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November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022
My dearest son, today marks two years since you left us and I miss and think of you everyday. Reva is with you now which makes it easier on me knowing that she has joined you, and that you are not alone.  I know that you are both now in a better place, made whole and no longer in pain. I love you both.
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
I have so many wonderful memories of You & Reva, and I'm so glad that we got to spend so much time together. Jimmy & I were always blessed to have you and Brandon always there to help us take care of the yard during Jimmy's cancer. I was also blessed that you always asked me to come along on your vacations. Little did I know then that those would become some of the most wonderful memories that I keep close to my heart. I love and miss you both.
January 21, 2022
January 21, 2022
What a fitting Christmas gift for you Brian. Your precious Reva couldn't wait any longer and went straight to Heaven to join you on Christmas Day 2021. I still miss you and I will greatly miss Reva as well, but I won't worry about you as much now that you are both together once again. I love you both and one day we will all be together once again.
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Brian, you loved Christmas so much and would look forward to it with much anticipation and delight, just like a child. This Christmas (2021) will be the second Christmas that we will be spending without you, but you will be in our hearts, and in our prayers as we remember you on Christmas Day. 
July 23, 2021
July 23, 2021
Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind, and I miss your company and companionship very much. I remember all the late nights that we spent playing cards together. It was a sad time for both of us, but at least we had each other to talk to, and to help get us through the rough times that we were having. I wish that you were still here, but God had other plans for you and I'm sure that you and Jimmy are having a good time together, along with Sandie, Grandmother and Grampa Hatcher, and of course your dad. I should be happy that you made it to the place that we all strive to be first, and I am, but I still miss you. Love, Mom
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
Today I'm thinking about how sad tomorrow will be for your two sons, Doug and Brandon. It will be their first Father's Day without you in their entire lives, and it brings so much sadness and tears into my eyes just thinking about how sad their day will be without you here. I know that Reva and the boys always tried to make it a special day for you, and I know how much you loved being their Dad. I just want them to know, and Reva too, that I'm thinking and praying for them to get through this Father's Day without your physical presence here, but I do know that your spirit will always be in their hearts forever, and that you will always be loved and you will never be forgotten by all of us who loved you.
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
Brian, It's Memorial Day. The first Memorial Day without you here and I miss you so much. Suzanne, Sharon & I went out to visit you the other day and we played some of your favorite songs for you. Suzanne mowed all around your grave and it looked so pretty with the peonies that you planted for your dad just beginning to bloom. Suzanne & Sharon watered the flowers.  Ray is out there mowing again today just in case Reva & Brandon go out there to visit you. We all miss you so much, but I know that you are watching over all of us. We will never forget you or stop loving you.
May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
I miss my son very much. I think of him daily and he is always in my thoughts and in my prayers, day and night. I pray that he didn't suffer, and that he just fell asleep and never woke up. I pray that he wasn't upset or depressed, and that he just fell asleep while watching TV. There was no autopsy, so the manner of his death will never be known for sure. The coroner just called it a heart attack on site and that was that.

I LOVE YOU BRIAN!!! and I miss you so very much. Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind and in my heart. Everything reminds me of you. How you used to come over just to pet Jybow because you knew that she was missing Jimmy, all the bowls and walking sticks around my house, Jewelry and knives that you made for me. Even the rolling pin that you made just for me on your lathe. Pictures of you are everywhere that I look and the girls and I share memories of you all the time. You'll never be forgotten and you were always loved. I just wish we got to spend more time with you to show you just how important you were to all of us that loved you. I miss you more as each day goes by since you left us. It's not getting any easier without you here. I love you and always will.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
You are on my mind today as you are everyday. I have so many things to tell you and talk to you about and advice I need. Our sons remind me so much of you in the things they do and say. And not to mention how much they look like you. Oh Brian I miss you so much. It's not any easier for any of us. I don't have any stories today just wanted to tell you things and I love you bunches ❣️ Brandon wants me to start a blog because he wants to hear stories he may not of heard of you and me. So I am going to start a new blog just about things of you and me. I miss you so much and love you.
March 2, 2021
March 2, 2021
Today we would be celebrating your 59th birthday . How I wish I could be with you. But I have you in my heart forever and I have all the memories ❤️. I'm sure you are up there celebrating with your Dad, Jimmy, my mom and dad and many others. One fine day I will be there too to celebrate with y'all. Right now I will celebrate the life you had here on earth and me being able to share your life with you. It was amazing. Sure, we had our ups and downs, but who doesn't. You were a very amazing husband, best friend, soulmate and I love you dearly. So, Happy Birthday sweetheart , until we meet again. I will love you forever and ever ❤️
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Today is Valentine's day and if you were here we would probably be on an adventure and me figuring out where we were heading and what we were doing. You were so romantic, especially on Valentine's day.
I remember so many but one stands out more than any. I thought we were going to your mom's for the weekend but to my surprise we wound up at a motel in Berea. Me, you and Doug were getting gas and you said we should get a room at the hotel next door. We went to the parking lot and you had found a hotel key on the ground by our car. Me not guessing what you were up to kept saying we couldn't afford a room. You said let's go see what the room looks like and I was like, that's someone's room. We went up there and there were flowers, flower petals on the bed, bottle of wine, and a box of chocolates. You finally had to tell me it was our room and happy valentine day. Lol
How much I miss you. Everything about you. So happy valentine day sweetheart I love you so much forever and always.
Sweet thing
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021

