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January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
I must add another small comment: When I joined the army in 1956 ,I was assigned a serial number"RA19579062". I told my Sister that number one time and she said ask me again anytime and I will repeat it to you. The last time we spoke on the phone,she repeated it to me. That Beautiful Lady had a memory . She never forgot anything. I love her.
January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
There are no words that express all that she is to me.
If I can only be half the mother she was to me, to my daughter Ahna, I will make her proud.
I see her finger prints all over this house, I see her hard work in every picture, plant and tree. She will always be the most strong an positive, faithful women I'll ever know on this earth. She gave her entire life to us kid's an always went out of her way to help others.When I was young I decided to ride my scooter in her high heel shoes and a pair of pantyhose I took . I returned home fairly quickly with bruised knee's and torn up skin.. She never said a word about her shoes or the fact that I must be crazy, She held me as I cried an patched me up. That's what a great mother and friend she was. I'm truly blessed to have had her to guide me and love me and Ahna for so long.
I will miss her every second and with every heartbeat I have until we meet again.
I know she's a very beautiful soul and heaven is blessed to have her !
January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016
I will miss every day.the Specal day is thanksgiving for my Turkey leg
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
My aunt "Addis" was a very special soul. Always a laugh, it always lifted my spirits to talk to her on the phone. As long as I live, I will remember my very special aunt, a beautiful lady!
Kim "Tali" Shaffer
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
The best mom in the world. She was compassionate and gentle. She was my best friend. I called her with good news or bad news and she always said the right thing. She was so proud to be a mom and a granny as we called her. She was smart and had a great sense of humor. She loved to kid. She had an amazing laugh which I will miss. She loved gardening and would love to cut off roses in bloom to give to others. She enjoyed growing tomatoes. She as so gentle with them. She was a great cook. Thanksgiving and Christmas were always amazing. I love all of the memories I have and will cherish them forever. I loved her with all of my heart and will always.
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Her brother Sam said "Everybody that knew Gladys loved her."
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Her sister Helen said "I didn't get to see Gladys much here on earth, but when I get to Heaven Gladys we will run by the river like we did here on earth. I loved her with all my heart.
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Her sister Lorene says "She was the sweetest sister in the world. She had a heart of pure gold. We didn't get to be together in this world, maybe 6 years all together, but I loved her more than words can tell. I know we will be together forever real soon. My brothers and I were so blessed to get to be with her just a few days before she went to Heaven. I will miss her little sweet voice on the phone. To me she was always a little angel and now she is with the Angels,"
January 24, 2016
January 24, 2016
Mom always had so much strength and a way of staying positive even during the most difficult times. She and I would laugh at crazy things together to get through hard times. She would tell me "you've gotta look for the good" and "might as well laugh". I'll always carry that with me.
January 23, 2016
January 23, 2016
My Little Sister was one of the most kind,gentle, loving and humorous individuals that ever walked on our Creators earth. I will miss our weekly phone calls when we would talk about our childhood and many other subjects. She never had an adverse  word about anyone. I only wish we could have been together more as children and adults, but our Creator had other plans for us. Only He knows why it was the way it was,but in spite of being separated our love for each other never faltered. I will miss the cornbread and pinto beans she would cook for me when I made a visit. I promised you Sis, I would see you in the springtime and I always keep my promise. I LOVE you, Sister.
January 22, 2016
January 22, 2016
Glady's always welcomed me with open arms into her home with a warm smile, hugs, laughter, and plenty of good food no matter how long it had been since I seen her. Her gentle and loving spirit will be sorely missed (along with her lemon meringue pie and lasagna).
January 22, 2016
January 22, 2016
I first met Gladys when I was just 5 years old, I cannot remember what I did yesterday or even 10 minutes ago, but I can remember meeting her over 50+ years ago. I also remember swinging on a swing in her back yard, hurting my right knee, but I remember most is when my mother died when I was 8 years old. She brought over food for the 7 Christopher boys. I spent more time with her than any mother figure.Gladys was the kindest human being that I have ever met. She also never said a curse word except "Damn it", and that was said in a jokingly way. Well Gladys I know with out a doubt that you are in heaven with Morris & God. I will try to live a good life so maybe I might be able to meet your mother.I truly did love your mother as if she was my mother. Heaven is now a better place because Gladys is now there.
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
Gladys welcomed me into her family 25 yrs ago. And there was never a day I would ever regret not being apart of it. She was an amazing woman and mom to me. She gave the greatest hugs. I'm going to miss her always. Her stories about her life she shared and just spending time with her. I will always love you Granny. Missing you. Love you, Your Johnboy!!
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
There are tear's running down my cheeks as I remember one of the few genuine down to earth loving and kind person that I have known since I was a kid. And gladys if there is a heaven I know you there and if I make it up there someday have your tennis shoes on because I can't wait for taco tuesday Luv You!!
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
I love Granny so much.  I remember gardening with her. She used to give me twenties in my pocket. She called me her little man. 

January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
My heart aches at the loss of my loving Grandma, and for the pain I know my family is enduring.

For me, time spent at Grandma's will always be memories of love, celebration, and happiness. Whether it was Christmas morning or any given morning with Grandma's bacon, eggs, biscuits and what I consider World Famous jam, I can't recall a time in Grandma's presence where I did not feel the warmth and comfort of her unconditional love.

I am thankful to have been her grandson.
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016

The greatest MOM a guy could ask for!

She would do anything for her family!

She would give a stranger her food and go hungry and give them the shirt off her back and expect nothing in return.

Wherever we lived all of our neighbors loved her and relied on her.

I often called her when I was in need of help and she would say prayers for me and they were always answered. All of them!

She may be gone... but no one can take away her spirit and our memories and love for her.
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
The most wonderful mom in the world. A true heart of gold. Taught all how to love unconditionally and always give more than we receive.
An angel here on Earth and now in Heaven.
We are all so blessed to have had her in our lives.
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
Always there whenever we needed you. Great mother-in-law.
January 20, 2016
January 20, 2016
The most amazing mom anyone could ask for. An angel here on earth.
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