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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Herta Held-Rhea, 73 years old, born on April 29, 1930, and passed away on September 3, 2003. We will remember her forever.
April 30
April 30
Oh momma...Happy Birthday...a day late. You'd be Things these days have been crazy in our world. Sure hope you got to celebrate. Love you and miss you.
September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023
Wow...20 years. Where has the time gone? So many times I want to pick up the phone and call you. Miss your cooking. Miss the hugs. Wishing you could've met your great grandkids You would be so proud if your grandkids.
Love and miss you lots.
April 29, 2023
April 29, 2023
Happy birthday Mom sure do miss you. Had shoulder surgery the other day. So here I sit.. LOL the kids are all doing great you would be extremely proud of all of them and your great grandkids. Sorry I don't go up to the cemetery very often but I say hello to you and Dad as we drive by. I do think about you. We will all be together again someday. Love you!
September 5, 2021
September 5, 2021
Mom,how are you,I miss you more than life.I know Doris wrote you about the new virus out here,you would of haed wearing a mask..I miss coming over and staying for a week..hope you and dad are together,he should be up there even tho he was mean..God probably forgave him..I love you so
September 5, 2021
September 5, 2021
Hi grandma I miss u so much not a day goes by that I don't wish u were here but you are with grandpa and God hope u are at peace I love you
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Hey momma...HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Boy or boy I sure wished you were here. You're other daughters have been mean and nasty to me all over a difference in political views...very very sad. Silvia isn't quite as bad. Hope you and daddy are dancing your hearts out on your special day. Sorry I haven't been to your gravestones and put any flowers on them. I say hi as I go by all the time. Hugs to both you and daddy. ❤❤
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
Happy 90th Birthday mom. Miss you everyday. We are going through some strange times here. Some strange flu like virus called COVID-19 has pretty much shut things down. Can't sit and eat at a restaurant, can't go to a beauty salon, can't bowl. Pretty much just grocery shop and work in the yard. We wouldn't have been able to come visit you at the assisted living. Crazy times. You are in a much better and safer place. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis so I'm struggling with a lot of pain right now. The meds for it are extremely expensive and lots have such awful side effects,, so I'm at a loss of what to do. The kids are doing great. We have 4 grandkids now. Travis has a boy and girl and so does Sonja. KC still isn't married..traveling around the states with work. Love you.
September 9, 2019
September 9, 2019
Hey mom,
I just thought about you and dad today. I hope you are together and dancing like you used to so beautifully together. I miss you so much. I can't believe you've been gone now for 16 years. I pray that we will all be together again. I miss dad too. I feel so cheated that I didn't get much time.
I love and miss you both.
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
Mom happy birthday and I miss you very very very very much hope you and Dad are together keep waiting for that sign haven't seen it yet maybe I'm trying too hard so much has happened things are so different wish you were still here can't believe you'd be 88 today wow
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
Hi mom. I love you and miss you so much. I can't believe today you're going to be 88 or you would have been 88. you didn't have diabetes I wonder how you would have been. I always wonder if you didn't have diabetes you would have been 88 and living on your own or probably living with one of us. I hope you and Dad are together and I love you and I'm still waiting to have a sign of some kind like you promised you would do if you could I love you very much talk to you later
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
Hey mom...Happy Birthday. I really want to talk to you and give you a big hug. I know we didn’t talk everyday but boy do I miss those times. Hope you’re celebrating your day today. Love you and miss you.
September 29, 2017
September 29, 2017
Mom rember when you told me long before you passef that if you could you would try and give me a sign that you are here? Well I havent seen or felt one..evey night I go to bed after all these yrs waiting for something...tho only sign I do get is a hummingbird that hovers around me sometimes..I think of you then knowing how much you loved them..I miss you so much still.I write on this phone to uncle gerhart and heidi they seem to be fine. Well mom try tonight to give me some sign..good night I love you so..Silvia
September 29, 2017
September 29, 2017
Dear mom.Silvia here..I cant tell you how many times at night I ask you to come to me...rember before you ever said you would try and find a way to show me a sign of dome kind? I wait every day to see it or some how feel it...I do have a hummingbird that flutters around me before it goes to her feeder..I tell myself its you..I know how much you loved them..I have one that fights off all the others..its funny to watch..I love you so...and I miss you more every day..I cant believe that you are just gone..well going to bed..I love you mom.please show me some sign..Silvia.
