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Happy Birthday Mommy

May 3
Dear Mom - 
We miss you so much.  On this your birthday - we celebrate you. Thank you for being a mother - 

happy Birthday - D Bird

Happy Birthday

May 6, 2016
Chapter 1

May 6, 2016

Dear Mom: 

Happy Birthday,  This was the first birthday I was unable to send you your fruit and or your flowers.  It has been real lonely without you.  We had your memorial service in New York City on New Years Eve.  You would have been extremely happy with the tunr out. 

You would have been even more happy with the turn out in Jamaica.  You predicted it well.  Everyone was their to see you off.  You were were treated like the Queen you were in life. 

Thank you for supporting me and Danielle and Demnai.  Thank you for being atough mother.  Thank you for encouraging me and tricking me into becoming what I am today. 

Sleep well my Love. 
D Bird 

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