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This memorial website was created in memory of  Lee Herbert Fletcher III, affectionately known as Herbie, 61 years old, born on April 9, 1960, and passed away on January 18, 2022.

He was a great husband, father, son, brother and friend to all. We will forever cherish his memories.
                                     Please see Gallery section for memorial videos
Note: If you have photos of Herbie and would like to share them with the family, please  contact the Site Admin if you encounter problems doing so. Thank you.
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
Thinking about how we lost such a great man! But the hope is that one day we will see you again! 
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
The void from Herbie's loss is still acutely felt and the pleasant haunting continues, reminding me of who and what he was. It's hard to imagine that a whole year has flown by since that event, but it reminds us that it is but a moment for those who sleep in Christ. That is aptly conveyed by the song writer who penned the hymn "How cheering is the Christian Hope". I am certainly cheered by the words of that song and I trust that Althea, Meghan, Alexsis, Mother Fletcher, Barbara and the entire extended family, are too.
I anxiously wait for that "Great gett'n Up Morning". Come Lord Jesus...Come!
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
Continue to sleep in peace Herbie. Miss and love you. Gaynell
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
Tony as the saying goes TIME FLIES. RIP Herbie.  It feels like yesterday. ALL THE BEST TO THE ENTIRE FLETCHER FAMILY FOR THE YEAR 2023. WITH LOTS OF LOVE.
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
Herbie, hard to believe it’s been a year since you left us. Think of you often, my brother, my friend. Miss you.
February 21, 2022
February 21, 2022
Shelly and I send our sincere condolences in this your time of loss. May the precious memories of this wonderful gift of a brother, son, husband and father be your strength. His work on earth was done, and so we look forward with the many that place great conviction in the promise of the Blessed Hope. Rest in Peace Herbie …until then.

Tony and Shelly Doyley
February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022
Althea, Alexis, and Meaghan,

It is with deepest sympathy and sadness that I write these words. I pray for your peace during this time, and look forward to a time when we will see “Herbie” again. As I watched the celebration service today, I was reminded of the intertwined experiences that our families have shared through the years. 

I can remember various remembrances which span more than 50 years for me, and many more years for our parents. Jamaica, Florida, Maryland…. Please know that you are in our thoughts continually. We regret that we could not be there in person today, but we look forward to seeing you soon. Until that time, May we look upwards from whence cometh our help..

God’s Peace,

Elle, Irv, and the Westney Family…
February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022
Dearest Althea, Alexsis, Mehgann, Mom Fletcher, Barbara, and family.

Herbie was one of my dearest friends from WIC High School. He was a kind, caring, thoughtful, fun-loving and gentle giant, with the warmest smile and addicting laughter. I always enjoyed his musical talent, especially when he sang with his daughters. He was a man of God. Brandon and I were blessed to have been a part of his world. Whenever we visited, there was always honesty, laughter, praise, and worship. These memories will always fill our hearts. My family and I send deepest condolences to you and the entire family. May God give you all the comfort and peace needed during this very difficult time. Rest on my dear friend until we meet again. Love always, Jan & Brandon Murdoch
February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022
I met Herbie in 1970, and endorse the enduring and glowing descriptors of his many admirable and defining qualities. Herbie was gregarious, warm, musical, outgoing, fun loving and funny, confident, generous, and consistently demonstrated a larger than life persona. Notable also, was his admirable devotion to his family and friends, and his commitment to his faith, which have remained as constant as his evergreen personality.

With the benefit of time, beyond these widely admired traits what I have found uniquely impressive about Herbie was the seemingly easy way in which he navigated, mastered, and modeled a difficult set of qualities - autonomy, authenticity, and life balance.

It is no secret that Herbie’s roots can be accurately termed “Jamaican Adventist royalty”. Both the Fletchers and the Nations ‘trees’ were foundational in Adventism’s roots, and his lineage featured outstanding, esteemed leaders/ influencers within Jamaican Adventism - unquestioned bastions of the faith. The imposing profile of the great Pastor LH Fletcher II, legendary icon whose name Herbie bore, must have only added to the reality of the monumental perceptions and expectations that Herbie inherited through no choice or fault of his own.

When raised in that elevated, rarified air, the unconscious psychological, social, and religious pressures are intense, while the surrounding air is thin; the metaphorical oxygen is limited, and spiritual, social, and psychological breathing can often become labored and difficult. Those who know will understand. There are many examples of others, some from far less demanding circumstances who developed insulated and entitled demeanors and life practices, or made shipwreck of their spiritual and life legacies while trying to determine and navigate their own unique and authentic place in such rich histories.

