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March 30, 2021
March 30, 2021
I didn't know what to say at the memorial, but it was really nice to hear other peoples' stories and songs! I didn't think of what to say until right now..

When I met Howard, he was in his 70's leading bike rides for Genesis Bicycles. I was in my mid-20's. I was probably the youngest rider, and Howard the ride leader was likely the oldest (except maybe for Earl Wuchter). We were going on bike rides that started in March at about 20 miles, stretching to 50-60 miles by August preparing for the Annual Gap Gallup century bike ride (100 miles) in September.

Howard inspired more people to build their fitness to be able to complete the 100 mile bike ride. People who had never ridden 100 miles before, and probably who would not have done it if not for Howard. Most of the riders were in their 40's, 50's, or 60's and Howard was encouraging them to physically and mentally to go further. He nurtured a gaggle of 20 or so riders each year that became a core group, always growing, always evolving as people could manage with the flow of their lives.

I remember Howard sometimes as a gruff personality; I'm not sure if that came with age, or if he was always like that. Yet, I always knew that his sometimes terse disposition was always based in wanting to help people ride and enjoy their bikes more.

I remember his sailcloth sleeve of fabric with bike tools rolled inside that he kept strapped to his rear rack. I remember catching up to him at about mile 40 of the 100 mile Gap Gallop and he wouldn't look at me because he felt bad being passed. I only wanted to ride next to him for awhile, but he wouldn't say anything, so I kept going. How many times did he ride the Gap Gallop? 25 or 26? His tenacity over the long haul was amazing.

I did also see him perform a piano recital once at Kirkland Village.. a relaxed and proud Howard making sweet music - interesting contrast being with him so often cruising the country roads between Easton and Wind Gap. Ride on Howard! 
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
My fond memories go back to my first day at LVMM in 2001. I talked about how I found bicycling a spiritual experience. Well, he came up to me right after worship and said, "I have been bicycling for 40 years! Thank you for your message!". A few years later, I was bird watching along Green Pond Road at the pond, and he came zipping down on his bike, said "Hi, Grant!", and flew by and excellerated!
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
yes.. an engaging conversationalist and so very proud of his children and of Fran.  as a young nephew I was a bit intimidated by him, but never doubted his love for his extended family of nieces & nephews and extended beyond that too and beyond.
March 20, 2021
March 20, 2021
As one of the first group of women students at Lafayette, I remember Howard and Kris being especially welcoming and supportive of the advent of coeducation. I was fortunate that Howard was my advisor and he continued to challenge me throughout my time as an undergraduate. The Gallup household was a friendly place for students and we were often included for meals and activities. 

Kris and Howard attended our wedding and we settled nearby which made it convenient for Howard to stop by during bike rides for a visit and a water bottle refill. 

Both Kris and Howard were wonderful people who touched many lives. I am grateful that I was included in that group. 

March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021
Over the last 5 years it became increasingly clear to me that Grandpa Howard had a large impact on my life and how I currently interact with my own kids.  I may have seen Grandpa less than 15 times since moving to California in the 70s but I cherished each of his visits with Grandma Kris.  Grandpa loved the outdoors, loved journeys, and loved telling stories.  These types of memorable moments are also the type of moments I find myself enjoying the most with my kids.  Thank you.  I miss you Grandpa.  Love, Noah
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021

I met Howard when I arrived at Lafayette College in the Fall of 1966 as a new faculty member in the Psychology Department. I was 26. At that time, I knew some psychology, but about the ways of the world not so much. Howard took me under his wing, and through his example gently shaped me to be a better teacher, and more importantly a better human being. 

    I hadn’t met people before with the same unfailing kindness and generosity. (I once mentioned that I was looking for a new stereo system and Howard offered to help build one for me -- where do you find people like that?)

