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Welcome!  We are so glad you are here and we pray you will use this page to get to know Isabella, remember Isabella, and share your stories and memories of her.  Has God touched your life through Isabella?  We want to know!  Do you have a prayer request?  We want to pray! Do you have memories or stories of Isabella?  We want to read them!  Maybe you just miss her and want to write that down can do that right here! The intention of this website is to keep the memory of our sweet girl alive, keeping in mind the reality of the communion of saints, and knowing her soul is in our midst. Isabella was dedicated to our Catholic faith and wanted nothing more than to become a saint at the end of her earthly journey.  Who knows what plans God has for her soul? Let's remember her, and may she draw us ever closer to Him.

*If for any reason you would prefer to share privately, we have created an email account solely for this purpose.  Please feel free to share via email at:
April 28
April 28
Death Is Nothing At All
By Henry Scott-Holland

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not think the author was Catholic, but never are his words (which were originally part of a sermon) more true than at Holy Mass where heaven and earth join together in praising Him. 

April 25
April 25
Thinking of you often this week, Ella. I miss you and love you bunches. Please watch over me from above, I know you do. I haven't discovered anyone who knew Elvish as fluently as you did and I don't think I ever shall. The light you left behind follows me everywhere. Elen sila lumenn omentielvo, my dear friend. <3
December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022
You've been on my mind today. I miss you... I have so much to tell you when I see you again! <3
December 4, 2022
December 4, 2022
Happy birthday, beautiful girl. Though our faith reminds us we are still connected, we miss being able to see your bright eyes and smiling face. We miss your sarcasm and how you would always keep us in line. We love you.
December 4, 2022
December 4, 2022
I just wanted to say I miss you.
December 4, 2022
December 4, 2022
Happy 20th birthday Isabella. I carry you with me in everything I do.
December 4, 2022
December 4, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday, sweet Isabella. We will never forget you and know that you are with us always still. December 4th is such a special day, as it is your birthday and also the anniversary of your Confirmation. I will never forget the joy on your face, the day on which you received the sacrament of Confirmation. You radiated sanctifying grace. You chose St. Maria Goretti as your Confirmation name, which is especially befitting of you given that you are such a model of purity and holiness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of our lives, for helping us through your beautiful example during your time here on earth, and for continuing to help us all and pray for us. I feel beyond blessed by your friendship. You are truly an inspiration to me, my children, and countless people. We miss you so much yet still feel united with you through the Mystical Body of Christ. We love you!     
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Seton Home Study School held their 2022 graduation on Saturday. We were delighted to see the beautiful faces of two of your very best friends, Jackie and Faith, as we watched the ceremony Jackie sent us a video of a part of the ceremony yesterday in which a young lady, Therese Brons, who knew you gave a memorial speech about you. We knew this was coming, as Seton had reached out to us for permission, and we were humbled and extremely touched. Watching it brought forth a whole new level of gratitude for the life you lived, the friends you made, and the souls you touched along the way. We pray you will continue to touch many souls, gathering them, and bringing them to Him. "The Last Goodbye"
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022
I don't think there are words to express more aptly who you were, than the following written by your dad this morning. 

"It has been 2 years since Isabella passed away. For 6357 days she chased perfection. She had an internal drive to write the perfect book, draw the perfect drawing, and be the perfect young Catholic girl. If something did not meet her standards, she was done with it. I have never been around a stronger and more bold person in my life. I've had time to reflect alot over the last 2 years. I've concluded that she quietly influenced me to be a better person and cleaner soul from her first day to her last day. We all miss her dearly, but there is comfort in knowing her soul is finally surrounded by perfection." -Dave

December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
Happy 19th birthday, sweet girl. This morning at Mass a friend gave me the words she was receiving over and over again..."Isabella is ecstatically happy." Thank you, Jesus, for that gift.

