and accept ALL others without judgement. I am always inspired by the teaching and the beautiful surroundings as well as partaking in a few dips in the healing hot springs. It is such a blessing to go there and worship the Lord in song and have sweet fellowship with the wonderful ladies of CC Santee. I love you. Mom
May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018
Geoff darling,

So sorry for the delay, but as you know, hugely occupied with NXVIM arrests, take down of the cabal. Trump getting the North Korean prisoners/hostages released! Which of course the lamestream media virtually ignores in their hatred of him :-(

Funny that Stormy Daniels links to NXVIM! That'll open up Pizzagate. QAnon. 

Dying to have a chat one day. And I did love you playing with my ipod in Cancun. Clever you. I love how spirit can play with gadgets!

Love you loads Geoff! Moo xxx
May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018
My Dearest Geoff,
   I was at a Calvary Chapel Women's retreat at Murrietta Hot Springs on your birthday anniversary this year. You would have loved it there. It is so beautiful, peaceful and miraculous to see how God allows hot mineral rich water to bubble up from deep inside the earth. Our keynote speaker reminded us to SIMPLIFY our lives and store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven, not on this earth. We are here such a brief moment in God's time. I am so comforted to know that you and I will have the rest of eternity to see each other again. Love, Mom
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Darling Geoff,
   Today would have been your 51st Birthday. You were such a beautiful baby, so perfect in every way. I miss you SO much every day, but especially today. I am praying that I can keep in mind that this life is only a brief interlude in light of eternity. I have added photos of your Uncle Jim who passed into glory in Jan. 2006, your great Uncle Bill Ward who died in 2010 and your Great Aunt Inky who died less than 2 weeks ago. I know you will enjoy getting together with them and my mom. I love you..  Mom
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Happy Birthday Geoff darling!

Sending you so much love. Looking forward to a chat one day. Loving Dr Ervin Lazslo so much. The Spirit genius author, helping wake folks up. To the great awakening out of The Matrix. Yeehaa!

Huge love Moo ♥
June 17, 2016
June 17, 2016
Dearest Geoff, Impossible to believe that ANOTHER year has passed so quickly. It only matters to those of us left here without you. Of course I think about you all the time, but today is an especially sad remembrance. I want to thank Lucinda and Shaine for keeping this site and your memory alive for others. If you need any financial help with it, please let me know. Geoff, I'm glad you weren't here to hear about Orlando. I think we went to that club together one time, I know you are at peace with our sweet Lord. Love, Mom
June 17, 2016
June 17, 2016
Hey Geoff dahling!

Thinking of you. Innit the shift exciting?!! So much momentum gathering. Love that Russell Brand discusses Ascension.

So, the veils between us are thinner.

Have a magical day. Love you loads hon!

Moo ♥
June 17, 2015
June 17, 2015
Hey Geoff!! Thinking of you darling! Thanks for playing with my ipod! I knew it was you!! :-)
Can't wait to hear what you are up to in Spirit!

As you know, some MASSIVE global stuff is happening with me, talk of the town dahling! And it's ALL for good, I can help, empower so many now into THEIR joy and magic!

I love you loads! Looking forward to a proper "chat!" Love Moo ♥ ♥ ♥
June 17, 2015
June 17, 2015
Darling Geoff,
   It's astonishing that it has been 4 years already since you went to Heaven. I still miss you every day. I can't even imagine the love, joy and peace that you are surrounded by right now.
I pray that all of those who knew and loved you will be comforted by the Holy Spirit today. All my love, Mom
May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015
Happy Birthday Geoff darling! Thinking of you. Sending so much love! Can't wait to hear what you're up to! Thanks for teaching me so much about Spirit. I bet you're helping me with Good Grief!!
Thank you sweetie!

