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 Irisha is here with us, in our hearts, in our lives, forever.

 This is the place where you can read about her, look at her pictures and videos, listen to the music that she liked.

  Please leave your tribute below, light your candle for her. Also, please add your story, picture, memory about Irisha. Every memory is precious, please share!

Non-Profit "Irina Shekhets Memorial Scholarship Fund” has been set up to help talented students to get into college of their dream. You may visit to find out more and help.

August 24, 2014
August 24, 2014
Happy birthday to the sweetest angel! Thank you for watching over our journey, and for inspiring us all along the way. Love and miss you always.

Leon, Elina & Vera Shekhets
August 24, 2013
Любим, помним...
Ирочка, сегодня твой День!
Мы знаем ты навестишь всех, кто помнит тебя.
София и Ян
August 24, 2013
August 24, 2013
The greatest tribute to you Ira is not grief but gratitude. The gratitude that you walked with us and we had the privilege of sharing time with you. Rest in peace my friend.
August 20, 2013
August 20, 2013
On this day we would be glad to share with all friends the “Five-O’clock Tea” – Irochka’s favorite British tradition. We will share our memories of Irochka, and have a nice and quiet time in our house the way she loved: with friends and family. We know, that those who cannot come, will be with us in their thoughts. 
Happy Birthday, Irisha!
August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012
Azyu, once you said, that your biggest fear is to realize, that there is no such concept as love. Well, now, there is no concept of fear on your way, you are connected with the universal love, there are no limits of Goddess love. Thank you for teaching me not to be afraid, thank you for showing me what is the UNCONDITIONAL love. To bad, you had to go, to teach and learn that lesson.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Иришка, НАША ЗВЁЗДОЧКА, теперь в иных краях
Из Круга Света в сверх-орбитном Измеренье,
Ты светишь каждому, кто так любил тебя,
И кто с тобой сейчас,
             в твой ВЕЧНЫЙ ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНЬЯ
                                         Мама, Папа
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Ирка, мы помним тебя, любим и незабываем! С днём рождения тебя!
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
С днём рождения Ирочка! Мы тебя помним и любим сегодня и всегда.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Our dearest Irusia! How come you leave your family so early?! We all miss you. Darkness came when you past away.But we believe - G-d know what he's doing. He needs angels. You were a sunny angel.You're now near the G-d, prey for your family. Watch over all of us. We'll miss you all our lives. Shekhets-Oranskaya family.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Happy Birthday Irisha!!!
We love you and miss you. You always live in our hearts.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Irina - I miss you, love you and think of you often. Our friendship was a blessing and I'm so very grateful that you came into my life because you left a mark that can never be erased. Happy Birthday to my wonderful amiga. Vivirás por siempre en mi corazón (you live forever in my heart). TQM.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Happy Birthday Irochka,
you are loved by so many. Thank you for being such a bright soul and bringing so much light into the world.
With love and gratitude, Nella
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
С днём рожедения Ирочка, мы помним тебя.
Саша и Лена
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Happy Birthday Irisha. You will always be the girl we knew, a person with a deep and clear soul and a beautiful smile that would light up the room, thinking of you, remembering you, keeping you close in our hearts. Watch over your wonderful family, you will forever be their angel.
Tanya, Igor and the girls
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Irachka. Thinking of you today and smiling, because that is the way that we always were -- smiling, laughing, happy! We miss you. Vadim and Jen.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Irisha, today is all about you! We all love and miss you, and we know you are celebrating your beautiful life with us.