December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
It's a special day today, dear friend. And one I didn't expect to hit quite so hard. After all, the birthday celebrations you must be receiving right now are so far beyond anything that I can imagine, and I am truly thrilled for you. What an incredible thing to try and picture! That is, if birthdays are celebrated or even existent in Heaven? I don't know, but could there possibly be more to celebrate than what already happens there all the time? What an amazing thought, and a question I look forward to discovering the answer for one day.
And still...I will admit I'm also recalling that conversation we had about grief, about how difficult it can be to process a loss sometimes. How we can think we've worked through it, and then the hurt springs up again, so deep and intense that we wonder how we've continued to function. Well, I'm missing you very much today, Isabella; remembering our conversations, our laughter, and all the sweet 'do-nothing' moments God blessed us with. What a blessing to know you, and to have those memories to look back on. You touched my life in too many ways to count, and I will always thank the Lord for the privilege of calling you my friend.
Your family is in my prayers often, and especially today, as I know they have so many more memories. May they find joy, peace, comfort, strength, and encouragement, even in the midst of the sorrow. How blessed we are by such a loving Father, that He is with us through every hurt and struggle. And to think of celebrating a birthday in His magnificent presence...that's truly the greatest birthday gift I can imagine. I'm happy for you, friend.
Happy 19th birthday, Isabella. <3
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Today was a day full of memories...full of grief...but also full of gratitude at the times we shared, Isabella. My mind keeps going back to that day, between the two 'Sophia' performances, when we got to enjoy the beautiful weather together. Just strolling the sidewalks, sometimes carrying on a conversation, and other times walking in comfortable and silent observation. I greatly enjoyed those hours with you at the time, and now I treasure them even more. Even though it's been two years since then, I can still remember what we talked about, where we walked, where we stopped and rested, your smile, and the sweet and sensitive way you explained that you would rather not have the company of a lot of people right then, but that you'd be glad to be with just one person for a while. I'm so blessed to have been that person.

I miss you, Isabella. I miss our chats about anything and everything - but sooner or later they all turned into writing conversations. I miss reading your excerpts and gushing about your stories with you. I miss acting with you (you were a fantastic "sister"), walking with you, and laughing with you. I miss that video call that you thought I started, I thought you started, and really it must have been God. I miss discussing how we were both going to autograph one another's novels after they were published (I'm publishing mine soon, and I can't stop thinking about you and how you offered to help me with the process). I miss your quiet and fun, sweet and caring, thoughtful and wise personality. I miss emailing you every Sunday, and texting you so much in between. I miss your smile that was like a sunbeam through any dark situation. I miss you so much.

And yet, I also rejoice for you because you're exactly where you most wanted to be - in the presence of our Savior. No matter how much I miss you here, it brings me so much joy to think of you walking, smiling, laughing, talking, and writing with Jesus Himself. Free of pain. Free of grief. Free of all the suffering you endured while on Earth. I look forward to being reunited with you again some day, friend. And until then, I will continue to remember you, and all the ways you have touched and changed my life for the better. Thank you for being such a beacon of Christ's light and love to me. I'm blessed and honored to have been your friend. See you soon.

With Love,
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
I offered my Mass for you today - can't stop thinking about your beautiful smile.
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Thanks, Isabella, for your prayers. The young man who was in the freezing water from a snowmobile accident has now recovered. His mother sent a picture of him looking very happy and showing his hands, which have healed.
A little part of each "pinkie" had been amputated, but he still has the use of all ten fingers!
March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021
Happy Holy Week, Miss Isabella! I started this yesterday, and that cheerful first line was the tone of my feelings. Today the sun shines, and I am incredibly grateful for that, because I need the sunshine. My mood is a bit more solemn though. Today Tate died. You finally will meet him face to face. I suspect you've met him already, but now he meets you. I'm tired of dipg shattering hearts. 
Back to Holy Week. This has always been one of my favorite weeks, and I know one of yours too. I think of all the years past and all of the wonderful memories we made. I think of how last year, Fr. Alex and Bishop Hying, made it possible for you to attend the Palm Sunday Vigil Mass, which became your last Mass in person, due to the covid shut down. I knew it would be your last, and that hurt. I know you wanted a healing. You got one, just not where we were hoping. Now you are always celebrating Mass! Things are still a little messed up due to covid. I'm tired of that too. Daddy and I plan to switch things up a bit this year to remember you on your favorite of our Holy Week Traditions. We won't be able to go inside the 7 churches for adoration, but we can still visit outside of 7 churches and this year, we'll be adding a stop to bring you a little something too. We could never forget you on that night. I hope and imagine this will be your best Holy Week ever. I pray we will feel His grace, as we need it so much right now. Love you, sweet girl. 
February 28, 2021
February 28, 2021
The young man (21) of the snowmobile accident has lost one part of his pinky on one hand; he is in a lot of pain. It seems that he will recover, thank God, and thanks to Isabella for her prayers. He is back home now.
February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021
Thank you, Isabella, the writing went smoothly and was published. Now I ask you to intercede for a young man who is in danger of losing fingers and toes from a snowmobile accident in freezing water.
February 24, 2021
February 24, 2021
Bridget wrote about, "the cardinals from Isabella" for a McKean family newsletter. She wanted to let people know who Isabella was to her and I wanted to share it. Here is what she wrote.....

