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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, James(Bill) Smith 50 years old , born on August 14, 1965 and passed away on August 28, 2015. We will Miss & Love him always & forever. My Brother was one or the biggest bestest hearted men I ever known God blessed me when he chose him to be my big brother I could never ever repay my brother for the love & everything he done for me he was my hero my bestfriend the only one out of my birth family real truly loved me he said as long as i have him I would always have & know Love he will always be in my heart 4-Ever

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August 17, 2019
I have so many memories of him from the first to the last his was a very good friend him and his brother moved in and a few days turn in to years we all loved the friendly person he was and help anyway he could we would all pile up on what ever Brian was driving and head to the lake or just riding around my kids thought of him as a uncle the boys wanted to be like him. Brian, Bill,& Charlie became like brothers and so the other Smith's became family it really broke many heart's when he passed But now he is with his brother Brian Moore again I can only imagine the trouble they are into now keep looking down on us all and out of trouble love you forever

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