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June 23, 2018
June 23, 2018
I still think about my friend and the impact he had being a part of my life! Yes, I remember Greg. To you Judy and the family, my very best wishes. Greg would be proud of you all!
June 23, 2018
June 23, 2018
Dearest Greg,
We miss you terribly. Every holiday and celebration seems empty without you there. You were the perfect gentlemen and demonstrated chivalry at every turn: you’d meet us in the driveway to help us unload before we’d even have a chance to get out of the car. You saw needs and you met them. Whether there were dishes in the sink to be washed, a table to be cleared, a bag to be carried, or when Don and Betty needed to be driven to and from somewhere, you were there to drive them. You served our family so well and your loss is so great in all of our lives. My kids miss playing slapjack with you and having you applaud their karaoke efforts. All of the gifts you gave were the most thoughtful and useful and the kids still enjoy the little people, Minnie Mouse dress up, karaoke, and the singing light up stuffed animal you gave Ellah on the Father’s Day before you left us. We miss you dearly and we couldn’t be more thankful for the love and service you showed us and that true picture of family- you gave and gave and found so much joy in that selflessness. Thank you for loving us over the years. We love and miss you dearly.
June 23, 2018
June 23, 2018
We miss you Greg. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years, it feels more like 10. You were a great man and truly a joy to be around. We will never forget you.
July 13, 2016
July 13, 2016
I met Greg when he came to work at Unified Grocers. It didn't take us long to become friends & we would talk a lot about our kids, families & all the other things that were special to us. I remember the day he asked if I'd like to go to dinner sometime, just to talk. He took me to my of my favorite restaurants (Panda Inn), something he'd learned from one of our talks. Before going inside, he opened his trunk & there was this large shopping bag..."Just a little something I thought you'd like," he said. Inside the bag was a Dale Earnhardt jacket!! I broke down in tears! I was & am a huge NASCAR fan & had shared this with him. My stories about Greg could go on & on....This is the man I will ALWAYS remember. Greg was the kindest, most thoughtful & obviously the best listener that I have ever known. Rest in Peace, Greg, & know your children will be okay...You raised them that way!
P.S Tell my dad "Hi" for me!
July 11, 2016
July 11, 2016
Dear Judy and family,
How can I describe Greg Caccavale?  I guess the best phrase is "shock and awe". He always shocked the corporate political establishment and awed the men and women on the floor. I first met Greg over 35 years ago when he and I worked for the Alpha Beta Company. Soon afterwards he was assigned to the Bakery as a supervisor reporting to me. He was supposedly assigned to the Bakery in what was described by Tom King as a "finishing school". Typical Greg, he was always a work in progress! I described him once as a valvet fist in an iron glove. He told me he didn' t even own a glove. From time-to-time he would bring the kids in and he would insist that I do my impression of an elephant call followed by a rendition of Tarzan's yell (it wasn't all work and no play when Greg was around).This usually left the kids in "shock and awe". I sometimes wonder what he told the kids about me after they left?  I resigned from Apha Beta in 1990 and went to work for HEB in Texas. Greg soon followed. He reported to me once again and managed several of the warehouses in San Antonio. I will never forget the first HEB evaluation I gave him. He had only been on the job a few months and had already made great strides in straightening out the facilities and making improvements in productivity. HEB had an unwritten rule that a new manager's
first evaluation was to center on areas of improvement. I gave Greg a good rating but lower than he expected or really deserved. He asked me what he had to do to get an Excellent rating in the year ahead. He carefully wrote down every word. The next year he showed up for his evaluation with all the documentation he deemed necessary to support his efforts. He didn't need the paperwork. He got his Excellent rating! After leaving HEB, we kept in touch as each of us went our separate ways. In the ensuing years we both worked, although at different times, for 99 Cent Stores and Unified Grocers. Each time the stories were similar. He upset the corporate political establishment while leaving them in awe of what he had accomplished by dramatically changing for the better each and every organization.  He could always be counted on to tell the truth that many organizations didn't want to hear. That was one of the attributes I loved about him. I could always count on Greg to tell me the truth. He was always admired and yes, loved, by the teams that reported to him. He was loyal to them and they were fiercely loyal to him. In all my years of management I never had anyone more competent and resourceful reporting to me.
There was only one Greg Caccavale! He could always bring a smile to my face. Each time we spoke over the years he called me "Boss". Coming from Greg, I considered the title an honor. I could go on and on about the good times we had, the laughter and the tears we shared, and the trouble we got into. But that would be telling tales out of school. So many memories of someone who occupied so large a place in my life. There are few that I have worked with that I would consider a good friend. Greg heads the list! He was loyal and devoted and could always be counted on when things got ruff. A man passionate about his family, his friends, and his work. The last time we spoke he told me about the accomplishments of his children and how proud he was of each of them. They have a lot to be proud of and a big legacy to live up to!  He loved his life and he loved Judy! There is so much more but let it suffice to say that I am certain that his passing has left a void in many hearts - mine included! To Judy, the family, and all those who knew and loved Greg; my sincere sympathy. My hope is that each of us will remember him for who and what he was and smile, yes even laugh, when we think about or hear the name: "Greg Caccavale".
July 9, 2016
July 9, 2016