"In the last issue, my story mentioned that I “asked Isabella” to send me cardinals. Some of you were probably a little confused about who she is. Isabella was my role model - a seventeen year old homeschooler who was like a big sister to me. In the Spring of 2019, she was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer. She passed away last April. I loved her so much, and it made me sad, but I know Jesus called her home for a reason."
December 5, 2020
December 5, 2020
I ask you to help me in a special project I am writing, which I would finish before Christmas
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
Eighteen years ago today, you came into our lives, making us grandparents for the first time. We were so excited to meet you and you did not disappoint!! A perfect, beautiful and precious gift from God, we are so blessed. Enjoy some white cupcakes and ice cream with M&M's today We love and miss you so very much, you are always on our minds and forever in our hearts!
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
I miss you, dear heart. I miss you so much. I wish I could talk to you every day like we used to. I wish I could come over to your house again. I wish we could talk on the phone again. I want to hear your voice again. I want to see you smile and laugh again. I miss our conversations about nothing. I miss when you would ask me, "What are you thinking?" I miss admonishing each other for apologizing. I miss giving each other lessons in writing and acting. I miss the 'bumpkin' running gag. I miss you slowly poring over my behaviors and trying to figure out what personality type I am. ;) I miss sending each other gifs over hangouts. I took you for granted. Even when you were sick I did. I was so selfish. I didn't take advantage of the honor and privilege I had in our friendship. I can't forgive myself for that. I'm so sorry. I wish I was a better friend. I always pray for you. I miss you. I was reading through some of our old conversations. Man, we had fun. I miss having fun with you. You were so fun...It's been so long. I hope Heaven is great. Anyway: Isabella Rose, I hope this is your happiest birthday ever! You'll always be my best friend, and try as I might, you'll always be older than I am. ;)
December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
I am sending extra prayers and love for Isabella and the entire Auer family, in remembrance of Isabella's birthday coming up on December 4th. She is remembered with much love.

November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
I remember visiting your family long ago when you lived on the Terrell Ridge road and my little Paula and Teresa playing with you. I knew very few in Dubuque then and was very grateful to have your mother welcome me kindly. I recall your mother once giving you a time out on a couch for some minor thing and your immediate obedience and was amazed at both of you. I have fond memories of every 'All Saints day' gathering since when we got to see the wonderful costumes your mother and you co-created together and enjoyed your hospitality. I noticed how the sewing and creative skills brought your grand-mother, mother and you together and was amazed once again at how special it was and how you worked sweetly all-together. Your love for beautiful, modest clothing always made me admire your virtue. You provided a special friendship for my girls that I was so grateful for and the joy they found when they would return after visiting with you at your birthday celebrations. I will always remember with gratitude the special "comfort and care' blanket you left for our family outside our door when my heart was broken after the only parent I knew- my mother passed away. So thoughtful as is typical of your mother and you. Thank you for hearing my prayers as you take them to the Lord on our behalf.  Our hearts are full of gratitude on this Thanksgiving day for the special gift of you and your family to our family!!
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Isabella, Your picture is on our refrigerator and every time I look at it the same question pops in my head....Why? You were and are a great role model for my children. Bridget loved you and wanted to be like you from the moment she met you. We have been using your library and through it's use my girls are still being influenced by you, thank you! 
Thank you for your virtue!
And thank you, Misty, for raising such a sweet child!  
November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
One of my memories of sweet Isabella Rose is one time when she was about 4, I was taking care of her. It was time for bed time prayers, so we were saying the prayers and we got to "Oh my Jesus........" I was not Catholic yet and did not know this prayer. Isabella said to me, Granny you SHOULD know it and told me I had better learn it because Jesus wanted me to know it. Soooo the next time I said bed time prayers I knew it Ever the little saint!! Love her and Miss her so much, Always and forever in my heart
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020
Ha,ha, JP! I can still see the twinkle in her eye as you retold that story! She loved all of you boys very much. She especially loved helping you write your stories! Also, you sure have turned into a nice young man...must have been all those extra minutes in the corner! ;) Ha, ha, ha!!!! Love you, Buddy!
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020
Isabella always favored Emeric. For instance, When I was young, Emeric and I would get into fights when she was babysitting. When she found us kicking and punching, she would pull us apart with the help of Gabe. Once it got to be time for punishment Isabella almost always put Emeric in the corner for a few minutes and put me in to the corner for up to a hour and ten minutes.(all the while Gabe would try to get us even corner times) Years later she said she regretted her actions. Now I laugh at this story. I bet she's really laughing at it now. I miss her good sense of humor.
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020
To: Isabella
From: Emeric and JP

