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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Gertrude Wright, 77 years old, born on July 1, 1939, and passed away on January 5, 2017. We will remember her forever.
July 3
July 3
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy, I'm dry im late leaving you best wishes, I know you know everything I'm going through right now. I hope you had a wonderful day and I know everyone enjoyed them selves . I so look forward to the day we meet again ❤️
July 2
Happy birthday in heaven . Sure miss our cook outs with your pink stuff!. Love ya always. "Brat"
January 5
January 5
My 2nd mom I miss you . Knowing God has you in his arms. Until we meet again ❤️. .
July 4, 2023
July 4, 2023
Happy Belated Heavenly Birthday Mommy, sorry I'm late here, but I did remember. I added a new birthday card for you to my memories box for you and daddy. I know you had a really great day, your together and at peace together I love you and miss you terribly, but one day we will be together again ❤️
July 1, 2023
July 1, 2023
Mom #2. Happy birthday in heaven. You are truly missed. Until we meet again ❤️
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
Mommy, if I could have just one more day, I would spend it listening to you. I miss you so much and it's been a long 6 yrs without you.i know your shinning in God's glory and I will see you again one day, You are the best mama ever and I love you with all of my heart. Happy Angelversary
January 5, 2023
January 5, 2023
My 2nd mom - 6 years ago you went to heaven . You have been missed and thought of each and everyday . Until we all are together again, love ya "brat"
July 6, 2022
July 6, 2022
I finally made here, this year has been so difficult Mom, my heart seems so overloaded. I truly miss our talks together and your guidance. I hope your birthday was a perfect day for you and all the family and friends that are with you. I wish we could have just an hour to spend talking to each other I love you and I'm missing you, but I know in my heart your at peace with God and it's where your suppose to be..Until we meet again mama I love you with all my heart.
July 2, 2022
July 2, 2022
Mom- Happy birthday in heaven ❤️. You are truly missed. Love you ❤️ " Brat"
January 12, 2022
January 12, 2022
You are so truly miss, mom. Sorry for being late but I know you see what I'm going thru. I can feel your arms giving me a hug telling me " it's going to be ok Brat" . Until me meet again I love you
January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022
Your Angelversary Jan. 5th marked 5yrs. I feel every moment without you so many times I find myself picking up the phone to call you or pulling into your driveway and just crying my eyes out I wake up in the middle of the night crying because I miss you and wish I could just talk to you for a lil while ...One thing i do know is that God has you and Daddy both and your together. Both of you leaving us on Jan. 5th was a sign that you are together so I find comfort in that cause I know our Lord has you and one we will see each other again Big hugs and lots of kisses to heaven for you Mom ❤
July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021
My 2nd mom- Happy birthday in heaven . I really miss you and our get together on your birthday. It just doesn't seem the same without you there. I love ya "Brat"
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2021
Happy 81st Birthday Mommy, I have had many memories and many tears today. I love and miss you so very much. I know you are at peace and happy again and I have comfort in knowing that. Give daddy a hug for us, until we meet again Let your light Shine ......
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Hi Mommy, Here I am, late to leave a tribute on this page for you and Dad for your angelversies. I did leave them everywhere else esp. In my heart. I miss you both so very much. There so many things going on down here, I'm almost kinda glad that you and dad are not here to endure this pandemic and this horrible ordeal with the president. The pandemic has been horrific and a lot of americans have died and they are still trying to get it under control and the president has brought a great disgrace and sadness and divide to America as we once knew it...I pray for God is our answer, and a lot of people to to remember that. I love you both so very much, I am ok knowing your both safe and together, I will see you again ...much love always ...Nina Mae...
January 5, 2021
January 5, 2021
My second mom - it is hard to believe that 4 years have passed by since you gained your wings. I know Old Man was there to welcome you. I think about you a lot. Lots of love "Brat"
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
#2 Mom - Happy Birthday in Heaven. You are missed dearly. Hard to believe 3 birthdays have gone by. I miss and love you . Until we meet again "BRAT"
January 5, 2020
January 5, 2020
Wow 3 years already, I can't believe it.....I really miss you and Dad. At times I wonder if I was enough,if I did enough,if I told you how very much I loved you both. how sorry I am for being such a bad young adult,and having to learn the hard way. I'm sorry for always feeling like I had to be right,and not listening to your wise advise, I wish I would have then.....I love you Mommy, and I miss you so very much, I wish we had one more day to visit and talk so I could hear your sweet voice one more time. Fly High My Angel 
January 5, 2020
January 5, 2020
Mom #2 - It's hard to believe that 3 years have gone by since you went home to The Lord and Pops. You are missed each and everyday. Knowing that Pops was waiting for you with open arms makes me smile. I miss you, until we meet again, I love you. "Weebles"
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
Happy Birthday #2 Mom. How you are missed each and everyday. We will still have your birthday celebration this year. Not the same without you here and I will miss your "pink stuff"! I love you Until we meet again. Leigh Ann "Brat"
January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019
Happy Angelversary Mommy,, words can not begin to express how much I love and miss you.I know your pain free and in a better place but the last 2 yrs, have been so difficult. I will keep on going because that is what you taught me to do, I just always pictured it with you. Please give Daddy a hug, I miss you both and comforted knowing your together love you bunches and bunches
January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019
Mom #2 - It's so hard to believe that you have been gone for 2 years. You are missed so very much. Give everybody hugs for me. Until we meet again- I love you . Leigh Ann  "aka" Brat
November 30, 2018
November 30, 2018
Thanksgiving has come and gone and I'm trying to stay strong, I miss you both so very much. I know your with us in spirit, and I hope your proud that we are tryin to carry on traditions. I think at Christmas I'm going to invite Chassy too help make things, get her started o our recipes she is always sayin she knows how lol so we will see. I wish I could hear your voice .
