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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Jackie Rupe, 77 years old, born on January 14, 1935, and passed away on April 28, 2012. We will remember him forever.
April 28
April 28
I can't believe it's been 12 years dad, it has been a nightmare to say the least the last month and a half but it's not something that we haven't been through before and we stuck together and came through it together, and I know that your with me on each trip back and forth just as I was with you. You and mom are my constant that I can always count on to be by my side no matter what. The Love is there as you never let me forget it, whether it be through life or death, I still feel it, I still feel your hugs ever once in awhile and when I least expect them there you are. Thank you Dad for your strength your love and for every fiber of being in me that's going to get me through this battle. I know that you are going to give me even more strength then ever this next few days and weeks as I go along this journey but I still have mom and Angel to help me here on earth and you watching above me. I love you and miss you so much Dad and I'll be looking forward to those hugs more then ever over the next several weeks for only you could hug like nobody else
April 28
Well Dad... Another year.... And I don't miss you any less. So many things continue to happen that we all could sure use your no nonsense advice! I'd give anything to have you here for another day if you could be here without the pain you were in when you left us ❤️ I love you Dad.., will see you again one day.. Oh what a reunion that will be ❤️... Love, Angel
January 14
January 14
Dad, I had the best two days reminiscing and listening to all of the great country music that you loved listening to, I know that I didn’t get them all played and shared but it was more emotional than I ever realized it would be, good night dad, love you bunches and bunches, a bushel and a peck a hug around the neck, you bet your bottom dollar I do.
January 14
January 14
Happy 89th Birthday Dad,
I hope that you are able to hear the music that I've shared and that I'm sharing, it wouldn't be right not to listen to your favorite songs this time of year. I'm so glad that we took you to Nashville with us and played the music all the way there and back, you never got us lost once, what a trip!!!
Thanks for being with Angel during her surgery and dad continue to look over Terry Gene until he recovers.
Mom is sure missing you and talks more about you it seems more then ever. I hope that your all having a big party like you've never had before dad and it's getting so much closer to us all being together. Love you and miss you more then ever each day dad. Give everyone big hugs and enjoy your day, keep watching over us, and day throw a pebble and hit that daughter of mine up side the head to get her attention and tell her to straighten up, she knows she isn't acting right and she needs a good talking to by you if you were only here to do it. Watch over Brian dad because dad I don't think he's very healthy and he's very bull headed.
All of the grandkids are growing up so fast and that youngest granddaughter dad you would just love her to pieces, we don't get to see her as often as we'd like so we can't get blamed for spoiling her.
Dad please be with me this next week as I go for tests and again in a couple of weeks for follow ups. I'm sure you already know your getting another great grand baby from Blaise, they will have quite a crew then, but they are happy
Please be with Keegan as he trys to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Help guide him dad.
Mallory is doing great in school, please continue to watch over her as well as all of the other grandkids as it's such a scary world we live in down here.
Love you Dad and Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
Eleven years and the time goes by so fast yet the hurt doesn't go, so much has happened and with the new baby and the two oldest graduating next month dad you would be so proud. 
I hope your having a good time with everyone and keep watching over each of us as we keep marching on through this thing we call life. Love you always. 
January 14, 2023
January 14, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad, oh dad how I'd love to have to you here to have a big birthday party with you my kids and grandkids. My grandkids loved to have birthdays with you and continue with mom, I know you're having a great party today and your with so many loved ones more there then here but it doesn't make it any easier on us but I wish you all the best and love you bunches and bunches. Until I can get that big hug again dad, again I love and miss you so much
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
Another Christmas has come and gone and it's not gotten any easier, we spent the day at Brian's watching the kids open presents, it's so different since you've passed and if you were here I know that you would be able to talk some sense into some of us and straighten things out because everyone listened to you dad. I have been so torn and heartbroken this last couple of years that I don't even know where to turn anymore or who to talk to because I can't explain all the feelings that I am feeling, I could sure use one of your hugs right about now.
Mom thinks each day that she's failing but she's the strongest person that I know and as you know she's not the one to talk to because she's so strong, I know that you are missing her and dream of the day that your back together but dad we still need her here with us a while longer please.
Oh these kids are all growing up so fast and the oldest two will graduate this year please watch over them, watch over all of them please, this new baby, Ruby Lucille, oh my gosh dad!! The Love is so strong and she smiles and laughs just looking at her and I just think my dad would love her to pieces, I know that you were here for this one because she's doing so well, better then expected and I just know that you and God had a hand in that. I just can't tell you enough at how sweet she is, like you always said they get more sweeter the more that came and the love grows and it's there and I could see grandma Nellie holding her and hear her laugh as she was looking at her just the same way as she did Beth Anne.
Charlie is the tallest of the entire family now dad and he was just a toddler when you passed, but him and Keerstan both have really shot up, Keerstan plays all kinds of sports and has grown into quite the young lady. Nellie as I said received a car so 3 have cars now and I know you would of loved to of driven the country roads with them teach them how to drive. Keerstan and Charlie are old enough to get their permits and probably will come spring and will be driving.
Raymond is Raymond he loves making videos on his phone and sharing them with people, he only needs a few hundred more followers and he will start getting paid for making them.
I'm sure your Christmas was a little brighter since most of your family is all together and what a family Christmas you all must of had, I'm so happy for all of you. I'll close for now dad and never forget that I always love and miss you today as much as the day you left. Love Brenda
January 15, 2022
January 15, 2022
Oh Dad..... Every year I think.. How is it another year you are gone?? If there was one thing you taught us kids, you taught us the value of time and how fast it goes so we need to cherish every minute of it. The days we are going through right now..I am certain you wouldn't have made it through and sounds strange but I'm glad you weren't here to have to go through what's going on down here on Earth :( I tried my hardest to keep Covid from breaching my family but.... Our kids always think it'll never happen to them... And I got it from Melia. There were some hours there I really thought I would come see you again..I know it was mainly my fear of this virus. I know I need to be here for my family and knock some sense into them!!! Another year... In April you will be gone 10 years :( 10 years of missing you so much. I love you so very much Dad..I hope you hear me talk to you often. I love you..... Angel
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad!! It was so nice yesterday to hear someone laughing and saying your name. Saying if this were your Uncle Raymond!!!! I know that you're still thought of by others. It's going to be a better year going forward with you looking over us and there is going to be even more love coming into our lives, and yes I feel the love already as you said there would always be room for, thank you for always instilling that in us because those are the truest words ever spoken. You're the richest person on earth, if you have children because it's something that money can never buy is that feling in your heart of the love of children, and it just grows with each one, you don't know where it comes from but it's just there. Love you bunches Dad, today, tomorrow and forever. Until I get that big hug again.