With love,
Leon, Elina & Vera
August 16, 2012
August 16, 2012
Ты всегда с нами - рядышком, над нами, вокруг нас, внутри нас! Я люблю тебя и все твою дружную семью. Как хорошо, что вы у меня ЕСТЬ!!!!!!!!
August 16, 2012
August 16, 2012
Дорогие мои Ирочка, Маша, Танечка и Боря,
Мое сердце с вами. Не только в этот день, но в этот день - особенно. Ирочка, ты с нами. Перечитала в который раз слова любви и благодарности от твоих близких и друзей и еще больше почувствовала, что ты здесь, среди нас. Навсегда.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Ira, it's been exactly 1 year since the tragedy. We miss you with all our hearts. I truly miss you, my dear cousin, and love you with all my heart. You have always been there, since the day I was born. I love you so much, and you will always be in my heart.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
I hope you are at peace with yourself, and with g0d, and with the world, and I just wanted to let you know, that I will always love, cherish, and treasure you, for the rest of my life, and even after that. RIP. люблю ♥ Happy Birthday ♥
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
We were neighbors for a brief time, but most certainly a memorable. The chats we used to have. While living in Jeonju and trying to deal with your loss, I made a literary magazine in your honor. The money I recieved for it all went to help orphaned children in Asia. For you:
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Ирочка, cегодня день твоего рождения.
Я зажигаю свечу для тебя и в память о тебе. Прошел год, и каждый день этого года ты была с нами, и будешь с нами всегда...
I am lighting this Birthday candle for you and in memory of you. You are with us, and will be with us forever…
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Not one day passes where i dont think of you. i am grateful to have known you. you left a foot print in my life, which will always be there. i just pray for peace for your family.
August 24, 2011
Трагический день заволакивается пеленой времени,блокируется памятью. Его и вспоминать,и осознавать так не хочется. А ты,Ирочка,стоишь как живая перед глазами такая,какой мы тебя помним и любим.Т&Б,прошлое вернуть нельзя,но сегодняшний день мы переживаем с вами.Дай вам Бог здоровья и сил...
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Irina was a year behind me in high school. I only have just learned of her passing, and was brought instantly to tears watching her photo memorial that is here. I can remember her in high school. She always had kind words for anyone who came in contact with her. Rest well Irina.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Tanyusha, thinking about you and your family and sending you blessings and love.
I am with my special son until the middle of September. Will see you soon. Call me if you need to talk.
Love, Nella
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend. So long as we love, we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Irisha, its been a year and I still think of you every single day. Despite your seemingly momentary presence in my life, you made an impact deeper than words can express. You are forever extraordinary. Much love and strength to your family.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Irishka, missing you so much. Happy Birthday dear sis. You are always here, in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life. Can't believe a whole year has passed. A whole year of pain and tears. Feels like yesterday we said our goodbyes. Rest in peace, beautiful soul.
August 24, 2011
August 24, 2011
Irochka, s Dnem Rozhdeniya. A year has passed, but it seems that just yesterday you were here. Wishing you and your family peace. Thinking of you.
June 1, 2011
June 1, 2011
Irochka, I never met you but I saw how bright your soul is and I know how much you are loved. You will be missed. With love and gratitude, Nella Kotlyar
December 7, 2010
December 7, 2010
Tonight I have lit a second candle next to the one that constantly burns in memory of my son Jeremy who died in the Agni Air accident with Irisha. Our thoughts and prayers are with you who mourn because of this terrible tragedy. May Jeremy, Irisha and the others who died that morning rest in peace.
October 5, 2010
October 5, 2010
Irusha, my happiness, my irreversible loss... Today is 30 days since our saying farewell to you and 40 days since your departure. For 30 years you were giving light to all, every day you delighted us with your ideas, turning your dreams into realities. You strove to get the top of the world and there your life was cut short. You are our Angel forever. You burned too bright; you've gone too fast...
September 23, 2010
September 23, 2010
Иришка. Ты есть, ты здесь, ты рядом. Я чувствую тебя. Как я хочу обнять тебя, приласкать, удержать и защитить. Ты звёздочка, ты лучик солнышка пробивающийся сквозь листву, ты белое облачко. Ты бабочкой залетаешь ко мне в дом, ты птицей поёшь на нашем дереве. Какое счастье быть твоей сестрой. А сердце разрывается на куски. Я закрываю глаза и вдыхаю тебя. Ты со мной. И я улыбаюсь сквозь слёзы.
September 14, 2010
September 14, 2010
I have never known you, Irina, yet tragically your death lightened up my world. Having found this tribute on the internet, I simply have to leave my homage. You died doing something that excited you, something that made you feel alive. You streaked through this life like a comet lighting up so many lives. You will be forever young and beautiful. The gift of knowing you must have been amazing. The agony your family is going through is excruciating. Their wound will never heal. Look over them wherever you are. I want to upload a picture of Mt Everest. I’m sure you see it much better now, but please accept this as a sign of my respect, the eternal flame, a menorah in your honor. You will always live in the hearts of those who love you. Happy trails to you, girl.
September 11, 2010
September 11, 2010
It is impossible to believe that Ira is not with us anymore. It hurts so much! The only way to get through the pain and sorrow is to know that she is in a better world and happy there. Tanya, Boris, Masha, Felix, Gena, Lena, Alex and cousins, please always remember that. From now on Ira will be your guardian angel and always be remembered by everyone who knew and loved her.
September 9, 2010
September 9, 2010
Dear Borya and Tanya,
Please have our deepest condolences. We will always remember your wonderful daughter.

