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Happy Birthday, love you!

July 30, 2023
Happy Birthday G-Man. Your Facebook disappeared, that was a bitter pill. I can't view our shared memories anymore. It was comforting to have that, but I carry you always my friend.
Zoomie crossed the rainbow bridge in February. He was 3 months shy of 15. I told him to go find you. I had a copy of that picture you took of him when he was wee puppy on our trip to Nuevo Laredo framed and it's by his ashes. Thank you for him. He was the best gift I ever received from anyone, ever!
I still sometimes find it so hard to fathom I'll never see you again! 
I miss your silliness, miss being able to ask you anything. I miss you. 

Hey G

October 20, 2021
It’s been a tough year for me accepting your death. You were family to me, my loving big brother. The one I shared my secrets with and who I went to for advice. You were so sensitive and caring. We had a true trust with each other, that’s pretty rare. You were always there for me and I was always there for you and that’s just the way it was. I miss you G and I love you very much. 

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