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Dad here we are coming up on another Christmas without you and as the first Christmasafter you left, this one will be just as hard. Oh how is I wish you were here to tell me the story of me wanting news for Christmas. I still have my news dad and I'll probably ask to have it be with me when I go.
I love you Dad, today, tomorrow and forever. Have a Merry Christmas in Heaven Dad with All of your Family and give them all big hugs.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Happy 86th Birthday Dad, I hope today is filled with all of the fun and laughter with your family that you so deserve and your all getting so close to being all back together. As you all can see the Hell that is being raised down here and I'm sure your all up there looking out for us down here and I can just imagine the conversations going on about it up there and your fists are just going. Please keep watching over all of us and this crazy world we are living in and as always I love and miss you dad and long to be with you.
December 22, 2020
December 22, 2020
Another Christmas without you here but we know that Mary Jane and Jean have joined you and the rest of the family, what a joy that must have been for you and the rest of the family dad. I can just imagine the smile on your face and you giving Aunt Mary one of your big hugs oh how lucky she was to get that hug. I miss you just as much as the day thst you left but I feel more comfort that tou are there than here each passing day with the way the world is going because dad you would be so disappointed. I really wish that I could talk to you and hear your advice but I know that it won't be long and you will be giving me one of your big hugs and I'll have all of your advice that I'll ever need..Love you Dad and Have A Merry Christmas with All of Your Family.
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
Another year and dad in just 28 minutes from now it's been 8 full long hard years and I wish that I could say things have gotten easier, but it hasn't. A new great grandbaby came yesterday but you already know that. Yes dad the love just keep flowing as you always reminded each one of us. I love how you shared your wisdom and life lessons with us even if we didn't think it applied to us after all of these years everyone of them have been so true. Why didn't I listen to you, I've said to myself so many times. Thanks Dad for looking out for each and everyone of of us and I hope that your sitting there with all of your loving family as more of you are there than here, have a big group hug and I love you bunches and bunches Dad.
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Happy birthday Dad. I love you and miss you more and more everyday. As I drift off to sleep tonight I think back on the past month and think what would dad tell me.... You would tell me to hold my head up high. Take care of myself. Take this new job.. Show them all what you're made of and by God don't take shit from no one sissy.
Thanks Dad ❤️ I love you....... Angel
I hope to make you proud Dad
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Happy Birthday Dad, I love and miss you as the day you left. I hope your all having a big birthday party today to celebrate. Love you forever.
January 14, 2018
January 14, 2018
Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad anotheryear passes and we miss you just as much as the day you left us. Love you Always.
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Five years have come and gone but the hurt and pain are still there maybe a little softened but still not easy as I would love to call and ask questions or share happy stories or events with you. Love you the same today as the day you left and I know your having a family reunion that we are oh so jealous that we are not a part of. Until I am able to give you a big hug and get one in return dad, Love you so.
January 14, 2017
January 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Dad♡ I know you have more family and friends sharing it with you there. Love and miss you each and every day and give each of them a hug and kiss ftom me, and if you run across Dorothy Please give her an extra tight hug and kiss from me and tell her Happy Birthday also. You two are missed by so many.
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Oh so much has happened these past many months since you have been gone. Not a day goes by that i don't by that your not in my thoughts. I can still feel your loving hugs, Oh to have them wrapped around me again is so much to look forward to. I would love to be baking a cake with my grand babies today. Nellie still cries for you. Little penguin still smiles that smile when I tell her how much you loved each and everyone of them. Mallory and Keegan are growing up so fast. I wish Charlie and Raymond could of known you better they are best buds, but I can see so many things they say and do with the same ornery things you would laugh about. I feel your love coming from Raymond, He just turns to us and gives a kiss and tells us he loves and then hugs, he's going to have your affection. You would really be proud of what all your grand kids have accomplished all are so grown up and having more babies and yes there is always the love stronger with each one. Josh is really making his mark on the world . Dad the loss of so many this past year Robert, Sis, Mariah, Tia, Flora really drained from al of the changes.I just know what I have and what I have to look forward to is comfort enough to get through. Love You always forever and ever. A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, you bet your bottom dollar I do.
May 7, 2014
May 7, 2014
Dad it has been 2 years plus and heart still aches for your hugs and advise. so glad you are still visiting Keerstan and calling her your little penguin. Love and miss you so much. Love Brenda
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Dad I just want to thank you for still being in my heart day and night and the warmth that you have left there that nobody can take away. Many things have come and gone but our love for you remains
   Happy Birthday Dad  Love You!!
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Happy Birthday Grandpa Rupe!! From Sissy Andy, your little man, your little penguin and Raymond Wyatt. We love you and miss you but know that you are here with us everyday.
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Mr. Rupe,
Although we only had several visits I remember you watching your baseball and asking me who I would root for. Well I really wanted to say I root for whoever you root for, I would just say, oh I dont really know. What I do know is your family is blessed with you as their Angel.
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
No words can express how much I miss you, you were more of a father to me than my own... What I would do you drive down an old dirt road or go fishing with you. Even hear you yell an cuss about us running in and out slamming the door. You will always be with me..
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Happy 79th Birthday Dad
     Love Brenda
April 28, 2013
April 28, 2013 I wish we could go back to the simple days of fishing at soap creek when you lost your fishing pole you just got for Father's Day. One more day of you watching Melia and letting her run through the water in her more day of 'Sissy stop your wishing your life away'... one more pat of your hand.. one more sound of your contagious laughter. I miss you every hour of every day
April 28, 2013
April 28, 2013
Candle lit by Brenda Morgan on 28th April 2013
"Dad You will always be my best friend not a day or even an hour goes by your not in my thoughts. You brought me home in a snow storm a foot of snow they say, You carried me on your shoulders when I would get tired. You and Mom bought all that you could think, hoping this was my news that I knew Santa would bring. but never. So in the hot summer
April 28, 2013
April 28, 2013
was my news in the window of the gas station and the maps were free. You will never know the love we all still have for you, just know you will always be in our hearts forever.   Love Forever Brenda
May 20, 2012
May 20, 2012
He sure did do it 'his' way- up to his last breathe! Words cant even begin to express the loss I feel every day. So many words of advice and wisdom you gave to us all dad. They tell me it gets easier but right now nothing makes sense without you to call and what I would give to hear the words 'oh sissy' just one more time. Love you more than you'll ever know.
May 19, 2012
May 19, 2012
This is a memorial to you Dad. Not enough time or space to tell you all that you have neant to me my kids and grandkids, So many good times and memories. Thank You God for letting me have the Father that you blessed me with. Dad Know you are in my heart and that like you always said, "I don't need pictures I have them right up here."
May 19, 2012
May 19, 2012
On this Day Dad your Dad passed and on this 39th anniverasry of his passing may You both be at peace. Love You both Dad and Grandpa!!!