You brought humor into our lives and we enjoyed your comedic timing-always right on!

Your love and devotion to your family was admirable. We've always loved you no matter what and felt your love and support in return.

We miss you now and forever.

Bill and Julie
July 8, 2016
July 8, 2016
Just the mention of Greg's name puts a smile on my face. We were the original 'breakfast club' at Sonora High school. If I wanted a ride to school I had to be dropped off early otherwise I had to walk ( pre drivers licence days) Greg was ALWAYS there in those early mornings...just the two of us sitting in the 'commons' sharing our 15 year old lives...these were precious times and I often reflect on them when life gets complicated. He could always put a smile on my face. I loved that guy to the moon and back. God Bless you Greg and your family!!!

Jo (Doutt) Keller
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
my name is Eli Hernandez, i just wanna say that i am sorry for your loss! i met Greg at washington jr high. Greg was a year older than me. it was his laugh and joking around with everyone that i remember still! yrs later i ran into him at a softball game. and yes it was that laugh that got me to turn around and hug a friend. i have nothing but good memories that still to this day make me smile! rest in Peace my Friend Greg! You will always be Remembered as a Good Person Greg!!!
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
I like, many of us, have extremely fond memories of Greg going back to the glory days at Sonora High. We played football together, hung out and generally were just good buddies. Greg was always the guy who looked for the positive in people and situations. He had a loving heart and a quick smile for all of those around him. Although we lost touch for the past few decades when we did connect we were right back where we were in HS. My prayers and thoughts are with Greg's family. 'God Bless and see you again my old friend'
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
I am heart broken and have lost one of my best friends. We have know each other since about 1963 and we grew up together even after we moved to WA. He was my second brother.... Over all of these years we supported one another through thick and thin and I cannot be prouder of being able to call Greg my brother. His spirit and good nature was always very strong and his ability to make you laugh even in tough times will truly be missed. He was like a jelly bean in some ways as he tried to show a hard exterior but he was just a hidden softy in the middle !!!! He taught me much about keeping a smile at all times and his comments from left field helped accomplish this. Greg please give Eli and "our" Dad a big hug from the Hammers !!!! Rest in Peace my friend you deserve it !!!
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
Greg came into my work life when I needed a Mentor and most of all a Friend that would take the time to talk with me about his life experiences. Greg never judged me, he would pull me aside and we would talk about Life in general and how to handle myself like a true professional that he was. When you look back on your life you only meet a few people that truly make a difference in your life Greg was one of those people for me. You were a great Friend and Mentor.
July 4, 2016
July 4, 2016
Greg was a trusted mentor and a true friend. He left an indelible mark on the world and many lives have been touched for the better for having known him. It is a privilege to call him our friend. May the God of all peace comfort you, dear family, in this time of loss. May many beautiful memories grace you all of your days. Love & prayers...
July 3, 2016
July 3, 2016
Greg and I were work friends, I always found him to be honest and dedicated to his family to his friends to his values and to his work. I enjoyed our friendship and trusted his judgement. I honor his memory and pray for peace for his family, I know he'll be missed greatly.

Rest in peace my friend
June 30, 2016
June 30, 2016
Greg was one of my favorites, loved my friend Judy to distraction, and always made me so welcome. He will be guess is by everyone who knew him.
June 30, 2016
June 30, 2016
Greg was like a Tootsie Pop, hard on the outside, soft inside.
June 30, 2016
June 30, 2016
Words can not express the love and respect I have for my dearest friend. Greg has always been there for the Vorells and will continue to live in our hearts and minds. You would be so proud of your family and how they have supported each other in your loss, you taught them well. God bless you Greg and please give Doris a big hug.

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