Herbie did an amazing job of adroitly avoiding the potential landmines, to establish his own legacy of faith, family and life that was uniquely his own, authentically real, singularly influential, and unmistakably rooted in the strong and genuine faith foundation, from which he drew, and made his own.

Herbie seemed to find and embrace his singular and unique personality early, and consistently exuded confidence and comfort first with the developing boy and then the man who he was. It was clear to Herbie’s peers and others who knew him, that he saw no conflict in fully loving and embracing both his rich heritage, and his responsibility to be authentically Herbie.

No wonder it seems that Herbie’s constant facial profile was a smiling face. His was a life course of visible joy, effectively and autonomously charted with authenticity and with firm reliance and fidelity to his enduring family and faith roots and practices.

It is a testament to Herbie’s authenticity and “groundedness”, that he maintained loyal, lifelong core friendships with early peers even as his circle of friends was large, multi ethnic and multigenerational, and always growing.

We’ve lost another great one. It hurts even more, because by all measures it seems so premature. But we are thankful for Herbie’s legacy of a quality, joyful, authentic life that has positively impacted many along each leg of his brief life journey. 

To beloved wife Althea, daughters Alexis and Meghan, Matriarch Mrs Olive Fletcher, Barbara and family, accept our deepest condolences. We join you in seeking comfort in the reassurance of the ongoing value of a seed planted in good soil, and the precious promise of a Resurrection Reunion that will soon come. What a day that will be! Be encouraged - it won’t be long!
February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022
Herbie’s passing has no doubt left a void in the lives of everyone who knew him. Whether you were a friend, or just someone who intermittently interacted with him, you’d probably agree that each encounter was indelible.
He was a big guy, with a big heart and finding a character more gregarious than Herbie, would definitely take some doing. I certainly will be pleasantly haunted by much of who he was.

I prayed fervently that Herbie would’ve been spared this fate and was somewhat dejected and disappointed when God chose to answer in the way He did, but I was never dismayed or depressed...and therein lies the manifestation of the christian hope...this is not the end....we’ll see him again...that big guy, with the big heart, but this time, unshackled from earth’s shams and drudgeries. He’ll be larger than life...yes, we all will be...and it will be Heaven...and Jesus, the Life Giver will be there.

So...Mother Fletcher, Barbara, Althea, Alexsis, Meghann, the entire of good’s just around the bend.
February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022
I arrived at WIC on October 1973 and Herbie was the first person that welcomed me with that beautiful smile of his. I surely didn't understand much or nothing of what he said. However, as the months passed we became friends and were classmates in 3rd and 4th Forms (along with the inseparable partners in crime, Andrew and Donny) Years later, I met him again on the campus of University of Miami School of Medicine/Jackson Memorial Hospital and it was such a surprise to find out we both were working on campus. I have such beautiful memories of those four years in Jamaica and Herbie is one of the people that I carry in my heart with great fondness.  On behalf of my family, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the Fletcher family. May all beautiful memories shared together keep give you fortitude until the morning of resurrection.
February 16, 2022
February 16, 2022
My Memories of Herbie go back to the late 70s when my family moved to Mandeville and we became neighbors. He was always Pleasant and upbeat. He remained the same person throughout his life. I will never forget his mellow tenor voice and was blessed to have him sing at my wedding. My sincere sympathy to Mrs. Fletcher,Barbara, Althea, Alexsis, and Meghann. Herbie may no longer be with us but we can rest on God's promises that we will see him again. Stay encouraged.   Rodger Henry
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
I spoke to Herbie and Althea in February last year via facetime, exactly 1 year while in Jamaica with Andrew and BU, it was memorable. We reminisced the times we spent together playing soccer, etc. never knew that this time would come so soon. We meet each other, then separate along the way, hoping, hoping to meet again. Rest in peace my brother.
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
My deepest condolences to the family and friends. I, too met Herbie at WIC and sadden to hear of his passing. He is truly unforgettable! We cannot begin to measure the worth and every single life that Herbie touched, the friendship, compassion and all the memories we each hold dear. RiEP Herbie.....
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
My deepest sympathy and prayers to the Fletcher family and friends, Herbie will be missed.