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April 28
April 28
I can't believe it's been 12 years dad, it has been a nightmare to say the least the last month and a half but it's not something that we haven't been through before and we stuck together and came through it together, and I know that your with me on each trip back and forth just as I was with you. You and mom are my constant that I can always count on to be by my side no matter what. The Love is there as you never let me forget it, whether it be through life or death, I still feel it, I still feel your hugs ever once in awhile and when I least expect them there you are. Thank you Dad for your strength your love and for every fiber of being in me that's going to get me through this battle. I know that you are going to give me even more strength then ever this next few days and weeks as I go along this journey but I still have mom and Angel to help me here on earth and you watching above me. I love you and miss you so much Dad and I'll be looking forward to those hugs more then ever over the next several weeks for only you could hug like nobody else
April 28
Well Dad... Another year.... And I don't miss you any less. So many things continue to happen that we all could sure use your no nonsense advice! I'd give anything to have you here for another day if you could be here without the pain you were in when you left us ❤️ I love you Dad.., will see you again one day.. Oh what a reunion that will be ❤️... Love, Angel
January 14
January 14
Dad, I had the best two days reminiscing and listening to all of the great country music that you loved listening to, I know that I didn’t get them all played and shared but it was more emotional than I ever realized it would be, good night dad, love you bunches and bunches, a bushel and a peck a hug around the neck, you bet your bottom dollar I do.
His Life