Lina, Michael
September 9, 2010
September 9, 2010
We pray that your soul will rest in piece and your parents will find solice in knowing how many people loved you and share their loss.
September 9, 2010
September 9, 2010
Marina Daynovsky
Tanya, Boris, Genochka, Masha and family!
Our hearts are with you, I cannot stop ctying for Iroshka, she will be terribly missed by hundreds of people who loved her.
She is in Heaven now and prayng for us.
September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010
Ирочка, вот ты уже и дома...
Светлым, ласковым лучом коснулась ты многих, исчезла яркой, падающей звёздочкой в пасмурном, хмуром небе, оставив нам звенящую пустоту, скорбь невообразимой утраты и вечную память о себе.
Мы верим, что твоя мечущаяся душа обрела покой.
Ты - белая птица в кругу своей стаи...
September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010
Dear Boris, Tatyana, Masha and Gena,
With an unbearable pain in my heart, I am mourning Ira's death. Nothing will compensate for your irreversable loss.
You might find a tiny bit of consolation in that Ira has a lot of friends and fans who will keep the brightest and kindest memories of her. Please know that Irka's friends are your friends, and we are here to provide help and support.
September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010
I am a friend of Mikhail Mizikov who is a good friend of the family. We live in Australia and have never met Irisha, but when I heard about this terrible tragedy, I coudn't stop crying. I pray for the family...
September 6, 2010
September 6, 2010
Such a short but wonderful life. She is still with us-- in our minds and in our hearts.
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Recent Tributes
August 25, 2023
August 25, 2023
Dearest Irina, may you be at eternal peace at your heavenly abode, and wish you all the happiness on your birthday. You all 14 have chosen a remote poor village in Nepal for your departure to a much better place in heaven. Now your parents, sister, and family members have helped thousands of other sons and daughters of Nepal in their education, health and lively hood. We will continue to do so for many more years to come. We share our merit with you. Much Metta.
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Every year takes me further away from you
And yet we're never apart
Every day,
But especially every August 24th
I celebrate you!
And mourn you...
You are so near and yet so far,
You are right here and impossible to touch
What would I give just to hug you!
I miss you always
I love you so much, sis
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
One of the saddest days for me but one that I celebrate two beautiful women that were dear to me - you and my mother that happened to share the same birthday. After one week I will be at the campground where I first met your parents where we became more than friends. I think today you and my mom, two funny girls will be organizing all the angels for a good hangout. Enjoy your day in heaven!
Recent stories

