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Share a special moment from Gregory's life.

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January 15, 2017

I have so many thoughts and sometimes it just feels good to put them on the website. I can put some like a poem.

My heart is full of memories,
with pride I speak your name.
Though life goes on without you,
It will never be the same.

Remembering you is easy
I do it everyday,
But missing you is a heartache
That never goes away.




January 12, 2017

This song says it all, Greg was LIKE A ROCK.  To me he is still my ROCK.


My Son

January 8, 2017

When I close my eyes I see you,

When I open my eyes I miss you.



January 7, 2017

As I was lying in bed last night trying to go to sleep I was thinking about the story title and what I believe was your favorite saying.  "Life's A Trip" is so true and someday I will take that final trip just as you did to your heavenly home.  Our whole life is a trip with many twists and turns, some good, some not so good but in the end the only trip that really matters is the one we take at life's end.  I wonder what that trip will be like.  I have to believe that it will be just the most wonderful trip we will ever take.  By that I mean just seeing Heaven and the face of God has to be beyond our imagination.  

"Life's A Trip", you made my life's trip the most awesome and loving trip I could have ever imagined the day you were born.


In Loving Memory

December 27, 2016

This is an old poem that has been around for years and it has always reminded me of our Greg at this time of year.  I wanted to put this on the website on Christmas day but just let it go.

Missing you at Christmas
There's a little place within my heart
That is with me every day
A place where all my memories
Are softly tucked away

It is the perfect place
In my grief for me to go
For words could not explain
How very much I miss and love you so
And now that once again
Christmastime has
come around.
It's where the sweetest memories
And thoughts of you are found.


Christmas Past

December 13, 2016

I have a picture of my four little kids, Greg, Mark, Cindy and Michelle sitting by our Christmas tree.  This picture always brings back wonderful memories of Christmas.  Sometimes I find it so hard to believe that all four of my babies are grown aduts and that one has gone to be with Jesus in his eternal home.  I know that on this Cristmas just like the two Cristmas's it has been since our Greg went to heaven that he will be watching all of us this Christmas and smiling that beautiful smile again.

Merry Christmas, 


December 4, 2016

Thought of you so much this weekend as I was going through Christmas boxes and putting up lights. Miss you so much. I cherish the many memories of family at Christmas, you handing out presents, all of us gathered with love and laughter from our childhood to being adults. You were always at the center making it wonderful for us.

So much has changed in the past two years but one thing that will never change is my love for you, how much you are thought of everyday. You could never be replaced. There is no other man like you. You will always be part of every holiday and every thing we do.

Love you oxox

Another Thanksgiving

November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving has come and gone without you and you were not here in body but you were and are in our hearts and minds on Thanksgiving and every day of the year.  We will celebrate Christman in just 28 days and it will be another time of year for celebration.  We will celebrate this Christmas once again without you but like every day you will be in our hearts and minds and your love for us all will bring a smile to our faces and a feeling in our hearts of the joy and happiness of Christmas's past when you were with us all.

God Bless you my son and I know and believe that you are celebrating Christmas in heaven with Jesus and the day that our Savior was born to care for us all.

Love you,

Missing you!

November 17, 2016

Missing you brother and love you with all my heart. 

Love your brother. 

October 8, 2016

Greg you are missed by many friends but none will miss you more then your own family and children.  One day you will have grandchildren and they will go to this website and see what a wonderful man they had for their grandfather. It is up to us to carry on your legacy which will live on in everything you loved, created and believed in.  I love you son and miss you. God bless you in heaven.


October 8, 2016

This morning I am thinking of the many memories I have of you. I cherish them all. You are always with us...unseen, unheard but always there and always loved and missed. 


October 8, 2016

What do I say on a day that is the second year of our precious Greg passing into Heaven and being with his Jesus?  We miss him more today than ever and wait for the day that we are with him once again for eternity.  Today we will think of the happy times and the laughter and love he gave to all of his family and friends.  We will think about how proud he was of family and how proud we all are of him.

You are so very missed my son and so very loved by all of your family.


That Time Of Year

September 14, 2016

Like every year around this time we begin to think about Fall and Winter.  The grass stops growing, the weather starts cooling and the sky turns gray.  The beautiful flowers around your home start to die and the leaves begin to fall from the trees.  Every time of year reminds me of the things you would be doing. You always had a project to keep you busy even though you had a full time job  It was the love you had for having a beautiful home and the reward you felt for that beautiful home.  You were a big example to your family and that is reflected in Mark, Michelle and Cindy's homes today.  They all did by your example as their big brother.