    Howard was my mentor, though neither of us would use that phrase. He still is. He had a lifetime impact on me, and I’m sure that is true for many others who will not have the chance to visit this memorial site. His spirit lives on though the countless others he influenced. I was blessed to know him.
March 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
I was a student at Lafayette from 1967 to 1971 and Howard was an important part of my life there. I valued him as a teacher, friend and mentor and was always grateful for the way he welcomed me and other students into his family. Howard influenced my growth as a person and supported and encouraged me in becoming a psychologist. Our friendship continued long after graduation. Howard's belief in me meant much and I will always be grateful for his influence on my life.
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
Howard was more than just my teacher and advisor at Lafayette from 67-71. He and Kris, along with the rest of the family (and Bilbo), would invite us to their home to share in there lives.
Howard and I would often ride together and now I have the privilege to continue the lead HIS Genesis ride to Milford.
Howard will be missed by all who knew him....
March 15, 2021
March 15, 2021
Uncle Howard and Aunt Frances mean to me...
Family vacations at Cape May
Summer birthday parties on the beach
Family holidays at Gallup / Hollingsworth houses
Summer cousin switches
Going to visit Howard’s lab with the mice
VW van
Thanksgiving and red wine
Biking, obviously
And way too many more to name.
I remember Howard and Fran being so in love with each other and giving us the best cousins ever!!
So much love to all!
March 8, 2021
March 8, 2021
I attended Lafayette College from the Fall of 1966 to my graduation in June, 1970. I stayed in Easton for every summer while I attended Lafayette. I first met Kris Gallup and then all the Gallup family during the summer of 1967. They invited me into their family and we got to know each other very well. 

Kris & Howard had one of the best relationships I have ever experienced. It was never just Kris or just Howard-it was "Kris and Howard". Howard needed Kris and Kris needed Howard. And it was never just the two of them-Joshua, Shar and Brad were all part of it. They set the standard for what kind of family I would also like to have (and I am still working towards).

They introduced me to Lehigh Valley Monthly Meeting and the Society of Friends (Quakers), which accepted me into membership in November, 1970. They also were a strong influence how I made the transition from a fairly conservative Freshman in the Fall of 1966 to a Conscientious Objector to the war in Vietnam by the late Spring of 1969. As I look back on these decisions from the perspective of time and distance, they feel like two of the best decisions I have ever made. 

I thank all five of the Gallups very much for what they have done for me. They, all five of them, were one of the most exceptional families I ever met, and I will be eternally grateful to all of them for their guidance, love and acceptance. 

Tom Hill
Lafayette College, Class of 1970
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
I rode with Howard in his Century Club. He was a dedicated and authoritarian leader, and I mean that in the most positive way. He expected riders to follow the rules because he was genuinely concerned for our safety and well-being. I was well prepared to ride the Gap Gallop. All these years later I still follow the rules of riding etiquette that I learned from Howard.
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
When I married into the Hollingsworth family — actually long before that — I met Howard. He was outgoing, warm and approachable and made me feel a welcome part of such a large and boisterous group. I soon found out he was also a curious and stimulating conversationalist, always ready with an opinion and the facts to back it up, not to mention a quip or two that kept you on your toes. And did I mention he liked to compete? On the bicycle, the tennis court or at the pool table — all places I experienced Howard’s invitation to a challenge.

But most of all, Howard was a caring, sensitive person who loved majestic mountain scenery, sitting at the piano playing Chopin etudes, pedaling the 75th mile on a bike ride just as much as the first, and eating a simple over easy fried egg.

You are missed Howard.
February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
I have great memories of the many long bike rides with him .The best memory for me was riding the Gap Gallop with him , he rode like the energizer bunny he just kept going, a great inspiration.He instilled the great love for biking in me that keeps me motivated,to keep riding. The last time I saw him, he asked me if I was still riding, and I said of course. He made me smile, with his knowing nod of the head.
He was a good, and gentle man, it was a honor and privilege to have known Howard.
My thoughts go with him and his family.
All good memories.
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
Howard made a lasting contribution to life at Kirkland Village through music, especially through selecting endowed programs and accompanying the Joyful Singers. We have special memories of him and Kris doing their crossword puzzles at breakfast time in the Marketplace. They were pillars of our community, and we miss them both.  Madeline and Bob Brown
February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
I remember one time, the family was gathered for Thanksgiving. We were expecting Howard & Fran, but they had decided not to make the trip that year. Instead of calling or texting, Howard sent an email to Diane. But it was Thanksgiving and she wasn't checking her email. We all panicked, thinking there had been an accident or some reason Howard & Fran were missing. When we finally got a hold of them by phone, Howard said, "I sent an email."

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