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October 6, 2023
Aunt Dine fell in love with my biological mother Norma Gail Simpson before she died in 1980. We lived across the street from her in Collegeville. When my mother was still at work, Aunt Dine took care of me ( Niyah Simpson Griffin) and my brother, William "Tony" Simpson until my mother got off work.

After my mother died, she took me beneath her wing as a God niece, and watched over me for over 40 years. I still have an adoption doll she got made from me at the age of 5. It's amazing to witness that she has been there for my mother before she transitioned to heaven, me, and my children. She has made a positive impact on our lives, and she will always be in our hearts. Look forward to meeting you again Aunt Dine in heaven. Love you always

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