I am grateful that you showed them by example and that like everything you did you did it with love.

God Bless You My Son,



September 5, 2016

This time of year always starts to remind me of 9/11.  Several days before this date I had already made reservations to fly from Michigan to Portland to visit my family.  You wanted to plan a camping trip to the Oregon coast where you and I would do some fishing and have some fun.  You had your beautiful travel trailer and an Expedition to pull it so on the morning of 9/10 off we went to the coast. The trailer was packed with good food and smacks and we were excited about the trip.  On the morning of 9/11 we were up early in anticipation of fishing and you were making coffee and the sun was shining.  You had a TV in the trailer so we turned it on to the news and what we thought at first was a movie turned out to be a very sad day for America.  The attack on the World Trade Center buildings by terrorists in airplanes.  We still had decided to do some fishing in a nearby lake but after we got there we decided that we just couldn't get into it. There were no planes flying except for military planes.  I am not sure what we did or how long we stayed at the coast but at some point returned to your home in Vancouver.

You were just 42 and I was just 63.  We never knew what the furture would bring and we took everyday life as it came.

As the years past we had many happy days and times but also unhappy and sad days.  These are the memories I have of our times together and cherish them every day.  You always gave your family unconditional love and so many happy memories that we all remember to this day.

Love you son,

Praise and Laughs

August 26, 2016

I rememebr the times when you came to visit us in Nampa and would always go to my softball practices or a game.  I am still playing softball a lot and have been playing is several tournaments this year.  The title of my story says it all, the ways you would smile, laugh or just give me a shot about my playing but always with a smile and love.  I miss those times and I wear the medal of you that Michelle's friend Steph gave me.  It has your pictute on it with "life's a trip". It has been a trip and every step of my trip misses you beyond words. I wear the medal of you everyday and especially during my softball games because with it I know you are there with me and if I go out and walk back to the dugout I can hear you saying, "hey dad what the hell happened?" I grin to myself and say maybe next time. You would also say "great job Dad" whenever I made a good play. 

I love you and miss you my son,

August 23, 2016

You used to tell me I had a way with words whenever I wrote a note or card to you. Truth is, expressing how blessed I felt that you were my brother just came naturally to me.  I feel bad that I  have not written here in a few weeks but sometimes there just isn't anything new to say. My thoughts are always the same...that I miss you terribly. Sometimes too, I am reluctant to share because I'm sure there are those who may wonder when we will just all "snap out of it". How long has it been? I understand because I probably thought those things too, until I grieved.

Somedays its easier and I dont think about it until the drive home or in the quiet of the evening. Then there are days when everything reminds me of you and I am verging on tears all day.  Like today. Someone at work asked me how many siblings I had. A perfectly normal question but one that kicks me in the gut and leaves me wondering why....why you? Why did God have to take back his gift so soon? Why weren't you able to live a long and happy life? I know I will never get the answer.  Those are things of God and I have to trust in him.

Greg, I hope if you think of me from heaven, you think of how much you meant to me. I will always love you and miss you no matter how long its been. oxox 


Shooting Stars

July 16, 2016

On August 12th I will be looking into the nightime heavens and hoping the sky is clear.  It will be one of the  most unusual nghts in that there will be 80 shooting stars per hour from the comet Swift-Tuttle.  I just know that one of those shooting stars will be sent by you just to let me know you are in heaven and that you to will be enjoying this astronomical event.

I love you and miss you my heavenly son.


June 13, 2016

My house was full of laughter and family Friday evening with Ginger in town. Yet, even in the midst of it, we were missing you.  You see, there is always an emptiness that can only be filled by you. I think of how you would have enjoyed that time and the witty comments you would have made.  Life does go on but you are missed everyday and certainly at every family gathering.  We love you!



June 2, 2016

I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was,
When you were here and mine. 

I see your smiling eyes,
Each morning when I wake
I talk to you and place a kiss
Upon your face.

How much I miss you being here,
I really cannot say,
The ache is deep inside my heart
And never goes away.

You should have had so many years,
To watch your life unfold
And in the mist of this,
Watch me, your Dad grow old.

