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October 17, 2022
I remember, 3 years ago, when you broke off a piece of your aloe vera plant and gave it to me. I laughed and told you that I do not do well with plants in the cactus family.  I usually give them too much water, and they die. When I came back home from my health crisis, I didn't know how it would be. It was doing great! I am so glad that I took a picture of it and sent it to you so you could see how much it had grown since you gave it to me. We laughed and you said, is that our plant, look how it has grown. It was our plan for me to give you a piece of it so you could start you another one since all of your plants had died. That wasn't God's plan for you. I will miss you, my neighbor, my sisterfriend. I will do my best to keep it growing. 
October 15, 2022
I will always cherish the memories of our 6 years of working together at Meijer. I called you "Mama" for a reason. It was out of love and respect and because you always gave sound advice. I'm going to miss you. Thank you for your kindness and love. Heaven has gained a true angel. Look for my mother up there and keep my nephew in line. The next rumble of thunder I hear I'll know you found the bowling alley. God bless you and Godspeed until we see each other again. 

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