Oh, St. Philomena, bring us courage and confidence in our faith. Oh, St. Philomena, please pray that Isabella may become a canonized saint. Amen.
November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
I miss you so much, sweet Ella. Every time I think of you, I offer my grief as a prayer for your soul. I hope you're watching over me dear sister. Love you. <3 
November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
This sweet girl is always going to hold a special place in my heart. There is so much I could say about her, so many special memories I have about her. But for now, since we are so close in time liturgically to All Souls and All Saints Day, I particularly remember her great love for the saints and her vast knowledge of the saints. She was the "go to" person if someone had a question about a particular saint; she always knew the answer! She possessed many "saintly" qualities herself, and I will always remember how, even in the face of her great struggles, she never complained. Not once did I hear her complain about her illness. In contrast, she saw the good that God would bring from it. She was and is a beautiful soul, a shining example to her younger friends in our Catholic and homeschool group, who look up to her so much!
November 11, 2020
November 11, 2020
I have read every update since she became ill. God Bless your family.

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Recent Tributes
April 28
April 28
Death Is Nothing At All
By Henry Scott-Holland

Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.

Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.

Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.

All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not think the author was Catholic, but never are his words (which were originally part of a sermon) more true than at Holy Mass where heaven and earth join together in praising Him. 

April 25
April 25
Thinking of you often this week, Ella. I miss you and love you bunches. Please watch over me from above, I know you do. I haven't discovered anyone who knew Elvish as fluently as you did and I don't think I ever shall. The light you left behind follows me everywhere. Elen sila lumenn omentielvo, my dear friend. <3
Her Life
November 10, 2020
The soul of Isabella, 17, was called home to Jesus after courageously battling DIPG, a terminal brain cancer, for almost one year. Isabella offered her sufferings and carried her cross with humble quietness, grace, and dignity. Just hours before passing she was Anointed and given the Apostolic Pardon.
Isabella was passionate about her faith and never shied from sharing it with others. She made friends with the Saints at a very early age and she spent much of her toddler years dressed as Mother Mary. The family takes comfort in the hope that she is now face to face with some of her most beloved heroes and heroines. Family was very important to her and she cherished time spent with her parents and three younger brothers who were her very best friends. Isabella was an "old soul" with a deep love for learning and the arts. She loved to read, and devoured books. As a homeschool student, she would read and reread her school material "just for fun." Tolkien was her favorite author and he inspired her to dream of becoming an author herself. Upon learning of her diagnosis she set forth to self-publish a fantasy book, Daughter of Kings, which she had written when she was just thirteen years old. A few months later, she and two of her friends compiled a collection of short stories and poems written by Catholic Youth, and self published Pens Set Aflame: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose, with the proceeds from sales going to EWTN. Given more time, it is certain she would have published more work. She also dreamed of attending a Newman Guide recommended college, becoming a wife, and most of all, a mother. The family hopes she is enjoying her Eternal reward "mothering" many, entertaining the angels and saints with her sarcasm and wit, filling notebooks with new ideas, admiring her Creator's great artwork, and basking in His great love for her. May her soul bring many souls to Him. May she be living her very own "happily ever after," in the greatest story ever written.

