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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, James (Jimmy, Jim, Papa) Snodgrass, 75 years old, born on August 2, 1941, and passed away on March 29, 2017. We will remember him forever.
December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018
Jim was a good and great friend of Bob Speirer.  He became my friend after I married Bob. He came to our home often when the two worked together. He
even made a trip to Montana to go hunting with Bob after retirement. My Bob died on October 18th. 2017. I know the two friends are together in heaven.
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
I watched the funeral of President George H. W. Bush today. He was so loved and such a great and funny man. It made me think of you. I'm sure that you and Grandpa are up there having him sign the certificate that Clinton signed. LOL Love ya Daddio. Miss you. So many greats leaving this earth and you are included in that company.
September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
I am sure your dad would be getting excited as rifle elk season is just around the corner.
March 29, 2018
March 29, 2018
I loved my brother! Although we lived away from each other, it was like we were never apart when we were together! He told the nurses the last day, that Alice and I were his angels! What a tribute. I too miss him.
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Dear Dad,

It's hard to believe a year has gone by. Mostly, the tears have turned to laughter, but I really miss our talks. I miss your always playing devil's advocate and getting me to look at the other side. I miss the solidarity you always had with me; it was always "we'll get through this", not "you'll get through this."

I miss how proud you were of me always and at each and every point in my life. I miss your hand on my shoulder, I miss making you laugh, I miss our talks about religion, parenting and politics. I miss hearing about the wildlife you saw or the fish you caught.

I miss just joking around with you. I miss giving you a hard time when you came home empty handed from elk season, telling you that you really only go hunting to see elk through your scope.

I miss visiting with you at your house on the Western Slope, and our routine of my cooking and your dish washing. I miss a good meal getting me a "you're too good to me" or a "you're a good kid."

As Sara and I spend time together and talk about you, neither of us remember a time when we didn't like our Dad. Not even in the horrible teenage years.

One year ago today, you told we three kids that it had been an honor and a blessing being in our lives; but Dad, YOU were the blessing in my life. YOU taught me unconditional love. YOU taught me that strength can be kindness. YOU taught me to be fair and open minded. YOU taught me to be curious. YOU taught me to love nature and the mountains and family.

I was looking forward to paying you back for all that you gave me by giving you, as you requested, your own room, a car, insurance on the car, gas money, and cable tv. That just wasn't in the plan.

Alas, I know you are around. I keep finding the pennies. I think we probably have the best guardian angel in heaven.

I love you Dad, until we meet again, or as you said when you decided not to suffer any longer, "see you on the other side."
January 12, 2018
January 12, 2018
One year ago this afternoon I was having lunch with two of my good friends when I got the call from you that you were driving yourself to the hospital in the middle of the widow maker. Little did we know....

I know it's perfect timing in everything. We just miss you. Love you Dad
October 24, 2017
October 24, 2017
Sara and I were thinking of you last night and all the funny/silly songs that remind us of you:

White Sportcoat
King of the Road
Dang Me
16 tons
Jonh Henry
Battle of New Orleans
Dueling Banjos
The Streak
Werewolves of London
Super Skier

As Sara said, "He was a funny guy and a really good Dad."

You were a really great Dad. I may be prejudice, but I don't think there are/were many like you.

Love and Misses
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
Happy Birthday Daddio. Hope you are having a great day fishing, visiting the ranch; The Rio Blanco; the Ballack homestead, watching all the wildlife, looking at wildflowers, playing the harmonica, eating ice cream and cake, hunting, riding horses, sledding, skiing, building snow forts, shooting whistle pigs, roasting marshmallows on a campfire and celebrating with all the loved ones who have gone before you. Missing you old man.
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
Happy Birthday Dad. I love you and miss you. You would be complaining about the heat and your grass drying up and what I wouldn't give to listen to you.
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
Hope you have a wonderful birthday up their in the Heavens Above. Say hello to all of my family. I sure miss you all.
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
written in 1997

A man of few words,
So when you speak, we listen;
Kind of like E.F. Hutton.

For the long talks when I came home
On the weekend from college to do laundry;
Thank you.

For listening to me late at night,
When you had to get up and go to work,
In the morning.

For the gentle guidance,
For playing devil's advocate,
When I really wanted you on my side,
Hence, helping me to see the other side,
Thank you.

For your wisdom,
Which I only see in retrospect.
For your compassion,
Your hand on my shoulder,
And for telling me you're proud.

For the "I love you"'s
Always said at just the right time,
Thank you.

I remember fondly the sessions of tickle torture,
The horse rides -bouncing on your foot,
Walking up you and flipping over
Gold panning, Fishing, and Skiing.

For the memories,
Thank you.

As I've grown,
For paying my tuition,
When I had no idea what I wanted to do,
For loaning me money,
For housing your grand-daughter and I,
For being the best Papa (Grandpa) to Ashley,
Thank you.