A singing bowl story

June 21, 2021
In 2007, I heard the sound of a singing bowl for the first time. Although it felt like this sound was squeezing my heart, a sense of well being penetrated my whole essence. It felt like I was being blessed by some higher intelligence. Shortly after this, I purchased a bowl for my wife and me.
We didn't know what to do with the sound bowl, besides striking it and listening, but there was something about that sound. The bowl was sitting on a decorative cushion, which rested on a coffee table and we couldn't pass by it, without taking the stick and playing the bowl for at least a couple moments. The bowl was receiving so much attention as if it were a member of our small family.
Like a normal couple we had our ups and downs, but every time the bowl made a sound, the atmosphere at home would change for the better, also a more peaceful state of mind was created. 
Back then, I was practicing meditation and was reading a lot about the influence of sound on mental, emotional and physical health. I was looking for some art to occupy myself with and knew that it would be related to sound therapy. The field of “sound healing” triggered my attention. 
Most of the information I found on the internet and books just made me skeptical. I couldn't accept for example that the notes of the modern Western musical scale somehow are related to chakras. Also, having a degree in mechanical engineering, I had a hard time believing that singing bowls are made of seven metals such as mercury, lead, and copper that have such a huge gap in melting temperatures. Even if that was true, why for God's sake people would use poisonous metals for healing? I had so many questions and there was no one around to give me the answers. I purchased a few more singing bowls and was running my experiments. The knowledge started to flow towards me straight from the source - my instruments!
At this time, heavy arguments began to occur between my wife and me almost every day. Our relationship became very heavy on both of us and we decided to provide space to each other. Two months later my wife flew to Nepal. She was planning to take the hiking trail to Everest Base Camp. On August 24th, 2010, the plane she boarded with 13 other people departed from Kathmandu to the village Lukla and it never landed.
She died in an airplane crash on her 30th birthday and my heart died on the same day.
The emotional trauma I experienced couldn't be described and It isn’t my intention to focus on these dark times.
Many days passed until I pulled out one of the singing bowls from my collection again. The sounds were reminding me of the times spent with my little family and this was causing me a lot of pain. I temporarily moved away from my passion for singing bowls.
Months later after the accident, I pulled out the same sound bowl my wife and I used to play together. All of a sudden, I noticed that this bowl had a very interesting character. Once struck, the melancholic sound of a time that will never come back was flooding the room up to the ceiling. My mind was stolen by this fluctuating sad tone. Listening to this singing bowl was just painful. However, something had shifted inside of my chest and the moment of instant healing took place!
I noticed a subtle overtone that I had never paid attention to before. It was the sound of pure joy! It was a ray of sun, so pure and delightful! I asked myself, why was I choosing to listen to the melancholic tone if there is something so delicious about this other tone showing up at the same time?!          
That evening I stroke the bowl countless times. I remember myself listening and smiling. I was smiling and skipping a heartbeat each time the sonic serpent was showing up and pulling my sadness from the chest away to the void. It felt like some sacred knowledge is being unveiled to me. Something that can't be told, but can be heard. 
Since then, the meaning of the words "happiness is a choice" became clear to me. I started to practice listening to and choosing my mood, my thoughts, my emotions, my judgments, my reality. I became hungry for life, adventures and new experiences! I decided to take my life back.
A couple of years later, overcoming my fear, I visited Nepal and Tibet. While in Nepal, I did the Everest Base Camp trail hike. It was an act of closure on my past and the beginning of the next chapter of my life.
I also made a very interesting and fruitful connection with the local singing bowls authorities. I learned so much during this time! For a few weeks, I was spending ten to twelve hours each day, testing thousands of singing bowls in the house of the biggest collector in Nepal. I finally walked away, having made my first big purchase of 56 “Stradivarius” singing bowls.
In Tibet, I intended to visit the holy mountain Kailas, but the Chinese government blocked the way to the foreigners for a month. Instead of doing a Cora around Kailas, I joined a small group of tourists going to Central Tibet to visit five caves of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). We also visited lots of Buddhist monasteries, some of them had never seen tourists before. Surprisingly, none of these monasteries were equipped with Tibetan singing bowls. I learned about the ceremonial usage of Tingshas (small flat round bronze bells) and gongs, but I was so unsatisfied, seeing no Tibetan bowls in Tibet. A part of me was still hoping to see the Buddhist monks do some practice using the singing bowl, besides collecting donations in them.
At some point along the way, I met an old monk who was playing a  singing bowl. I asked the guide to come with me to talk to the elder. I asked the monk what exactly is he doing with the bowl? The guide translated my question and the elder struck the bowl with a wooden stick and smiled. I noticed that he was missing a couple of teeth, but I didn't care, I just waited with childish excitement for the explanation. The explanation didn't come. The monk just struck his singing bowl again and smiled like a mischievous child. I asked my guide to translate the question, how exactly does the monk use singing bowl? Is he just collecting donations with it, or is he using it for a specific ritual? Does he meditate using the sound? Or maybe he is cleansing his space? Maybe he is doing some sound healing work? The guide understood my point and patiently translated the request. The answer of the elder was one word only, which was translated into English as "listen"!
Yes, I said, I know the sound of the singing bowl, I have a collection of these at home. I am a certified sound healer! I have a sound healing master-level certification! Could you please ask him how he uses the singing bowl? After talking for a while with the monk, my guide looked at me and simply said, “he just told you: - listen!” The monk struck the bowl again as if to emphasize what I just heard from the translator. He then smiled and said in Tibetan the word that I now knew the translation of.
No kidding, it was a great teaching for me! Listen!
When I came back home, I found new qualities in my instruments. After meeting the monk, I was inspired to become an even better listener to my clients and most importantly, to myself and the life around!
I now listen to my body and soul more carefully. I listen to the universe. I am focused on listening, thanks to that short, yet profound meeting with the monk.
Himalayan singing bowls brought so many profound lessons into my life, so many beautiful people, new life and new love. I facilitate sound meditation events at least once a week and I am still excited every time I prepare for the new event.
When I facilitate group sound meditations (what people are usually referring to as a sound bath), I play very gently and quietly. I make long pauses and allow the meditators to quiet their minds and to listen to their inner silence.
By sitting quietly, and allowing yourself to be without any opinions of who or what you are, or how the world should be, by just breathing carefully, without disturbing the harmony around, you will hear the universal love. By just listening to the silence between your thoughts, you realize that love has always been there, like the sky. This is the most important part of meditation and sound healing for me.

SKY complex obtained a new life

August 23, 2015

After  2015 earthquake this  Complex, including Irisha's Library, is temporary became the school instead of the destroyed local school. This gave local children ability to continue their education in addition to the help in food and medications

Irina Shekhets memorial Library

August 23, 2015

This is the site of the tragedy that happened on August 24, 2010. Now, Thanks to the ISMSF Foundation and SKY Foundation the complex of public buildings is created there, including Temple, School, Library, Medical Center and Guest House.

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