I knew Herbie during my four years of high school. He was a kind, loving, empathetic, and full of laughter friend. We lost touch over the years and when I connected with Andrew two years ago he gave me Herbie’s number. It was a joy chatting with him, he hadn’t changed. We laughed so much reminiscing high school days.
There is a long trail of beautiful memories of Herbie and this will not be forgotten.
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
I met Herbie during the one year I spent in Jamaica at what was then WIC. My mother and his father were friends and met at the same school. He welcomed me into a strong group of friends that laughed together, sang together, studied together, and made so many wonderful memories during that high school year. His gentle giant persona was always admired. He was kind hearted and caring, and I am so happy that our paths crossed. God’s blessings on his family as we await that Great Day to see our loved ones.
February 11, 2022
February 11, 2022
I was sitting at my desk at work in a meeting when my friend Dawn text to tell me that Herbie had passed the night before. I stared at the phone for I don’t know how long, excused myself from my meeting and then burst into tears…hoping against hope that I misread the text, I called Dawn who confirmed my fears.
I had to come to the realization that Herbie, whose home I lived in from 1977-1980 while I attended West Indies College; who often took me to or picked me up from the airport as I traveled back and forth to the US during Christmas and summer break; who teased me, along with his best friend and “brother” Andrew, endlessly; who nicknamed me “EG” aka Ellen G White;
who protected, defended, and challenged anyone who messed with me by telling them “Anthea is like my little sister and anyone who upsets her will have to deal with me!”; who made the Fletcher household reel with laughter; who was a champion of Justice; who was so musically gifted; who had the gift of making anyone in his presence feel Special; who ALWAYS spoke truth to power; who was humble despite his good looks, intelligence, business acumen, musical talents, and impressive family roots; who was like a true big brother to me an only child…was gone.
So I pay tribute to this older “brother”- who always made me feel welcome in his home; the comedian who knew that laughter was always the best medicine and generously doled out humor EVERY DAY of his life; the person who after years of being out of touch, allowed us to pick up where we left off when we reconnected four or five years ago; the great confidante who offered himself as a no judgment zone…allowing people to speak their truths openly, candidly, honestly.
To say Herbie will truly be missed is a major understatement but when I contemplate my years living with the Fletchers (Elder Fletcher, Ms. Olive, Barbara and Herbie) along with my childhood friend from the US Dawn Ottley, and brother and sister Andrew and Paula Reid, those were extremely happy times for which I will always be grateful, that I will always treasure and I will invoke every time the loss of Herbie stabs me in my heart and chokes me up with sadness. And Herbie, yes our dear friend and brother, Herbie whom we all loved so much…played a large role in my wonderful experience attending West Indies College High School!
Althea, Ms. Olive, daughters Alexisis and Meghann, son- in- law, Sister Barbara and her family, the host of family and friends…we don’t mourn as those who have no hope! We know that we will meet Herbie again in that great gettin up morning.
Please accept condolences from my husband Maxwell and me, my mother Norma Goodlett and our daughters- Noelle, Symonne and Gabrielle- who although never had the privilege of meeting “Uncle Herbie” grew up hearing lots of stories about him and knew how special he was to their Mommy.
May Herbie Rest In Peace. Our prayers are with the entire family and Herbie’s Village of loved ones and friends!

In sympathy and with love and affection,
Anthea Francis (née Bowen)
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
My classmate and friend Herbie, left footprints of kindness, love, courage, joy, compassion, and faith. Although he is no longer with us, the trail he has left behind will continue to inspire us all.
Praying God will comfort and care for each family member as you celebrate Herbie’s life.

February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
I met Herbie in high school—Form 3a, and over the next few years survived everything that came our way. He was one of the kindest persons that I have ever met , something he demonstrated at every step of the way. Herbie gave me my first ring binder, picked me up from the airport when I first landed in the USA in 1982, and was always ready to help. We lost contact for some time, but reconnected after some two decades, and kept in touch sporadically since then. In 2016, Charlotte NC, we met for what neither of us knew then, would be the last time. His story of generosity, of always going above and beyond for others will forever inspire and be a benchmark for us to aim for. Herbie’s light will continue to burn brightly.
February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022
I am saddened to hear of Herbie's passing. I have fond memories of growing up with him in Mandeville. He left behind a great legacy. My prayers are with his mother, wife and daughters and entire family. Treasure the memories.

Much Love,
February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022
I am saddened to hear of Herbie's passing. He is one step closer to seeing Jesus face to face. We are left to endure. Hugs, kisses and love to you all. One day soon we will be able to hug Herbie again!
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Dear Althea, Alexsis, Meghann, Mrs Fletcher, Barbara and other family members, please accept our condolences.
There was always joy in Herbie’s presence and he had the gift of making each person he came in contact with, feel important.
His memory will be a blessing.