The Four Bears in the Woods

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Gifts from my husband
What a talented husband I have. I took these pictures a while ago of some things my husband has made me recently over the years. The lighthouse being the latest. I love lighthouses and seen these at the store one day but they were way too expensive. For Christmas one year this is what I got from Papa Bear. Below is windchimes which was a present I received for a birthday. They sound so nice too when the wind blows.
Papa Bear is very talented in all kinds of things. I honestly can say that I haven't seen much that he can't do. He is the jack of all trades. I remember when we were first married we couldnt afford a mechanic so he went to the library and checked out a Chilton's manual on our car and fixed it himself. Since then if there is anything that needs to be done he will figure it out or study up on it and just does it. He amazes me with all of his talent. One thing I wish I hda taken a picture of is a todem pole he made me one year for my birthday. We had been to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee and I liked the Todem Poles. Well.. when we came home that year for my birthday I received a todem pole, and much nicer than the ones I had seen in Pigeon Forge. He is great at landscaping and all kinds of things. If he gets an ideal you can bet he is going to do his best to do it. So thank you Papa Bear for all of your nice gifts and for saving us so much money in what you do. I love you very much.
Mama Bear  
The Four Bears in the Woods at 6:34 AM

Sandy Hatcher-WallaceJuly 04, 2006 9:11 AM
Those are the kinds of gifts that mean so much...the ones handmade with love.

I have to fully agree with you, that Papa Bear is a very talented and smart bear, *S* who has a very loving heart. He's also cuddly.

And I'm not just saying that because he's my son...Jimmy also feels that way too. Jimmy has called for his expert advise on many things and Papa Bear has always been willing to help Jimmy solve any problem that he might have.

I think the reason Papa Bear makes you these nice gifts, is not to save money, but because he wants to show you how much he loves you. You are a very lucky bear, but you already know that.

Papa Bear is also fortunate that he found the perfect mate for him.


tomlaureld@yahoo.comJuly 04, 2006 12:10 PM
That bottom photo: is that looking out your front door? It seems that it is; it is a great view.


RachelJuly 06, 2006 9:26 PM
Wow, Papa Bear is a keeper for sure!!

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Come back again!!!


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January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021
It's going to be hard starting this New Year 2021 without you. You've been in my life since 1961 when I first became pregnant with you, and I didn't know what real unconditional love was until I first held you in my arms for the very first time on March 2, 1962 when I became your mother, and you became my son. Even tho I always knew that it was possible, I never dreamed that one day you would no longer be here. I just took it for granted that you would always be in my life. I'll miss you and all the love, happiness and joy that you brought to me, but your memory will always remain in my heart forever.
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
The holidays are the hardest. I remember how much you loved them. You were always so excited to take the kids to see the Northern Lights, and eat the Christmas Candy. Certain things during the season just flashes memories of you and our family thru my mind. Its still so hard to think that you're gone. I know you're in Heaven looking down on us, but we sure do miss you.. You were the best father-in-law. You taught me so much over the years. Thank you for everything. Rest in Peace.
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
“but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:20-21

Brian you were and are our treasure, and now you are safely in heaven.
December 26, 2020
December 26, 2020
Brian, Christmas wasn't the same without you here this year. I miss you so much.  I couldn't bring myself to bake or make any of the fudges that you liked so well. Each time I went into the kitchen to start I would burst out crying. My heart is broken and I can't stop crying, I miss you so much. You and I tried so hard to stay healthy and not catch the corona virus, but God had other plans for you and called you home. Maybe you didn't catch the virus, but it was your time to leave us and I wasn't ready for that. I don't think a mother is ever ready to have her child pass away so soon, before her. I wanted you to stay longer, which is selfish of me because you are now in the place we all are trying to get to, heaven. I love you and I will miss you, and one day I hope to see you again.
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – author unknown

Yesterday I felt okay
I smiled when I thought of you.
I remembered happy times, and the funny things you’d do.
But today I felt so very sad I think of you and cry.
I’m missing you so very much
And still asking God why?
I don’t know what will happen when I face another day.
What will tomorrow bring?
Will I cry or be okay?
This roller coaster of emotions is the worst of my life.
Nothing can prepare you for the never ending strife.
I may not handle my emotions the way that I should do.
But I still thank the Lord
For the time I had with you.
December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020
Well you finally got your wings. I'm so happy for you, but I miss you with all my heart. We all miss you and we will never forget you or stop loving you. You are my son and one day I hope to see you again. I can only imagine how wonderful it must be for you there in heaven. No more pain, no more diabetes and all the problems that go along with that. No more health problems. You are a brand new perfectly healthy man. Even tho my heart is broken, I know that you are happier than you have ever been. I love you son, and you will always be in my heart..

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