September 3, 2017
September 3, 2017
Hi mom. I can't believe it's been 14 years today. Miss you everyday. I know Silvia has said we call her names and she's the outcast and doesn't have family...well that is so far from the truth. Rose and I have helped fact we both just gave her 250 dollars. We cant keep paying for things..i know you would talk some sense in her. Danielle need to step up to the plate and help her parents. Work two jobs if need be but Silvia just doesn't want to hear it and thinks we are being mean. No it's because we worry about what's going to happen to Danielle when they are gone. I know you used to help her all the time. I wished shed understand we aren't against her. It's just when she calls you names a nd accuses you of things and telling people we don't really makes you mad. I want to hug you one more time, tell you I LOVE YOU. Miss you. Hugs
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Hi mom, you have no idea how bad things are. Well maybe you do, but I am so afraid right now. I really need family and they are all gone, I am so, so scared. I wish wish wish you were here to at least talk about it, you never called us bad names and made me feel bad about my self, I loved you for that. You loved me no matter what. It's now 2017 it's been so long rose and Doris are close, and now I am the outcast. It's OK now I understand how Doris felt way back when she was the outcast. I love you so much I am sick over you, I finally went with Danielle to see your place were they laid you to rest, with dad, I hope you are at peace, rember you said if you passed that you would try some way to reach me?? You haven't yet mom try again. Night I love, love, love you silvia
April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015
Hey Mom. Happy Birthday! I miss you everyday. So many things I want to share with you. The kids are doing would be so proud of them. I've been doing an amazing veggie garden and think of you all the time when I'm out there knowing how you loved gardening even though you did flower gardens. I look forward to the day we are all together again to hug you.
October 15, 2014
October 15, 2014
Hi Mom.  It's October 14th and it is 3 am  I am just lying here in bed, using the neighbors Wi-Fi to write you
I just wanted to tell you I am having such a hard time, and I cant seem to go on any more with out you, You kept us sisters together, and we are all split up I just wish you were here to put us all back as a family, I feel so alone, I cant talk to my sisters, like I could talk to you, they care I think, but they say I am always having some kind of problem, I am in lots of trouble, but cant tell them, Oh Mom Why?? Why did you get taken and why does time seem to go so fast? I just need you, and need to talk to you, there are times I forget your with our Lord, and tell myself I better call mom, but then remember I cant. I Love you so, and miss you so, I need to talk to you, I will be with you soon give everyone a kiss for me (dad) and Jay I miss them too, I love you mom more then any one will know silvia
April 29, 2014
April 29, 2014
Mom I know you can hear me still, and see me. I love and miss you so. so much,  I wish I could see you one or two more times, tastes your cooking, or listen to one of my bad jokes, and say "Oh Silvia" I loved embarrassing you, I hope you are resting in peace, and are with all your loved ones with Jesus on this wonderful day.  Today you will be 84 I wonder how you would look since you never did have wrinkles. Mom I want to talk to you so bad and let you know some things that are going on, it seemed you always could fix stuff, I just hope you here me at night when I cry. I love you and Dad, Tell Dad Hi for me and I love him too. I know when all my hummingbirds come to feed one must be you, or you sent them,here you taught me a lot about things, and I know when my wind chimes chime, they must be you, I love and miss you momma for ever! your always in me in my heart, and thoughts every day.
April 29, 2014
April 29, 2014
dear grandma happy 84th birthday you have been gone eleven years now and its seems like yesterday I was in your arms and now your gone you never realize how life and people around you are so precious until they are gone. there are days I dream of you or hear your voice and I know your still here watching over me and I will always love you. no matter how old I get or how long you have been gone it wont get easier because I want you back I do anything to have one last hug or kiss and knowing I wont ever get that till I die Is hard I know I have a lot to do on earth, and cake care of your daughter but I want to go with you but since I cant I hope you will wait for me.
your daughter miss you so much and wants you back I try to comfort her but its not easy when someone so sweet and has done nothing wrong is ripped from you I cant tell you how much we love you but I hope you can here us. I hope you are ok in heaven and are at peace because that's all we wanted for you was for you to be happy and I hope now your gone your finally happy I love you so much.