Hansel & Pauline Fletcher
February 5, 2022
February 5, 2022
Herbie as we call him was my high school friend and classmate I can recall we
spend many late evenings in the classrooms below the cafeteria at WIC studding with me helping him and Danny Douce with their maths and chemistry . These were evening we three boys would study ,make jokes and talk about girls. 
After college we occasionally talk to each other,usually I am the caller . The last time we spoke face to face was at his father's memorial service .We spend about an hour talking about life ,our family,our achievements and our health. I gave him some medical tips and as a medical doctor how l manage my own diabetes .The last thing we talked about were not dying young ,praying for each other and our family which we hope would meet someday when we visit Florida but this never happen. Now he is gone, but I look forward to that meeting on the other side . Take your rest my friend it's the road for us all, farewell!
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
I was saddened to hear of the passing of my dear friend, neighbor and classmate, Herbie. We shared so many good times during our High School and college days at WIC not to mention at each other’s home. His great sense of humor always had everyone “cracking up.” I was happy I was able to chat with him last year on his birthday. Take your rest, Herbie, and see you in the morning.

To Aunt Olive, Althea, Barbara, Meghann and Alexsis, I send my deepest sympathy. Hold the wonderful memories you have of Herbie in your heart and may God comfort you during this very difficult time.
Sending love, hugs and prayers.
Hillary & Andre
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
I met Herbie when I became a student a WIC 1978. The gentle giant walked the campus with a purpose and a smile. He was pleasant to talk with and is never rude. Over the years we reunited in Florida as we shared duties in the WIC/NCU alumni association. I was so shocked when I heard of his passing. A kind, pleasant, caring human being has left us. Mother Fletcher, Althea, his girls, and Barbara, I continue to pray for you all. We will see him again. Let's remain faithful
February 3, 2022
February 3, 2022
On the Journey of life we meet different characters at different stations and each station is a different experience. I met Herbie when I was on the board of EFCCI and suffice it to say we had a great time planning and discussing how to care for the orphaned children in Jamaica.
He was a true child of God, so calm in his discourse and of course, a little humor when he wanted to spice it up to give us a belly laugh.
My sincere condolences to Ms.Olive, his wife and children, and extended families. You will be sorely missed but God knows best. Sleep in peace my brother until that great getting up morning when you will hear, welcome thou good and faithful servant.
February 3, 2022
February 3, 2022
We really miss you Herbie. Last time we met up there was so much laughter between us. Rest in Peace we will laugh again in Heaven.
Condolences to your entire family and friends
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Ralph and I first met Herbie when we came to Miami Temple as Senior pastor in 1989. We remember him as a faithful, energetic, happy and outgoing church member. He was an asset to the music program and is greatly missed by all of us who met and loved him. Warm condolences to his family and friends. Love and prayers.
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
I am still coming to grips with this heartbreaking loss. Herbie was an amazing soul who one could count on for anything. I pray that his mother, wife, daughters and family know what kind of impact he had on so many people.
Rest In Peace Herbie…
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
What do you say about a person who was so loved by all? Who was so talented? Who was so resourceful? Herbie was an amazing, dynamic force! If you needed any kind of assistance, Herbie could give you a source. He was our go-to person whenever we ran into a jam. He always seemed to know so many contacts. Although he was going through so many health issues, he was always upbeat. You would never know his challenges from speaking with him. It pains our hearts to see Herbie leave us, but we believe that when Jesus returns to take us home, we will meet again with Herbie. We will hear him sing again with his beautiful daughters.

Aunt Olive, Althea, Alexsis, Meghann, Barbara and all the other members of the Fletcher family, we grieve with you, but do realize that soon and very soon we will be reunited with our beloved brother. Please accept our sincere condolences.

Rest In Peace Herbie!

Edward and Faye Reid
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Dear Althea, the girls, Miss Olive, Barbara and all the family. When someone dear passes we go down memory lane and reflect on the life of our loved one. You have lost your love and friend, a father, son and brother, etc. It is with heartfelt sorrow that I send my condolences to you for the passing of who we used to call back in the day “little Herbie”. May God continue to bless you all and bring you great comfort as you mourn Herbie’s passing. May the memory of your loving relationship sustain you. With love.
February 1, 2022
February 1, 2022
I first met Herbie in 1974 when I arrived on the campus of WIC. Herbie as he was affectionately called had a baby face and mischievous grin. I stayed at the Fletcher home way back then and always felt a part of the family!
Herbie was very popular and warm. He will live on in our hearts forever. May God grant his wife children mother sister and numerous friends peace that passed all understanding. Sleep tight Herbie till that Great Day! Aka Gaynell Ford - Bermuda
February 1, 2022
February 1, 2022
It doesn’t matter how much time goes by, we never stop remembering the ones we’ve loved. Each time , it can be joy or sorrow and often both.
The love and influence of Herbie will always remain a part of the family. 
Family, there is a tender TOUCH of the Lord given to us in our times of loss. It’s a TOUCH that wipes away tears and comfort sorrow. It’s a healing TOUCH by His Spirit that gently draws you all under the shelter of His wings.