The Earliest Days:  She came into this world crowned with dark waves.  Her blue eyes windows to the depths of her beautiful soul.  Inquisitive and strong, she explored her new world with wonder and we watched in awe, contemplating how someone so perfect had been given to us.  Our hearts burst with love for her from the moment we knew she was with us nine months before we met in this world.   We quickly learned she had a lively sense of humor.  Her favorite entertainment, which always produced a hearty laugh, was messing with her furry, four-legged friend, whose name became her first word.  Upon waking in the morning we would enter her room only to hear her imploring her "Aggie" to come to her.  Shaggy was a good sport and barely raised a brow as she climbed his back and pulled his tail with a sparkle in her eye and laughs falling from her lips.

The Early Days:  Her long gone dark waves were replaced by golden locks shimmering in the sun, and her days were busy, filled with laughter and adventures with her newest best pal, this time with only two legs and no tail.  He had his own crown of dark waves and soon followed her every footstep.  Friends forever, from the very beginning.  She in her dresses.  He with his trucks.  Her faith was strong and she never shied from showing it.  Our little evangelizer wanted everyone to share her love for Jesus.  For months she roamed the house, baby doll in her arms, and dishcloth on her head.  Always emulating Modduh Mary.  

The Middle Years:  Her crew grew and she fit perfectly into the role of biggest sister. A passion for reading and learning permeated her soul, and still does.  Creativity a gift among many gifts, she loved acting, drawing, writing, and creating video animation.  Our home had become her library and she had read every book...probably twice.

The Early Teen Years:  Sketch books, notebooks, and journals full of story ideas and artwork are her prize possessions.  Sarcasm and wit followed by eruptions of laughter from a houseful of fans, are a daily occurrence.  100% is all she accepts and she is much too hard on herself.  She is every parent's dream.  Polite, self-motivated, determined, and faith-filled. LOTR and Hobbit have entered the picture and are a source of delight for her.  She begins dabbling in cosplay and becomes an expert in braiding her own hair.  Her love for learning is a fire that never is extinguished.  She loves literature and history and is content to sit in a chair for hours, nose in book. She is pure delight to have in our home.

The Battle:  She has put on her armor for a battle she never wanted to fight, but fight she will, because that is who she is.  We do not know how long the enemy has been growing within, but when he reared his ugly head in the form of weakness, slurred speech, and lack of coordination, he moved quickly.  He does not realize who he is up against though.  This girl will not let him win.  He may eventually win the earthly battle, but the joke is on him, because her most powerful weapon is a love of Him who is not of this world.  You see this world is only a stepping stone, a blink of an eye, a stop on the journey to a bigger world for which we were all created for.  She knows this, and this alone is enough to give her everything she needs to defeat him.  She is strong.  She is loved.  She is not afraid to show her fears and seek support.  She will cling to Him who gave her life.  She will cling to Him who loves her more than we can fathom.  She will cling to Him and He will carry her.  He will carry us all.

Present:  After offering her sufferings and crosses with quiet and humble grace, Isabella ended her mission on earth.  Her soul lives on and we invite you to continue to pray with us, that her soul is in heaven, and that she will bring many souls to Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our Raw Hearts' First Response: Isabella was taken to the ER in 2019, after displaying increasingly concerning symptoms.  Slurred speech, difficulty walking, driving, and drinking.  An MRI showed a mass in her brain and she was transferred via ambulance to the ER at the University of Iowa.  Within days our worst fears were confirmed and she was diagnosed with a DIPG tumor.  A devastating diagnosis and a cross which feels too heavy to bear.  She needs all the prayers she can get and we are begging for a miracle, knowing that Our Lord instructs us to ask, and to ask big.  We will.  We will ask big.  We will ask, and we will pray.  We may even dare to hope, but if our miracle does not present in the way we are hoping we trust that He will shower us with His peace.  We are all only travelers here for a short while.  This is NOT our final destination, and what He has in store for us is beyond our comprehension.  Jesus, we trust in You. 

Recent stories

Let's Get Real

April 26, 2023

Reality is living in the aftermath of watching you suffer and die is much more difficult than I ever imagined.

Reality is it has been nearly four years since our world was flipped upside down and nearly three years since I naively thought the nightmare was over.  Truly, it was only beginning.

