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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Hermon Dearmon, 75 years old, born on December 20, 1933, and passed away on August 1, 2009. We will remember him forever.
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Daddy your baby loves you....still and always. I miss you in so many ways. I know tho you're with YOUR mama and daddy and my mama and Bubba and our Toto. Daddy I don't know why that happened to my baby. I feel like I let him down daddy. Told him when he was born I'd always do everything in my power to love and protect him and daddy I sure loved him but I couldn't protect him. I know the love yall shared was beyond this mortal Earth. I always believed God gave me Corey for you and I have to believe that when God called you home Corey's earthly job was done. I know he's with you and his mawnaw and that he's happy. I know y'all all happy and have a peaceful mind. I pray for my peace. You've all gone ahead and I do miss you all so bad and I feel left behind here sometimes. I'm ok tho Daddy I promise and if I'm not I'm gonna be that's how you raised me. Bye daddy Toot loves her Daddy.

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December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Daddy your baby loves you....still and always. I miss you in so many ways. I know tho you're with YOUR mama and daddy and my mama and Bubba and our Toto. Daddy I don't know why that happened to my baby. I feel like I let him down daddy. Told him when he was born I'd always do everything in my power to love and protect him and daddy I sure loved him but I couldn't protect him. I know the love yall shared was beyond this mortal Earth. I always believed God gave me Corey for you and I have to believe that when God called you home Corey's earthly job was done. I know he's with you and his mawnaw and that he's happy. I know y'all all happy and have a peaceful mind. I pray for my peace. You've all gone ahead and I do miss you all so bad and I feel left behind here sometimes. I'm ok tho Daddy I promise and if I'm not I'm gonna be that's how you raised me. Bye daddy Toot loves her Daddy.
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