Love Lucinda Moo ♥ ♥ ♥
May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015
My Darling Geoff,
   You would have been 49 today. I'm missing you so much while the silly CA people are "celebrating" Cinco de Mayo. They don't even know what it's about, to them it's an excuse to drink a lot of beer and margaritas. I wish you were in CA to celebrate LIFE and love with your family here. I know you are probably enjoying heaven in ways we can't even dream about, but I miss you and so look forward to seeing you again. I think it will be very soon (in light of eternity) that Jesus will come to gather those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Love, Mom
June 17, 2014
June 17, 2014
Darling Geoff, Here we are at another anniversary of your passing and it still seems like such a short time ago. I miss our late night, hours long talks. I miss your sweet smile and sense of humor. I pray that you are having a wonderful time in heaven getting to know all of the relatives who have gone ahead of you, especially my mom and brother Jim. I'll love and miss you as long as I live. Your biological Mom, Louise
May 6, 2014
May 6, 2014
Yesterday would have been Geoff's 48th Birthday. None of us vain beings ever want to look our age (at least after we reach 30) and as I see the pictures of Geoff on this site, I realize he would actually be happy to have everyone remember him as young and vibrant as he was when he worked at WDW.There is a line in the movie "Heaven Is For Real" when the young boy is asked about how his grandfather looked, and he told his dad, "Everyone looks young in Heaven." I know Geoff will be happy about that. Forever young, Forever missed. Love, Mom
May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
Happy Birthday Geoff darling!! I love you!! I hope you were at the "Singing the Oceans Alive" concert and heard/saw Nawang Kechog who's HRH Dalai Lama's Flautist! That was the Whale music CD you loved soo!

Love youuuu!! Lucinda Moo ♥
December 7, 2013
December 7, 2013
I found this beautiful site when I went to look for your passing to Spirit anniversary Geoff darling, as I write my book; "Good Grief - My journey meeting, working and playing with the Spirit World, and how YOU can too!

We met via a mutual friend and you were/are such a high level Teacher's Teacher darling and you helped my mediumship jump up a quantum level! And you taught me sooo much about the Universe and soo many esoteric topics. Thank you thank you thank you hon!

I loved our giggly Skypes where Spirit made appearances too and where we sent such pure, pure child-like love to All beings! You really are so talented, funny and gorgeous!

It is an honour to know you you stylish being and I know that our "work" is far from done!

I love you darling! Your forever Lucinda Moo ☆≈♡≈☆♡☆≈♡≈☆
June 18, 2013
June 18, 2013
I can't believe it has been two years since you left us. There are so many times that I think, "Oh, I want to tell Geoff about that." and then I realize that I can't. I'm so sad today because I know there were so few people who ever REALLY knew you. I'm praying that you are so filled with peace and joy, now. I love you, now and forever. Mom
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
My Dearest Geoff,
   It's still so hard to believe that you are gone. Even though I know that you are with God and so much happier than you were on your journey here, I still miss you so much. You were my precious firstborn.  All my love from your biological Mom, Louise
June 17, 2012
June 17, 2012
Every time I see a parade from Disney World, it reminds me of you Geoff. You went a long way before your time was due.
August 3, 2011
August 3, 2011
How I will miss the messages via Facebook & Youtube Geoff, can't believe this has happened. RIP
June 25, 2011
June 25, 2011
Dear Geoff...I don't understand what happened...but I know your kind and joyful spirit touched my heart, and the hearts of many many others. Keep making your unique music, and dance among us...those who miss you so. Peace, Jonathan Leavy

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Recent Tributes
June 18
My Mum came through Geoff darling, after our long split! Over the moon! Dying to have a catch up chat with you too one day.

Want to hear what you're up to.

All my love Moo xxx
June 17
June 17
Darling Geoff,
   It has been 13 years since you left us and it is sometimes hard to believe that we are still here. So much has happened in the world and the honesty and integrity of so many people & institutions has just crumbled. Thank God you don't have to see it happening. I still mourn for you and now I am mourning for America & the world the way it used to be. Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but fear not, for I have overcome the world." I'm trying to let my heart dwell on that.  Love, Mom
May 5
Hope your ears were burning, in a good way, tonight at Church!

Dying for a catch up, one day, when you fancy it Geoff!

With all my love Moo xxx
Recent stories

Senior prom

February 7, 2022
Geoff was my closest friend and I was honored to go to prom with him! We had so so much fun. We lost a light in the world when the world lost Geoff.... Shari (cox) Bryant

Donald Duck's 50th Birthday Parade

August 3, 2011

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I live in the UK and Geoff got in touch with me last year through Youtube when he spotted himself in the video I uploaded of the Donald Duck 50th Birthday Parade at the Magic Kingdom in 1984. I was just bringing myself up to date with Facebook today and i just noticed the wording of some the posts, words like 'Thinking about you' caught my eye and as I read down I realised with growing horror what had happened. My sincere condolences to all Geoff's family, he only just messaged me through Facebook 5 days before he died telling me he was going to a Disney cast reunion, how terribly sad he should be taken at such a young age. RIP Geoff, I'm glad to have known you, albeit in cyberspace and so briefly.


David Westerby, August 3rd 2011

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