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December 27, 2011

Peggy (winston) Grays friend wrote at
2011-12-24 10:43:55Hubert, so many years, so many memories. My heart is heavy with emotion as I think of you. I pray that you have truly entered into eternal rest. A bond from a child into adulthood we have and one that can't be broken. I pray your sons find peace and comfort and know the earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal...

December 23, 2011

Angela Tolbert / Treasured Friend wrote at
2011-12-22 12:39:31This is a painful moment in my life to see such a wonderful and loving person go. No words, can express the emotions I feel when I say your name or even think of you not being here, it's an internal hurt. So many times I had to walk away when I saw you suffering. I know in my heart of hearts that you are with the Lord. He had mercy on you and called you home. You said you prayed for an "Angel",but you became an Angel to me. Thank you for being apart of my life.

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