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"Aunt Kiss"

February 21
I'm glad that I was able to see you & your sister grow up when you were born.  Because I was only your aunt, I could only peer through a glass window; however, once you & your sister were able to come home, I was so happy!  Then, I could hold you for the first time.  You were so tiny, and as you grew, you looked more & more like your daddy. I was glad that I was able to babysit you & your sister.   Once you started talking, you called me, "Aunt Kiss."  That never stopped, even while you were growing up.  I'll always remember that.  Have fun with our Heavenly Father!  You deserve it!!

Miss you always

February 21
Holly was one of my close friends.  I know the family from growing up with them at East Park in Dayton, Ohio.  The summer after they lost their dad, I watched both her and Amber while their mom worked during the day.  I was 15, they were 10.  I remember that spring praying to God to let me be an impact to a family that needed me that summer, and God led me to them.  Since then Holly and I always stayed in touch.  She was my go to person to share things with, my movie buddy, and someone who always could make me laugh and smile.  Good memories I’ll cherish with her will
be the time I took her to Cleveland to see a Dr, the time the family invited me along to go to Gatlinburg, times spent with her at Springfield campmeeting, and being her Maid of Honor in her wedding.  I’ll miss making more memories with you sweet Holly Bear!  Fly high and watch on us all!! 

My clown

February 21
Holly was a born a minute before me but I always acted like the older one. She was so silly goofy and would have these blond moments that made me laugh the make your belly hurt laughs. My mom use to get jealous we wouldn’t include her in our play time when we were little we would just talk to each other in our baby language and laugh and giggle ! So glad I got to have you for 38 years by my side.

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