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October 27, 2023
Hey Dad! 
I am so saddened by the loss of your physical body on this earth. You were always another Dad to me. You taught me, and scolded me, praised me, and rejoiced with me, and for that I will forever be grateful! 
You were a fighter! You knew you had more to do on this Earth before you were to go home to Papa, so you held on for many many years to accomplish your earthly duties! God decided you succeeded in you purpose here and brought you home. No more pain, no more suffering... YOU ARE FREE! 
I will forever be thankful for your place in my life. You will always be "Dad"! I am grateful that I have A LOT of memories to look back on and laugh, or cry about. Thank you! Thank you for making an impact in my life. Thank you for loving me as one of your own no matter how far I strayed, and thank you for being my other Dad! I promise to stay by Leah's side and make sure she is ok too. I love you!

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