April 29, 2014
April 29, 2014
Miss you everyday! Wish you were here so I could give you a bouquet of flowers and a big hug on birthday. Happy Birthday.
September 5, 2012
September 5, 2012
im sorry i cannot come to your grave because if i do ill die with you i thought time heals all wounds its gotten worse half my heart is gone id sell my soul to the devil to see you again im scared to seek help to deal with your loss because if i dont talk about it im ok but if i do i might loose it because i miss u i know ill see u again someday and until then nothing can make me happy
September 5, 2012
September 5, 2012
i know your in a better place and im glad your out of pain but most of fmily is married with kids and have coped with your loss i cannott comes to grips that your gone why did god take you away im so lost without you i want you here i cry alot because im so broken hearted please come back please i dont know what to do i miss you
September 5, 2012
September 5, 2012
grandma I cannot belive it has been almost 10 years since you have passed. I miss you so much I know it was your time to go but i wish i could of come home to say goodbye im sorry i couldnt make it home in time please know i tried. knowing i couldnt say goodbye to the love of my life has broken my heart its been 10 years and i would give up my life to hug you again
September 5, 2012
September 5, 2012
Hi mom, its October the 6th already. Can you believe it? times goes so fast, I miss you so much, and so does danielle, she keeps thinking if you could of waited one more day, then she could of said good bye to you, but I told her you knew she couldnt come home, that she had to wait till that one more day, and i know you tried to hang on,i am happy if you are, Just remember I love you so.
September 3, 2012
September 3, 2012
WOW,mom its been 9 years already,wher has the time gone. I think about you often and wonder what its like to be where you are. If you are able to see everyone that passed. I sure hope you ae happy and I hope you have forgiven me. I am very happy,Blessings mom
April 28, 2012
April 28, 2012
My mom was the best mom any child could ask for, she is surely missed by me and my sisters Doris, Rose, and all her Grandchilderen, Mom i cant beleive you have been away for this long already, it just seems as tho i saw you yeasterday, and you asked me if i was coming to see you. i miss you every day and every minute of the day, I love you forever and will see you some day. silvia.
February 23, 2012
February 23, 2012
Mom, You are the best mom any child could ever want, you never yelled at us three girls, nor hit us. and you alway were there, you were a stay at home mom, and you cooked, cleaned, and always made sure there was food in the house and we had what we needed, and wanted, even if you needed something and we wanted something you gave to us before your self, you put us 3 girls first. I love you.

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April 30
April 30
Oh momma...Happy Birthday...a day late. You'd be Things these days have been crazy in our world. Sure hope you got to celebrate. Love you and miss you.
September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023
Wow...20 years. Where has the time gone? So many times I want to pick up the phone and call you. Miss your cooking. Miss the hugs. Wishing you could've met your great grandkids You would be so proud if your grandkids.
Love and miss you lots.
April 29, 2023
April 29, 2023
Happy birthday Mom sure do miss you. Had shoulder surgery the other day. So here I sit.. LOL the kids are all doing great you would be extremely proud of all of them and your great grandkids. Sorry I don't go up to the cemetery very often but I say hello to you and Dad as we drive by. I do think about you. We will all be together again someday. Love you!
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from Danielle Livick

April 18, 2014

Dear grandma when I went and said im leaving to cali and i said ill be back in 3 weeks i had no idea i would not ever see you again and when me and joshua family went by a church i made them stop i had this feeling you were gone,so i took a picture and when i got it developed i saw a ghost  i think  its you. When i look at it,it makes me think your here with me. If i had a clue you wouldnt have made it i wouldnt have gone. It's been 11 years now and seems like it was yesterday im going to see unckle gerhard when i get my money from my wreck. I know you and grampa's saved my life and I thank you, my mom ask's about you alot and misses you its not the same without you. i keep looking at your picture and keep thinking your here and your not. I miss you so much why did god have to take you? i know he needs you but now that your gone i feel so lost sometimes i feel like i want to be there with you but i know my mom neeeds me if she wasnt here i would come to see you because nothing is the same without you. i love you and i wish you were here but your not, and its ok because god has you now and see you soon and when i look at your daughter i know i see you in her and it makes it better but  not much she misses you so much i hope your all better and have your legs and not diabetes and are young again ill seee you soon i love you please never leave me even tho i cant see you i know your here i love you

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