Time marches on, but I remain stuck in time. The world moves. I move too, but never forward.  

Reality is you have been gone for almost three years, but my grief shows no signs of relenting.

What is real is the perpetual lump in my throat.

What is real are the tears which threaten to spill at any moment, on any day, for any reason.

The bitterness and anger which weigh down my soul...they are real too.  As is the envy which rears its ugly head with an embarrassingly humbling frequency.

The constant assault of memories of every single way I failed you as a mother? Yeah. This brutality is hands down my least favorite form of real.

Reality is, while you were alive, while you were suffering, my faith was strong and it literally saved me. I clung to Him.  I clung to Him, not because I was strong, but rather because I had no choice.  I was so weak I had no choice but to embrace the weakness and cling to Him in faith. This was the only way to survive.  There was no time to think.  Every moment was an opportunity to live with you. We were in survival mode.

Reality is survival mode was a much brighter place to live in than the aftermath has been. 

Survival mode meant constant surrender to Him and whatever His will had in store for you, for us. Constant surrender led to a peace which permeated my soul. 

Survival mode meant choosing joy every moment so as not to waste a single moment. Our house was never before, and has not been since, as joyful as it was during the eleven months we spent choosing joy with you.

Survival mode meant modeling unyielding trust in the goodness of His holy will, and whatever suffering it brought with it, in hopes that your faith would not waiver at the moment of death.  Trust in the goodness of His holy will soothed my pain, and I hope it did yours as well. Our purpose on this earth, our only purpose, remained at the forefront of every thought.  "This is NOT the end," was our constant mantra. This perspective, even now, makes it seem like so much less of a cross.  Unfortunately, most of the time in the aftermath, I forget this truth.

Reality is those months were difficult, but our faith, choosing joy, and trusting in Him, literally kept us afloat and allowed us to weather the storm with relative ease.  

When I awoke a few hours after your soul had departed and your body had been released from our home, the weight of all that had happened began to descend upon me.  For the first time since diagnosis I allowed myself to feel it, and it was heavy.  Darkness immediately entered in, bringing with it doubt, which three years later continues to torment my soul. That darkness descended upon me, remains in me, and has continued to fester for nearly three years now.  

Of those nearly three years, this last year has proven to be the worst.  As I wrote above, time marches on.  While I've been mentally imprisoned in 2019, everyone around me has moved forward with the march of time. Gabe, still newly confirmed and fresh out of grade 8 in my mind, has grown into an adult man, ready to graduate high school and leave the nest. JP was just confirmed and moves on to high school next fall. It's like a repeat of 4 years ago without me understanding how it's all happening again when it just happened. Emeric?  He's no longer the baby. He's finishing sixth grade and is about to make me the shortest member of our family. My greatest shock though, is seeing the infants you held in your sickness grown into independent four year olds. Time marches on and my brain fails to fully comprehend it.  

While the rest of the world is moving further and further away from what happened, I am just waking up to the reality of it. This awakening has been intensified in the past six months. I am now for the first time feeling the weight of all of this sans medication. This is difficult, but I think it is a process I need to go through. 

The reality is, in my grief I have lost focus of the truths which sustained me through those darkest hours and gave me joy in the midst of suffering. I have forgotten the most important realities:
-I am a child of God.
-You always belonged to Him and were only on loan to us.
-This world is not our final destination.
-This world is nothing but the blink of an eye in eternity.
-Your soul, my soul, all of our souls, were made to be with Him in heaven.
-His plan is ALWAYS for the good of our souls, therefore, peace is found in surrender to His holy will.
-Joy is a choice, and can be possessed in the midst of the greatest crosses.
-All the saints carried gigantic crosses.
-You left this earth in a state of grace...mission complete.
-He cried with me.
-He rejoiced for you...because He KNOWS the end of the story!
-He carried me.
-He loves you more than I do.
-He knows what He's doing.
-I'm in good company. No one knows the pain of watching a child suffer and die more intimately than sweet Mama Mary.
-Light shatters the darkness.
-You spent countless hours scouring the internet reading about saints throughout your childhood. Now you reside with them, or certainly will someday if you are still purgatory.
-Purgatory is a wonderful gift!
-This is not the end.
-The reality is without Him this life is pointless.
-What so many turn their backs on and throw away, you clung to, and treasured.
-Your suffering is gone.
-Your mission continues on the other side of the veil.
-You're more alive than ever.
-All my mistakes and failings no longer hurt you.
-Goldfinches covering a tree
-An oriole literally knocking on the front window
-Creeping Phylox blooming on your grave in December
-The beautiful cloud pointing out the direction to your funeral Mass
-A monstrosity of a dandelion
-The clearing of your complexion moments after death
-A dragonfly refusing to fly away and allowing humans to pet it