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
Hi Mama, and Dad too I am missing you so much, the holidays are fast approaching and my heart grows heavy at times. I keep trying to keep us all together and so far we are still doing so. How I wish I could just hear your sweet voice one more time.....I pray everyday for your peace in God's promised land. Until we meet again Fly High Mommy
July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018
Hi Mommy, well Leigh Ann and I went to ocean city and I took some of your ashes and daddy's and yes Troubles too and brat took her mom,dad and Eddie also.We released you all and gave ourselves some closure. We know your all at peace and with the Lord God and it can't get any better than that. I do miss you all, but I will see you again one day until then RIP I love you
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018
Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom #2 . Nina and I did go to Ocean City, Md for your birthday. We felt you and Pops and my Eddie, my Mom and Dad with us. I miss you. Until we meet again- "Brat"
January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018
Mommy, I have been missing you so very much and feeling so broken without you I could not even bring myself to write a message on the 5th. I know I should be happy that God answered our prayers and you did not suffer and you are in the promised land....but I miss you terribly. Today is Barbara's angelversary so I know your both together up there watching over us girls, and I hope we are making you both proud :) Just knoow that when my turn comes I'm going to find you all and never let go again I love you so much Mommy......
January 5, 2018
January 5, 2018
Mom- I cant believe that it has been a year since you left us. I know you are not in pain anymore and are there with your hubby. You are missed so much. Please keep your arms around my sister. I love you xxoo
   Leigh Ann   aka "Brat"
December 21, 2017
December 21, 2017
It's almost Christmas,and to say I'm missing you is an understatement. I think you would be really proud of me I baked all your cookies and made fudge too. I also made your fruit cocktail cake and Jim has been eating it up,so I must of learned well from you Mommy. I know you and Daddy are together and I know you both just visited Karen recently. She did tell me how great you both looked and how at peace you are. I try not to cry,but sometimes it just leaks out,and my heart breaks a little.. I love you both with all my heart and know I will see you both again one your one and only Nina Mae
November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017
Mommy This is too hard without you, Thanksgiving just came and went and I miss you. Things are not the same. I'm trying so hard to keep us together ......but sometimes it just don't workout. I will keep my promises to you Leigh Ann and I will be in Ocean City for your birthday and I will for fill that promise. Give Daddy a hug for me love you so much
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
Happy Birthday in Heaven , Mom . We had the annual "Birthday - 4th of July" party today. It was nice but just wasn't the same without you there. I know you were looking down on us today, you kept the rain away :) I miss you and love you, Your 2nd daughter - "Brat"
June 3, 2017
June 3, 2017
Hi Mommy yesterday was daddy's birthday and I thought of you both all day......It was a very rough day for me, I miss you both so much. I can't help but cry I feel so broken and lost without you. Rev Warner is still having services twice a week,bless his sweet soul. I would be lost without them sometimes. Aunt Dorothy had surgery and so far she is doing well,She says she misses you so much too. We will see you again I love you Mommy Fly High And Free RIP love you ....Nina Mae
May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017
Momma- I miss you everyday. I am so glad that Nina and I were able to take you to the ocean. I will keep a eye on my sister. You are missed :'( Until we meet again Love you " Weebles"
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
I miss you mommy so much that I feel broken inside and nothing can fix it. Mother's Day was so difficult without you,I missed getting my card in the mail and I missed bringing you your card and what ever gift you had asked for and seen that beautiful smile on your face. I miss every single thing about you. i miss going out to dinner or to bingo,or just to the store. I'm trying to stay strong but tears run down my cheeks,you know I wear my heart on my sleeve,and it's a good and bad thing at times but I would not change it for nothing cause I'm just like you.Love You and Miss you Until my time RIP Fly High Mommy You earned it

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July 3
July 3
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mommy, I'm dry im late leaving you best wishes, I know you know everything I'm going through right now. I hope you had a wonderful day and I know everyone enjoyed them selves . I so look forward to the day we meet again ❤️
July 2
Happy birthday in heaven . Sure miss our cook outs with your pink stuff!. Love ya always. "Brat"
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