Need You Now Dad

March 21, 2023
Dad I need you and your advice more then ever. As you know Angel needs you Dad,  she's gotten the worse news ever and Dad I don't know what to do to fix this. Dad gather everyone please and all of the Angel's and God please touch her and heal her mind and body.  Dad if you were here you would make it all better and I love you so much.. Thank you Dad for looking over us and please protect us as you have continued to do forever.
Recent stories

9th Anniversary of your passing dad

April 28, 2021
Another year has come around and this last year dad is a year that I can truly say I'm glad that your witnessing from afar and not here to have had been a part of all the horrible mess this country has gone through.  The bright spots have been the grandkids and thank goodness for them.You would be so proud of each and everyone of them and how much they have not only grown but how much they have accomplished in their lives. This thing called covid has been much worse then the Spanish flu and the crazy things that wento with the election I think may have given you a heart attack if you would have been here. I  pray that Mary, Joanne, Cindy, and Dean are all there with the family now and the family have all welcomed them and your all having a big reunion with each one that comes one by one. I  love you and still miss you as much as I did the day you left if I more because I could really use your advice about things in this crazy world we are living in, it's nothing like it ever was before that's for sure.
Love you so much Dad ❣

Raymond's 2nd place win

January 14, 2019

Raymond won 2nd place in wrestling tournament,  I know how you loved watching Rick wrestle. Grandma Nellie would love that all her great great grandkids love to watch WWE Wrestling and they all get just as excited as she did, and they believe it is real too. 

Keerstan Marie

January 14, 2019

Keerstan Marie, your little penguin,  has become quite the fastpitch softball player. You would love to watch her pitch dad she puts her whole heart and soul into the game. Still little but starting to grow. So busy with playing sports and dance I wonder where she gets the energy. Her mom by her side coaching her and I hope your watching as I know you would be so proud of all the kids playing sports.

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