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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Gloria " June " Carmack, 71 years old, born on January 31, 1941, and passed away on March 14, 2012. We will remember her forever.
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Still missing you with alot of unanswered questions But hope your up there lookin down Miss you Mom
January 31, 2018
January 31, 2018
I love and Miss you Mom and I hope the Heaves are treating you good and that you got to see Dad and your parents and all you friends up there, your candle still burns on earth
April 18, 2012
April 18, 2012
" My MOM "

My mom was truely loved by everyone who knew her and she has shared many Memories with her Family and Friends . There was never a dull moment when with her,so I hope everyone who visits this site will share there special times that they had so we can all love her for who she was.

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March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Still missing you with alot of unanswered questions But hope your up there lookin down Miss you Mom
January 31, 2018
January 31, 2018
I love and Miss you Mom and I hope the Heaves are treating you good and that you got to see Dad and your parents and all you friends up there, your candle still burns on earth
April 18, 2012
April 18, 2012
" My MOM "

My mom was truely loved by everyone who knew her and she has shared many Memories with her Family and Friends . There was never a dull moment when with her,so I hope everyone who visits this site will share there special times that they had so we can all love her for who she was.
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June Carmack - My Mom

March 14, 2020
It's been 8 years since you left us , and over these year we have shared many Memories and laughs. You left behind a everlasting legacy and will be forever in our hearts and always on our minds. But if only we could talk to you and ask Why certain things happened like they did...... Hope Heaven is good to you and your with the rest of our family and other friends who went there as well. God Bless you All....... Forever in our HeartsĀ 

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