I hope you're watching me from above 
At the daily things I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I love you.


May 12, 2016

I went to a new sandwich place today that was excellent and of course, thought of you and how much you would have loved it!  I always looked so forward to telling you about anything new and anticipating your questions. No other foodie like you! I envisioned you riding your Harley over on a sunny day to check it out. Just like you did the Burger Bar. 

Everyday you are in my thoughts and always in my heart.  Love you so much!

May 9, 2016

Today my thoughts go back over the past 57 years and all the happy times, the joy and the love you brought into my life.  You still bring that love, happiness and joy into my life today with all of the treasured memories.

I love and miss you my son,


Happy Birthday!!

May 9, 2016

No words to describe how much I miss you every single day.  I know you are celebrating in heaven today and we will be celebrating you here.  Your life brought us so much joy, love and laughter!  We love you beyond words. 

You were and continue to be my wonderfully amazing big brother

May 9, 2016

Happy Birthday in heaven my son.  I love and miss you so much.  So many memories of you today and how much happiness you brought to me in my life.  I miss you everyday and know you are celebrating in heaven today.  I love you.


"Happy Birthday"

May 9, 2016

Happy Birthday Brother,  I love you so much and miss you with all my heart.  I bet Heaven is a wonderful  place to celebrate your birthday. I love you Bro! 

Mark XO  

April 23, 2016

We are celebrating your sister's 50th birthday with family tonight.  We will miss you and all your humor and fun and all the jokes you would have about her being 50.  Going through things to share with her over her life I came across so many of your cards and things you made for me.  It made me sad but also happy because I know how much you loved your mother.Tonight you will be in all my thoughts but I know you will be there with us. I love you so much.  


April 20, 2016

Emilee shared this with me today.  Very true for anyone that ever lost someone they loved.  Especially someone like you!

"Death changes everything. Time changes nothing. I still miss the sound of your voice, the wisdom in your advice, the stories of your life and just being in your presence. So no, time changes nothing, I miss you as much today as I did the day you died.  I just miss you"!  

Beautiful for my Son

April 10, 2016

And God Said

I said, "God, I hurt." And God said, I know."

I said, "God, I cry a lot." And God said, "That is why I gave you tears."

I said, "God, life is so hard." And God said, "That is why I gave you loved ones."

I said, "God, my son died." And God said, "So did mine."

I said, "God, it is such a loss." And God said, "I saw my son nailed to a cross."

I said, "God, but your son lives." And God said, "So does yours."

I said, "God, where are they now?" And God said, "My Son is by my side and yours is in my arms"

I said, "God, it hurts." And God said, "I know."


April 7, 2016

Just up early this morning and all my thoughts are of you my son just as they are everyday.  I was thinking about softball and the times you came to visit and watch your old Dad play the games.  I sure miss those times and all of our conversations. 

Love you,

April 1, 2016

Everyone is on Spring Break the last two weeks. Some excitedly planning and looking forward to their adventures. Understandably so with the weather so beautiful. Still, it is always bittersweet for me because what I always wish is that you could be here enjoying your home, family, friends and maybe even planning a well deserved vacation for yourself, maybe to Mexico, you wanted to go so much and how I wish you could have. You worked so hard. It seems every happiness is met with bittersweet yearning for you Greg. l miss you so much and I would give anything for another day with you. Just to sit and talk, have a laugh and to hug you. You were my magical, magnificent and unique brother. One in a million.  I love you.

March 30, 2016

The other day Macee gave me a recipe for turkey meatloaf.  The recipe called for 2 pounds of ground turkey breast.  I just happened to have a coupon for Fred Meyer for $2.99 a pound.  The regular price is $5.99 a pound.  We got the 2 pounds with a few other items at Fred Meyer and I gave the coupon to the checker and scanned my debit card and once I got the recipe it was just over $28.00.  I thought, that's too much and what happened was the checker charged me twice at $5.99 and twice at $2.99.  I called this to his attention and while he was getting me a refund, I just said "my son is a store director at Fred Meyer in Vancouver, Washington."

It is just like Greg is still there working everyday and I know in my mind that he is there.  I guess I could call this strange but to me there are so many things that still involve him in our lives as if he never left.

Greg would be proud to know that Macee is becoming a great cook just like her Dad and that from time to time  we exchange text messages telling each other what we are cooking that day for dinner.