It's all real. All of it. The devil tries to convince me it's not. He's a liar and delights in messing with my naturally pessimistic head.

So what is reality?  Reality is I'm a hot mess. I'm a hot mess, and that's okay.  It's okay, but I don't want to stay a hot mess forever. I need to find my way back to focusing on the beauty of truth.  Without which, I would never have made it this far.Doubt and despair are friends of darkness and enemies of the light. We must cling to the light and find our solace in Him and in His truths.

Rest in peace, sweet girl. Help me to see reality clearly.  Pray for me.  Pray for all of us.  We need your prayers.

The Gift of Blooms in Winter

December 29, 2022
Good afternoon, my sweet girl.  I made it to the cemetery to switch the advent wreath out for a bit of wintery-Christmas decor.  In my efforts to tidy things up a bit, I knelt down to pick up what I thought were loose petals of artificial flowers that had blown onto the green creeping/moss phlox in front of your stone.  However, once my old eyes got closer I realized they were far from artificial petals in need of pick up.  Rather, they were buds on the creeping/moss phlox, trying to open...ON DECEMBER 29!  Granted, today we have unseasonably warm weather (mid fifties), but in the last week we've had highs of : -8, 3, 5, 14, 16, 36, and 48.  I even checked all my phlox in the backyard (which is always the first/warmest area to produce blooms in the spring,) they are all bare. From the bottom of this plant-loving mama's heart, I ask you, sweet girl, to thank Him for this little gift to me. Thank Him for giving me this bit of unexpected and unseasonable beauty in the midst of this dark winter I've been living in.
All my love,

Our Intercessor

December 13, 2021
Chances are very likely if you have asked for prayers in the past couple months, and I have responded, I have prayed.  I have prayed, but I've also asked her to pray and placed your intention in this beautiful box in her room.  This connection of seeking intercession from our friends on earth as well as those in purgatory and heaven is a powerful comfort and reminder we are all together as part of Holy Mother Church.  I love asking her to pray.  It reminds me that she still lives and has a mission.  Before she died, dear Fr. Parker encouraged her to ask St. Therese to join her in spending her heaven doing good on earth.  Isabella took his advice and made this request.  I trust she is doing just that.  So send your prayers.  Seek her intercession. 
My faith is weak and sometimes I am plagued with negativity and doubt.  Not Dave's though.  When he prays, he fully expects results.  He is not shy about asking big.  He never has been and God blesses him abundantly when he does this.  So I have to share...Dave missing so much work when she was sick, and the pandemic, have resulted in us getting creative and pinching pennies more than we've had to in the past.  Empty schedules send him to his knees.  We were in her room the other night and I was showing him the "treasure box of prayers" asking her to intercede.  He decided to ask her to pray for his work schedule.  He specifically requested for his schedule to fill up until he retires.  His days which had very few patients scheduled are filling to the max day by day.  This is, of course, due to the hard work of the office girls who are making phone calls and trying to fill it up, but in our hearts we also know someone has asked Our Lord for this gift for her earthly family.  When he came home for lunch today, he joyfully announced, "Izzie's killing me again today!"  Thank you, dear girl, for praying for us, and thank you, Lord, for taking care of our daily bread.

P.S. We are hoping to set up a weather safe small box at her grave for anyone who wants to visit and leave a prayer request.  Again, her daddy thinks big.  He strongly desires her to be considered for sainthood (what daddy wouldn't?) and if God wills for this to happen there are going to have to be people asking her to intercede.  So we welcome your requests and visits.

P.P.S. The picture is of her as she appeared at her funeral.  First Communion Veil, Confirmation dress.  The rosary she was holding when she passed.

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