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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Hector C Elizondo, 50 years old, born on June 16, 1957, and passed away on April 8, 2008. We will remember him forever.
April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
It’s been 13 years you went home. Things have not gotten easier. I miss you so much, you use to take care of me and we would go for rides I miss all that. But here I am alone and no one to share my secrets with. But your not in pain and I’m sure you are watching me and Andrew. You would be so proud of him. He has done good for him self. But you Rest In Peace my sweetheart. You in my heart and never forgotten. Love you!!! Until we see each other.
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
It’s Christmas 2020, not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. Your son got engaged yesterday. Wish you were here to see him and the accomplishment he did. Opened his own tattoo shop. You would be so proud of him like I am. Rest In Peace my live!!!

Love and miss you!
June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020
It’s been a hard time going through this loneliness alone. Me and our son miss you so bad. It hurst me your not here to take care of me and to share stories. Your son has started making knives in your honor wit a T for teto your nick name. We miss you so much sweetheart. But God will get up through this I pray. 
Rest In Peace. Until we meet again!
April 8, 2020
April 8, 2020
It’s been 12 years and you have been gone. My life turned upside down and still is. I miss you every day more than than the last. I always new you were there but now I’m alone. But you rest and fly with the angels my love. 
I miss you so much!!!!

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April 8, 2021
April 8, 2021
It’s been 13 years you went home. Things have not gotten easier. I miss you so much, you use to take care of me and we would go for rides I miss all that. But here I am alone and no one to share my secrets with. But your not in pain and I’m sure you are watching me and Andrew. You would be so proud of him. He has done good for him self. But you Rest In Peace my sweetheart. You in my heart and never forgotten. Love you!!! Until we see each other.
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
It’s Christmas 2020, not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. Your son got engaged yesterday. Wish you were here to see him and the accomplishment he did. Opened his own tattoo shop. You would be so proud of him like I am. Rest In Peace my live!!!

Love and miss you!
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