Love you son,


Easter Memories

March 28, 2016

Yesterday was Easter and I remember seeing you and Mark looking for eggs your Mom and I hid in the backyard at 10445 N.E Knott street.  You boys were up early and still in your pajamas with eyes that were not quite open but sharp enough to find those Easter eggs.  It was fun coloring them the night before.  Your mom always had Easter baskets filled with all kinds of good candies.  The baskets were also hid in our house for you and Mark to find which didn't take you long.

Those are the memories that are in my mind all these years.  I miss you everyday and know that God has you in his hands and that someday I will be with you again.

I love you son,

March 27, 2016

Happy Easter in heaven son.  I remember all the Easters when you were little and the baskets you kids would be so excited! Dressing you up for church.  I was so proud of my kids!  I miss you so much and know you are having a wonderful Easter in heaven. I love you, Mom.

March 27, 2016

Happy Easter to our angel in heaven.  We love and miss you every single day.

Great, Great Grandma Cross

March 13, 2016

I remember when your great, great Grandma Cross would come and stay with us after you were born.  She was the only great, great grandparent to ever see you. Your other great, great grandparents had passed away.  She would love to hold you and rock you in the rocking chair and humm to you and kiss you.  She often said you were a beautiful baby boy.  She loved you very much as everyone in our family did.

You are now with her and all of your other grandparents in paridise and I am sure that you are getting all the hugs and kisses you can handle and giving as many as you can.

Someday I will be with you and I pray that you are saving your hugs and kisses for all of us still here waiting for the day we are together.

Love you,

March 6, 2016

Last night while driving home on I-5 I was thinking of you (as I frequently do while driving and listening to music). I was remembering our camping trip at Lost Lake and the night we sat around the picnic table enjoying steaks. I was smiling thinking of this but then started to get sad knowing we will never have the chance to do that again. Just then a car passed in front of me and the license plate read "THX GRG" I couldn't believe it! Some may call this a coincidence but I say no. I find it a loving gesture from God to let me know you are well and to be thankful for the years I was so blessed to have a brother like you.  


February 27, 2016

This morning I look out and see all the signs of Spring. Although very beautiful and inspiring, I find it makes me miss you even more. I can't help but think of all the things you'd be doing this time of year. I will always remember those beautiful hanging baskets you did and all those bulbs you painstakingly planted along your hillside. They would all be starting to bloom now. I miss it all so much.  I know you are happier where you are and the beauty of it far superior to a Springtime here but it still hurts so much. I suppose it always will. You were the best brother any girl could ever have. I love you!

January 15, 2016

Not a day has passed in the last 15 months without you being in my thoughts. You are missed in so many different ways. I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone and call you whenever something good (or bad!) happens. Most days it still does not seem real that you are gone. I see all the new movies coming out and wonder which ones you would want to see.  I watch the presidential debates and wonder which candidate you would favor. I try new food and wonder if you would have liked it. Sometimes I watch Sebastian Maniscalco just to remember your laughter and how much you appreciated good comedy. It's so painful this emptiness of life without you. 

You truly were the glue that held our family together. The strong one who could always fix a problem or handle a crisis. The one we could all turn to for advice and a sympathetic ear, always providing the security of knowing we were loved and that no matter what, everything would always be okay. How I wish you were here!

I am so grateful for a brother like you and so honored to have had the example of you in my life. 
Heaven is better because you are there.


January 14, 2016

May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper so you'll hear,
We will always love and miss you
And wish you were here. 
Oh happy hours we once enjoyed
How sweet their memory still,
But death has left loneliness
The world can never fill.
Someday we hope to meet you,
Someday, we know when,
We shall meet in a better land
And never part agan.     

Love you,


Once Again

January 9, 2016

This is a poem that expresses how we all feel about our beloved Greg.

When I'm feeling desparate and lonely,
I search for your face in a cloud,
And though my lips may be silent,
My heart cries out ever so loud.  

How can it be that you have left me?
Are you safe in heaven above?
Has God in his goodness embraced you
With his sweet, everlasting love? 

Do you know that I yearn to hold you?
Can you hear me repeating your name?
Can you see that I'm lost without you....
That nothing' the same?  

In time will I be more accepting?
Will my poor heart begin to mend?
And will I find peace in believing
I'll be with you once again?

