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August 9, 2023
Idk where to even begin talking about some of my favorite memories with you because they were all a true blessing that I was fortunate to have with you but right now I keep replaying the Wayne incident in my head so here we go. One night during quarantine while everyone was panicking Hunter, Anthony, and I snuck out to “party” in wayne. It wasn’t until we got there anthony realized we needed gas. So we go to prime stop “Wayne East” and filled up. Only problem was that the car wouldn’t start. So we sat there for 5 hours. Until 5 AM scared shitless that our parents were going to wake soon. While everyone was planning a BS story to tell the rents. Hunter got out. Hopped on the engine and started humping it and next think yk it started right up. Hunter really was gods gift now that I think about all the situations he got me out of lol but that’s just one of many great memories I will forever cherish with my brother ❤️. RIP Hunter. Love you dawg❤️

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