Now that I have a child of my own,
For doing the things with her,
that we used to do,
Horse rides, and walking up and flipping over,

For the joy it brings,
To see you two together,
In the continued, loving spirit,
That I remember as a child,
With love and affection,
Thanks Dad
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
My Dad was a beacon of light for all. He was always the one who mirrored back the good in everyone. He touched so many and was loved by so many. I know I should feel grateful that we had him a long as we did, that we had the honor and blessing of his light in our lives, and I am grateful to have had him as long as we did, but I miss him. I miss my lighthouse in stormy waters. I miss trying to make the other person laugh hardest at stupid jokes. I miss his wealth of political and world affairs information, I miss helping him see the liberal point of view, I miss talking hockey with him, I miss his calm wisdom. I miss my best friend.
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Dear Jamie 

I am really sorry to hear about Jim. We were not in close contact for quite a few years.He was about the only close freind that I had in HS.He was a role model for his sisters and everyone that he came into contact with.As I had only one recent mail from him I know he lived like he wanted and aparently was well surounded in his last time here. IT is devasting to hear that he had to go like this. I hope that if there is anything that I can do I will gladly do it.Please accept my condolences A friend who will always remember. Ken Thoman 1959

In remberence of ;jim  a quote from Will Rodges So buy a ranch somehere it the west. All your life every man has wanted to be a cowboy. Why play wallstreet and die youngwhen you can play coyboy and never die?
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
I loved visiting with your dad. He was so close to my Grandmuddie (Ethal Jordan) and my mom Peggy and Aunt Mary. 

I too just saw him not long ago on my way to work. I had to giggle because he was driving that 70's something station wagon that is all decked out with the wood panels. I hope that gave you a good giggle.

I know how your heart us hurting right now as life doesn't seem fair when we lose our parents. 

Jimmy was at our family bbq this past July and we all talked about doing another one again this year. 

It brings tears to my eyes as we have lost another one from the Jordan clan. 

Big hugs to you during this difficult time. He was a great person and will live on through you as his children.
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Dear Jamie,

I was saddened,too, to hear about the loss of your wonderful father, my cousin whom I had never met in person, but had many letters between us.
I have such admiration for him for his kindness and loving attention to his children, his mother and step mother when they were sick and failing.
I am so sorry you were put through such pain in his last days, and I am sure it was a great comfort to him.
We exchanged pictures and history of our grandparents, learning more about our families that neither of us knew.
Family has always been important to me, perhaps because I had never known any of my grandparents. The older I get (and I'm almost 93) the more I want to know about them. The one thing I'll pass on is that our Snodgrass grandparents were originally from Scotland as well as the Jamiesons so their descendants were all Scots.
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Thank you for notifying me about your DAd. We kept track of each other through Christmas card letters, so I was concerned that I hadn't heard from him this year. He had such an interesting life and I am glad that we got in touch with each other, since he was a cousin thru my mom since his dad and she were orphans. I have a Picture of his dad, my mom,and his aunt MArion when they were little. let me know if you would like a copy. My sympathy to you and your family. My many thoughts are with you. Love, cousin, Sally.
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Jamie and family,

I was saddened to hear about your father's passing. I have know Jimmie from the time Bill and I were married. After we divorced, I kept in touch with the family in Craig. Jimmie was always a kind and gentle man with whom I enjoyed visiting. I had seen him last summer at Kathy's when she had the picnic for Jordan and Kacie's visit. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

With deepest sympathy,
Elaine Jordan

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December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018
Jim was a good and great friend of Bob Speirer.  He became my friend after I married Bob. He came to our home often when the two worked together. He
even made a trip to Montana to go hunting with Bob after retirement. My Bob died on October 18th. 2017. I know the two friends are together in heaven.
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
I watched the funeral of President George H. W. Bush today. He was so loved and such a great and funny man. It made me think of you. I'm sure that you and Grandpa are up there having him sign the certificate that Clinton signed. LOL Love ya Daddio. Miss you. So many greats leaving this earth and you are included in that company.
September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
I am sure your dad would be getting excited as rifle elk season is just around the corner.
Recent stories
April 18, 2019

I have information pictures and letters on James father for a close family member, but I will need a mailing address. 

beautiful end to a beautiful life

April 15, 2018

We donated our Dad's body to Science Care. They take what they want for education and research and cremate the rest and return the ashes to us.

Dad participated in:

physician training on cervical spine injuries and deformities

endoscopic vessel harvesting to improve treatment for cardiac patients requiring coronary artery bypass graft surgery

drug penetration studies to improve drug delivery systems

physician training for hip replacement surgery

research for better treatments for teen cystic acne

Our Dad, would have been thrilled that he could contribute to education and research for teens in his death. He struggled for many years with cysts on and around his ears for years and he would have been glad that he got to contribute to easing acne for teens.

This spring, Science Care planted a tree in the San Juan National Forest in Dad's name. The perfect ending to our tree-hugging Daddio.

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