I'll be with you once again.         


December 31, 2015

As we are at New Years Eve 2015 I think about how you would have celebrated.  I bet there would be good food on the table and just maybe a glass of sparkly to  wash it all down.  Our New Years Eve is again with hope for a better 2016 as we pass another year without you physically in our lives but more than ever in our hearts and minds.  I will not do much celebrating tonight but will think of you and how much we all miss and love you.


Love My Brother

December 29, 2015

Good morning Bro,  I just got to work early this morning and I was thinking how much I miss are phone coversation.  It was so nice just to have you to talk to about work, life and how much we loved each other.  Now I talk to you in heaven. I miss you bro. I love you so much.  God is great!!

December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas in heaven son.  I know you are watching over all of us and you are so missed. I can say the same words over and over but they will never explain how much I miss you. I love you, Mom

December 22, 2015

Miss you with all my heart. So awful not having you here at Christmas.  I don't know if it ever gets easier.  You are just so missed.  Everything reminds me of you and how much I wish you were here with us.  No one could ever replace you.  I love you so much brother.

Christmas Time

December 6, 2015

Christmas was always a very special time from when Greg, Mark, Cindy and Michelle were little kids.  They all made Christmas very special for their Mom and me with their excitement and laughter opening Christmas presents from Santa Claus on Christmas morning.  There was lots of excitment leading up to Christmas day as well.  From getting a fresh cut tree, the decorating and just the happy faces of our four small children.  Those happy and exciting days carried over into our childrens adult lives and there were many happy and exciting days leading up to Christmas with presents under everyone's tree, good food and the love we have for each other.

This is the second Christmas without our Greg but he is with us in our hearts and minds and as the days get closer to Christmas day we will remember him with happiness, love and joy for all the Chrismases past that he gave to all of us.  




November 17, 2015

We come into this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most treasured of all is exhausted and that is TIME.  We do not take to our grave any material wealth.  TIME is our most precious treasure because it is limited.  We can produce more wealth but we cannot produce more TIME.  When we give someone our TIME, we actually give a portion of our life that will never be taken back. 

Our TIME is our life.

The point I am making is that my son Greg gave us all his TIME and LOVE and that is more precious than anything else he has left on this earth.


November 15, 2015

I remember our last trip together at the beach.  I miss you so much.  It was so special having that time with you. There are so many words I wish I had said.  I think of those things now after losing you. I would give anything for one more conversation. I have so much left to say. I love you son.

November 12, 2015

Not a day passes that I don't think about you. I still cling to tangible reminders of you. I hold them in my hand and somehow feel closer to you. It can be something as simple as your business card. 

Greg, you were so brave and amazingly strong. I am so proud of you and miss you terribly my sweet brother.  My world is forever changed without you in it.  I hope you know that while on this earth, you showed me the true meaning of strength and courage. You taught me the importance of hard work and living a life of integrity. That it's not always an easy journey to be on, there are bumps and stumbles, but we get back up and we persevere.

My heart breaks today because I had to say goodbye to you far too soon. I would give anything to have another day with you.  I know you're doing angels work now but I hope you can still hear me when I talk to you and tell you I love you forever.


October 31, 2015

I have always appreciated a good sunrise or sunset.  However, because of you, I look at them differently. Now when I see them, I slow down to admire and genuinely appreciate the beauty of each one. I like to think you may had a hand in painting those beautiful pictures in the sky. Each one a reminder of your love for us and your continued presence in our lives.

You are still a part of everyday life. So many times throughout my day, I think of what you might say or think about certain things, how you always had a witty comeback. I will never forget the sound of your voice or your laughter. I love you always and miss you forever. 


October 26, 2015

My son Greg made his mansion on earth on five acres on a hill with a beautiful view. 

There is a story in the bible from John 14: 1-3

In my fathers house are many mansions,  If it were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  When I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

Greg has gone to his heavenly mansion and his heart is no longer troubled with the ways of this earth and his fight against cancer.  Greg had faith in God and it was out of God's love that he was created.  Greg's loved ones now have an angel in heaven waiting for us to join him someday.  

Love you,

October 8, 2015

I love you so much uncle Greg, you will never be forgotten. I cherish the memories I have of you. You were just a great uncle and your legacy will live on forever. Miss you and always thinking of you

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