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The Jewish Man on the Street

June 6
On one of my many visits to see you my darling Tantela. We were walking down the streeets of New York City and some Old man uttered something under his breath I heard “shiksa”. I asked “ what did he say? She said he was disparaging her by comenting that her daughter was not a Jew. But, you were just genuinely happy that he thought I was your daughter. we laughed and walked on.

I love you my Auntie/Mom


June 6
We just arrived at our home in Show Low .  We often speak of you- especially this time of year and every time we drive here from phoenix,Az.  On our drive we pass a small town of Gisela which always stirs living and sometimes humorous memories of you. You are missed

Mr Krotinsky to you

June 8, 2017
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Ury came to visit, and stayed in my home in Paradise Valley, Arizona. It was such a joy to have him with all of us. So to celebrate Ury's arrival we four First Cousins went out to party. Since my brother Gary did not drink I handed him my keys and all my money and told him to take care of all of us! LOL We jumped in the car and went to happy hour at The Barcelona Nite Club. . . and boy did we celebrate. Tante Gisela always wanted Ury and his boys to know their family. So, in celebration of her desires Gary, Murline, Suzy and Ury came together and had a grand old time.   

Feb 2013 Cruise

June 7, 2017

Charles and I were so excited to take Gisi on this Cruise. This big ship from the Royal Carribbean Cruise Line had 8,000 people capacity. 

Noshing on our balcony.

June 7, 2017

Charles and I took Aunt Gisi on a Caribbean Cruise in 2013 We enjoyed  the inside balcony on The Allure of the Sea Cruise Line. 

Portrait Time 2013

June 7, 2017

Of course Gisela and Suzy had a portrait made during the cruise.

my last visit to NY

June 6, 2020
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I was coming to visit Auntie for a week visit and I stayed for about 3 months. When I arrived I went straight to the local hospital where she had been taken a few days before because of a panic attack. Gisela looked fine but she was in a mood. She explained to me that Shelly and Murline had convinced her that she should go to Hospice and they were waiting for the transport. She was scared and happy to see me. I followed the transport and helped her get settled into her room. We held on to each other for the longest time. At that moment in time we were both feeling the loss of our times together.

I came to the hospice from 8am to 10pm every day. When it was time for me to leave at the end of the week Auntie cried like a baby, she was so scared and she begged me to stay. So I stayed at God’s will for almost three months caring for my Auntie, my best friend. I love her so much. Love you Auntie

Times with Tante in hospice

June 6, 2020
Tante Gisela was always needing something to make her comfortable and I was there to help. Today was mani-pedi day and I got my tools and gloves and lotions and proceeded to do a job I had never done before. Gisi loved the massage and all worked out fine. Love you, Aunti

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