Take comfort in the memories of the wonderful times you all shared together.

Please accept my deepest condolences.

January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
What can I say about uncle Herbert that wasn't said before? From the first day I mate him he was always warm and welcoming. Never a dull moment when he is around, we use to site at the mixer upstairs church and chat after service and yes I always enjoy his Culture night wear as he rep JA. Truly it brought me great joy to have mate him and to listen to him as he mentor me on life. Love always uncle Herbert and i will always have great love and respect for his wife, daughters and family circle.
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
Dear, dear family, we are so deeply saddened. I first met Herbie in 1980 when we moved to Miami and Berkley and I started dating.

He was so good to me and always made me feel welcome. He helped us with everything- always volunteered when a need arose.

We are holding fast to the blessed hope! Sadness endured for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

We love you all so much.

Christine Moss
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
It is with a sense of sadness that I pen these words of condolences. My fondest memories are those spent at West Indies College from 1977 to 1981. Music was an integral part of my time spent there being allowed to sing with Colegiates and Meistersingers. The only thing that topped that was Alegre and The Heralds Quartet. Only heaven can tell what they did for my spiritual growth. Thanks Herbie for allowing God to use your gifts to be a blessing not just to me but to others, When I think of you, it is with joy and gladness. What a happy person you were. I am grateful to have known you.
To Althea and Mother Fletcher, and the entire family, my heart goes out to you for the loos of Herbie. May the happy memories you shared, help you through this difficult time. I am also sending healing prayers and comforting hugs, from the One who knows and loves you best.
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
Dear Althea and daughters, Aunt Olive (Mom), Barbara, and families, I first met Herbie in September 1973 at West Indies College/Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica. I was 18 and he was 13. 

I have always found him to be warm and friendly. He was a gentle giant. I will always remember his kindness, smiles, gentleness, and caring spirit. One would not have known the challenges he faced in life because he always had an upward look. He will be forever missed. 

MMRIH--May his memories remain in our hearts.  

Barrington Brennen, Nassau, The Bahamas
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
Herbie, my brother, my friend of almost 60 years, it seems so unreal that you are gone. We were laughing together and talking about our families on FaceTime just a few weeks. I miss you, my friend. I love you my brother.

Althea, Alexsis, Meghann, Mrs. Fletcher and Barbara, Fely and I share your loss and pain. We send our love and support.
January 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
The Garcia family will miss Herbie so much! I remember Herbie always extending a hand with kindness from the moment we met him. He was always present in both Christopher and Emily's life although Herbie and Emily had a great friendship that was unique and needed. He was a great friend to Alfredo and I and made us laugh often! He used to say crazy! I don't know how you do it Alfredo!  We wish your family peace and comfort and are praying for you all!

The Garcia's
January 28, 2022
January 28, 2022
Dear Aunt Olive, Althea, Alexsis, Meghann, Barbara and families.

Healthfelt sympathy and condolences on Herbie's passing. My earliest recollection of Herbie was when I lived with his family in Mandeville during the summer of 1972. He was jovial, fun-loving, caring, and a pleasure to be around.  Despite his health challenges in recent years, he was fairly upbeat when I called him, and always found something positive to convey. Yes, we dearly miss him, but are assured that we will see him again, very soon. Take heart, it won't be long now. God bless and keep you in His care.

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January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
Thinking about how we lost such a great man! But the hope is that one day we will see you again! 
January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023
The void from Herbie's loss is still acutely felt and the pleasant haunting continues, reminding me of who and what he was. It's hard to imagine that a whole year has flown by since that event, but it reminds us that it is but a moment for those who sleep in Christ. That is aptly conveyed by the song writer who penned the hymn "How cheering is the Christian Hope". I am certainly cheered by the words of that song and I trust that Althea, Meghan, Alexsis, Mother Fletcher, Barbara and the entire extended family, are too.
I anxiously wait for that "Great gett'n Up Morning". Come Lord Jesus...Come!
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
Continue to sleep in peace Herbie. Miss and love you. Gaynell
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